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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Thanks for that Ralph. Hopefully when i check the gear tomorrow it says 105. That would explain my lack of sweep. If it says 115 im buggered if i know whats happening.....
  2. Are they both tdi angles Ralph? Because i thought the other one was 140 but that was a td5 wheel i believe..
  3. I will check what it says on the wheel tomorrow. Though it should be the one that came with the genuine tdi motor. I did have the wheel out of the motor though. Would it matter what position i put it back in considering im not using wiper switch to operate, rather im putting 12v direct from the battery for testing purposes.
  4. Its supposed to be a standard tdi wheel. But no, i didnt notice what it said on the wheel. What should it be?
  5. Actually having a think about it, lengthening the link wont help. Am i right in thinking that if i lengthen it, while it would push the wipers further over, it would also mean they wouldnt come back as far? Thoughts please.
  6. Well at least i got rid of the clunk! That seemed to be caused by the td5 gear inside the tdi motor. I think im gonna try lengthening the link. Ive a few spare anyway..
  7. Thats exactly what id like to know..
  8. Is there any way to increase the sweep of the wipers? These bloody wipers are the bane of my life. Everything on my setup is new and genuine. Tdi wiper motor, wheelboxes and spiral drive. The only way i seem to be able to get the wipers to sweep up to the edge of the screen is if i set the park of the wipers so that they're starting half way up to begin with if that makes sense. Honestly, im so fed up dicking around with these things to get them right. If i lengthened the primary link in the above image, would that do it? And if so by how much, 5mm?
  9. As far as i know thexmod use genuine LR unless stated otherwise. I know that anything i have got off them came in LR box/bag. I got an absolutely fantastic deal on 16 brand new genuine LR V8 lifters, all in there individual LR boxes
  10. If you shop around you can sometimes get genuine LR parts a little cheaper. Check ebay and thexmod. Nothing wrong with cheaper bushes per se, as long as you dont mind changing them again in the near future..
  11. Dont mind at all. Anything a little different will be welcomed round here My dad has a capri with a 4.6 RV8 fitted. Although it hasnt been squirted yet, you can imagine how it goes. Especially with a 2.0 axle fitted... She spins up the rear wheels in 3rd when pushing hard - even in the dry!
  12. I have TD5 style rear mounted plastic tank. I used an in-tank pump from RR but had to modify a little. I will dig out part number later on. Edit: try and give DaveW a PM. It was he who gave me advice regarding this a few years ago, and if memory serves he sent me some pics of pump modification needed.
  13. Ha. Yeah that sounds like something they would do Ashley
  14. I would never trust anything RPI have to say. And anyway the M90 is way too small for the 4.6. It really needs the M112. Maybe thats why they were having problems..
  15. They really are simple old agricultural gearboxes. Simple enough for a good local company to manage anything ashcrofts could. Besides ive heard plenty of people say they're ashcroft lt77/r380 is no better than standard. This is no reflection on ashcroft as a company. I think they're transmission products are second to none.
  16. Sorry but thats incorrect. Nothing whatsoever wrong with building a 4.6 from a 3.9.Also, the 4.6 is far more likely to have slipped a liner than 3.9. Mainly due to the fact that, by the time the 4.6 came along LR were having to run them so lean to comply with emissions regs that they were running very hot..
  17. If you can build a mini engine, you can build an RV8. They really are pretty simple. Cleanliness and quality parts are key. Any machining work required will depend on the condition of the engine you buy. One step at a time. Get your engine and we can go from there. Regarding cross bolt block. Its a nice-to-have but really not essential. If i remember correctly all the 4.6 blocks were cross bolted, and some of the later 3.9's as well. One thing to bare in mind is that the 4.6 was renowned for slipping cylinder liners, so you may want to budget for having top hat liners fitted to your block. Like everything in life, its all about your available budget. Its worthwhile spending most of your budget on building a good engine though. Everything else is easily upgraded at a later date, but you dont want to be pulling your engine back out anytime soon..
  18. Thanks guys. I see where they go now! Mav, i dont suppose you know the part numbers to the missing retaining plates? You see the reason i have found this to be a problem is that neither Ralph or myself have been able to find a diagram or part numbers for these parts for some reason... Still im on the right track now.
  19. Good decision. As Stuck said, seeing as you dont already have an engine, aim to make the biggest you can, which is 4.6. You can go bigger but it will cost £££££. RV8's are difficult to tune on a budget so going for the biggest is the cheapest way to more horsepower/torque. EFI is essential for any kind of offroading, and if your budget will stretch Megasquirt is highly recommended. Give Nige (hybrid from hell) on here a shout. If you need a step by step on building your engine, give me a shout. Happy to help. Edit: There are always loads of R380's around ebay but bare in mind you will either need one from a defender, or you will have to change shaft in gearbox to suit..
  20. If i remember correctly i bought a v8 bellhousing from a disco. Going by pics i found online, it put the engine more or less dead on where the factory v8 mounts would be. Yes its an easy conversion. Re tuning the rv8, search the forum. There is LOADS on the subject
  21. When i converted my td5 chassis i bolted gearbox (r380) to engine. Then connected the transmission to chassis mounts which then gave me position to weld the v8 engine mounts which i scribed onto chassis. Hope that makes sense? Regarding whether it will be worth it? Yes. Yes it will. The RV8 will drink fuel but as long as its not a daily driver, it will be far more enjoyable than the diseasal....
  22. I know they go on the inside Just couldnt see where the retaining plates fit. I will also be using a Wright Offroad moulded matting set which will probably be a little better. Every little adds up right. That would be very helpful. Thanks.
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