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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Bit shiny for bog paper thus not worth much at all
  2. A large socket is what is required for fitting them, if you don't have a proper tool
  3. Yikes they are a mess! I always found panhard bushes used to last no time in my old 90, went through about four sets in the two years or so I had it, though the new one seems better I think, the new 2002> vehicles have bigger panhard bushes. It could be just a dud batch of bushes, though Genuine are pretty good. You do get bad batches from other suppliers, look at this for a good example!
  4. Been a bit wet here too, I foresee myself venturing out into the wilderness to do combat with some mud later on, and get away from this darned computer
  5. Thanks David. My pessismism stems from having used it twice and seen it F up the computer both times... both of which has caused much more inconvenience and work than any virus I have ever had in the 23 years since I got my first computer, I have had a few viruses but never found it any problem getting rid of them. Until I found Windows Updates the only thing that had ever necessitated a complete reinstall was just when things got slow and messy through too much chopping and changing of installed software, in my experience there comes a point with every version of Windows back to 3.1 - usually about every 2 years - when you just need to go "aaaagh" and bite the bullet and wipe the slate clean but it is always a job you can plan for a rainy weekend rather than having it dumped on you. I unfortunately had System Restore switched off, because I had a problem with it once (I had a virus and it kept trying to restore the virus!!) and never switched it back on. I also have a program called Norton Goback and another called Norton Ghost which came as a special "PC World Norton offer" with NIS, does anybody know if these are any good? (I haven't installed them yet) one is backup and one is an alternative to System Restore. Thanks for the offer but I should be able to get SP2 here thanks, ideally I want to find a late version of windows with it already built in to the installation, like my laptop has on it (unfortunately only has it as a "Toshiba recovery CD" so no use to me) - the bloke who I think I can probably get it from is away till Monday. New HD had crossed my mind as the one I have is over half full and I have just bought a 9MP digital camera which churns out 4.5MB images The other problem with the updates is simply size - I may have DSL now but it is not very generous compared to what you would get in the UK and the unsuccessful update burnt up half my monthly data transfer allowance, which completely p****ed me off as it was all for nothing. I did have it set to "download and notify" ... I thought that would be "safer" (ha ha) and it was once I set it going that it wrecked everything Some days I am afraid I think MS do everything to p*** me off
  6. Have you marooned the entire population of this forum in the jungles of south-west England? It's awfully quiet on here this weekend .... I think you must have broken everybody
  7. I have seen this a few times and usually the alternator has gone phut as already said, but in my experience usually it is not charging either (because you tend not to notice a light that isn't there - until the battery goes flat...)
  8. Yep I think that is the way it is heading and hope for the best.... I hate doing it because it is a pain in the butt and takes AGES to get everything back how you want it, and you ALWAYS forget to back up some little thing or other before formatting the hard drive - last time it was my bookmarks The PC is ok spec-wise, P4 2.66GHz with 512MB of memory so I wasn't planning to replace it just yet... The moral of the story ladies and gentlemen must be NEVER USE WINDOWS UPDATES for my money you are better off accepting the risk of something nasty getting into your computer than downloading something which will F*** it up for sure! I have used Windows automatic updates twice now - this time and once at work - and it has wrecked everything and eventually required a full reinstall on both occasions so I don't really see the point of having it I certainly won't use them ever again....
  9. Useful suggestions only please Mr 90 It's sort of working again now but only at about 1/4 the speed it should be ... no idea why. I can see a full reinstall coming on but I need to get hold of a copy of SP2 first, not much point in doing all that work to end up back with SP1. Bang goes next weekend then ... I really must find some way of doing a "mirror" backup that can be reinstated at v short notice Bluddy nuisance, these computers, its eating into LR time and I have already been away for nearly a month without any mud
  10. the difference is with a land rover that if something doesn't work you can find out what it is, smash it and fit a new one. I do this all the time. This is equivalent to having to smash the whole vehicle and then wait 3 months for a new one to arrive though, so that isn't much good...
