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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. I used the 200tdi motor that i already had but fitted new brush pack, td5 gear (as you will need that if you use td5 wheelboxes) so you get correct angle of wiper throw. The actual spiral drive itself is the same as far as i recall. Though its quite a while since i fitted it.
  2. Firstly you will need to use td5 wiper wheelboxes due to the oval holes as you mention. If you want to keep the old style dash you will have to cut the td5 wiper motor mounting plate off and mount the wiper motor in original tdi position. If you keep the mounting plate in situ my understanding is that you would need to use later dash. I had a similar issue. I have td5 wiper wheelboxes and bulkhead but want to use early dash as i want to fit raptor dash for carling switches etc. I just cut the td5 plate off. HTH
  3. Yep now that i know exactly where to look, i do see something on the original pic. It was very hard to spot due to the paint...
  4. Yep i can see it clearly on yours. At least if its just an earth i can maybe crimp a ring type connector onto the earth wire and screw it onto controller body,
  5. Need to get the heater controller. The one on the left hand side of the dash. According to any info i can see the part number STC4848 is correct up to 2002. However the harness that connects this to the heater plug is UTP1908. Now the problem i see is that there are 2 electrical connections on STC4848, yet there are 3 on UTP1908. Is STC4848 the wrong part for a td5? It shouldnt be if it goes up to '02?
  6. Good shout james. never even thought about aquatics! Phil
  7. Not so much a request for the part number (DNC101720) but wanting to know if there is a possible alternative to this part seeing as it costs £40 from Britcar! Wondered maybe if the hose was a common bore? That way i could just by a cheap length of it?
  8. Why thanks for refreshing my memory Ralph!
  9. I can just imagine the rats face when you turned the key! It would be thinking fcuking lucas at it again!!
  10. Thanks Fridge. That was just what i was hoping to hear from a grown-up that knows what their on about. When the time comes I'll go ahead and wire it all together like i planned to into an IP67 box
  11. So the question then that begs to be asked is.....where the hell do you washer tubes go?
  12. Yeah that was it. So if someone is hell-bent on keeping the EDIS right next to the ECU in the same box (wherever that may be) how would they go about it?
  13. No-one seems to be picking up on the spurious signals thing..... now where did i read that.
  14. Why does mounting it in the engine bay make it simpler or neater to wire. Id have thought that keeping everything together would make it neater. All the wires can run in the same conduit right into the waterproof box then. Or am i missing something
  15. Didnt some people say that it wasnt a good idea to mount next to ecu due to spurious signals or something like that? To be honest id prefer to have it in the same box as everything else purely for neatness.
  16. Some say in engine bay as its totally waterproof. Otheres say in the same waterproof box as the MS ecu. Its something that im also pondering at the moment so i'll be watching what the responses to this thread are
  17. No thats not my bulkhead Ralph. I wasnt near my 110 when i posted so used that photo for illustration only. Im using td5 bulkhead along with td5 harness so i dont have the big 3 grommet plate thing.
  18. On my bulkhead i have no hole further up so i guess they are front and rear washer tube holes as suggested earlier. Im not bothering with rear wash so i'll blank one off. Thanks fellas.
  19. Fitting my wiper motor to td5 bulkhead and discover 2 holes. What are they for? Ive encircled the holes in question in the pic below. I think one of them is windscreen washer tube?? Should i just blank the other off, or is there something else that goes through there?
  20. I was making fun of myself for fixing the wheelbox in the wrong hole. Obviously the humour was lost in translation...
  21. Keep up James I always knew i had to cut the plate off as im using early pre 99 dash. Ive now cut it off so i can install rivnuts. My problem was discovering that the tube was about 6 inches too long. However i discovered that was me stupidly mounting wheelbox in wrong hole lol
  22. Bingo! I really need to get more sleep at nights...
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