  11. Cheers Ralph, I tried that too, put it to "do not update". Well I have spent (wasted) 8 hours so far today and I am worse off than when I started. Reinstalled Windows and Norton (twice) and it now just doesn't work properly, half the time there is no web access, 10 times slower than it should be and the whole thing is just basically f***ed, takes a week to start up and keeps throwing up a message telling me to put in a CD for a program I have never heard of and definitely never owned.... No idea what is going on but it looks like I am going to have to buy a new computer as this one is f***ed, its the first time I have come across anything that isn't fixed by reinstalling windows so I guess something is knackered somewhere else, I give up I guess tomorrow will be wasted trying to back up all my photos and things before it dies completely I hate computers - I don't know why they can't just make one that WORKS!!!!
  12. Thanks, I looked at that earlier but I'd rather reinstall from scratch if I am going to have to live with the hassle of doing it - I've seen microsoft's idea of an "update" before - I spent ages updating the PC at work and it totally buggered up everything with the auto updates, it wasted hours of my time and then in the end I had to reinstall absolutely everything from scratch anyway.... I've uninstalled Norton now and that is ok, that problem is gone (though now I have no virus protection at all but that is better than what was happening!) but now something called SVCHOST.EXE is downloading tonnes of stuff too - and that is supposedly part of Windows... Stupid bl**dy thing I am going to go and dig my Amiga out of the loft soon and tell all PCs and Microsoft to **** off forever Not a good start to the weekend! Thanks
  13. I need some more advice please.... I dug out and reinstalled Kerio so I could monitor connections, and the process that is blitzing the bandwidth is called ccproxy.exe which according to Google appears to be part of Norton Internet Security 2006! Surely this is wrong - it doesn't do this on NIS 2005 on this laptop? Why does it need to be running massive amounts of data transfer in the background when all the virus definitions and programs are up to date? totally puzzled now and on the point of fist going through shiny new 19" tft screen does anybody have any ideas about what might be going on here .... ? thanks
  14. Thanks Got another bigger problem now though..... I have never used Windows Updates before, because on dialup it was way too expensive, but I thought I may as well do it now for the sake of security. So last night I left it going, should have been about 80-100MB download as the traffic monitor said 28MB total and Win Update said it had downloaded 30% when I went to bed, fine, so I thought... Got up this morning (fortunately early) and the thing was going mad, the connection running at nearly full speed the updates were only 54% and I guess it's been doing that all night. I expect it will have wiped out the monthly "download cap" in one night, but the worst thing is that I stopped it, switched off auto updates, restarted the computer and the damn thing is still downloading "something" the whole time this can't go on as it will cost a fortune not to mention the fact that it will slow everything else down. If you block all traffic with Norton, nothing complains that it can't get a connection, but as soon as you allow traffic again, off it goes. I can't see any function on the Norton firewall that allows you to see what programs are sending and receiving data, which my old Kerio firewall used to allow. I installed the full Norton Internet Security 2006 when I got DSL and the antivirus, firewall etc is all enabled on that so I shouldn't have a bug should I? At the moment I have blocked all traffic while I run a virus scan and am writing this on the laptop. It also now tells me that support for XP SP1 ends on October 10 and that I should download SP2 - no way I am going to do this on this connection though! I can see I am going to end up having to get hold of an SP2 CD and reinstall the whole damn thing from scratch to get rid of this problem, does anybody have any ideas that might allow me to spend some of the weekend on the forum instead of all bl&&&&y weekend trying to back all my stuff up and reinstall it....? Is there a chance something nasty could have got in overnight? I know people moan about Norton hogging lots of system resources and I can live with that, but I thought it was pretty good at keeping unpleasant things out? Land Rover content - all this cr*p is getting in the way of forum access and sorting out my LR photo collection on Photobucket Thanks...
  15. Thanks, I am getting somewhere now I think... It now connects OK and if you delete the network from the list, detect it from scratch and try and connect with the wrong network key (i.e. pretending to be an intruder) it initially says "connected" but then chucks the laptop off and you get an error message saying unable to login to the network after about 30 sec or so, so I assume that is normal? Once you type in the proper network key it is fine, and connects normally and stays connected, have had it on for a couple of hours with no problems. I had another odd problem though. It should connect at up to 54Mbit being 802.11g but just in the next room (15 feet away) it went right down to 2.0Mbit - could this be interference from another nearby network? No other wifi networks are detected by the laptop, but I changed the network channel in the router and it seems better now, usually 36-48MBit in the kitchen. There is one really odd thing though ... I had to do a hardware reset on the router (it wouldn't let me in to the web config screen on the browser) and now all mention of WEP encryption has gone from all of the configuration screens. Does WPA also include encryption? The only things there now, seem to be the WPA-PSK and the MAC address filtering, so I'm still a bit puzzled why my encryption function has disappeared Thanks Stephen
  16. At long last I have a DSL internet connection instead of stinky old dialup So I have a nice new router which connects to the desktop via a LAN connection, and also has a Wi-Fi doodah built in so I can use the laptop. All fine until I try and set the security - the desktop works fine and the laptop is happy connecting wirelessly with the network being unsecured. But the moment I try to enable any of the security it goes into a massive sulk and won't work at all or even recognise the existence of the network. I did a bit of a Google but most of the guides say "different makes of router vary so refer to your instructions" which are almost non-existent with this one - the router is a ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-61. I doubt whether there will be any likelihood of any of my immediate neighbours feeling the urge to spy on my communications, but I'd still rather it was secure... and nobody else could make use of my bandwidth! I have tried using the same key in both computers to automatically generate the 128 bit WEP security key and I have even tried manually typing the key from the router in to the laptop but still no joy... Any idea what I might be doing wrong please? I also don't understand the difference between MAC address authentication and WPA/WPA-PSK is one better than the other or which one should I use? If anybody knows of a step by step "idiots guide to wireless network setup" on the Web it would be gratefully received The desktop is running XP and the laptop is running XP SP2, it is a Toshiba E-quim (ooer) with built in 802.11g. Ta Stephen
  17. Cols are those DBA ones generally available ie from UK suppliers? The brakes on my Discovery have never been that great and I wonder if they would make a difference...
  18. Blimey if they are 9.5" wide they are big for the size then! Just measured a 265/75R16 BFG MT and that is 8.3" across the widest part of the lugs, a 31x11.50R15 Kumho 834 is only 9" across the lugs, so they are wider than both those. I foresee some expenditure coming on, I am sure my BFGs are looking quite worn from some angles Hope they produce a 33x12.50R15
  19. Also if you have Tarmac I understand that diesel will attack it over time if you have a spill... I will probably concrete mine one day but at the moment the road to my house is only gravel so there doesn't seem much point doing the driveway in anything else
  20. 0-60 in ???? Hmm the oddest thing...... well now Portakabins towed over mountains - without using a trailer - and just to prove it here is a photo. Towed two of them about 30 miles off-road using two tractors, in the days before roads, did about half the distance on the first day, slept in the kabins overnight (in the middle of nowhere) and carried on the following day. Ha ha ha beat that for a caravan Towed a different portakabin to Dad's house with a crawler tractor and that portakabin now has a Rolls Royce living in it We do some odd things in this part of the world but sometimes its great fun Some people here have moved entire houses using a similar technique - jack it up, built a sleigh under it, hitch a few tractors on and off you go, truly a mobile home
  21. Brilliant The EU would ban words like that appearing on consumer products on the grounds is might offend illegitimate vehicle owners, most likely
  22. Mine is gravel, partly to absorb oil "just in case" (though neither of mine actually leave trails - yet!) but mainly so I can use the pressure washer on them - which I do regularly - without having to clean the driveway every time as well. The driveway drains into a French drain which takes the water away. Option 6 - - there's definitely a cartoon in that waiting to be drawn
  23. ....with a Series called "Catflap" I want a QuadSki B) B) B)
  24. Should be OK. 12 volts will suffer voltage drop over long distances but a few metres should be fine as long as the cable is a reasonable thickness. My father has a 12V switching circuit running solenoids on a generator which works over a distance of about fifty metres with no problem, running through 2.5mm2 three core mains flex, and the current draw on that will be similar to a winch solenoid (fuel/starter solenoids for a generator)
  25. Do you mean you have a wireless remote ie Lodar or similar? There is no reason why you cannot run some multicore cable into the cab and put it anywhere you like. I have my socket for the hard-wired remote (a Husky alloy handset - by far the toughest type) mounted on the back of my cubby box and the Milemarker wireless remote box is inside the cubby box. The wiring for all this then runs out through the floor along the chassis up in to the engine bay and to the hydraulic solenoid pack inside the front wing. Works well and keeps everything in the dry and corrosion free, and it means you can leave the wired remote plugged in the whole time if required, whereas running it over the wing and wrapping it round the aerial is never something I liked doing when driving along.
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