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Posts posted by smallfry

  1. From memory, which is bad these days...….

    Crank pulley. May need a spacer ?

    Possibly the sump as I seem to remember the sump flange is a bit different ?

    Another thing...… if you look at the oilway drillings in the 3.5 block ….. from oil pickup to front cover...… and compare them to your intermediate engine, you will see that the later ones are much bigger. Maybe this will affect the performance of the crank driven pump ? Actually ISTR that the later cover doesn't have the drillings, and has a pickup that goes direct from oil pump to sump, instead of through the block.

    ISTR Camshaft drive and gears do not fit under the newer cover, so I think the camshaft will be different too.

    PS pump is different, as are the alternator mounts.

    Its not as simple as it seems. There are probably other things too, but its a long time since I have fiddled.

  2. No rust issues unless it lived by the seaside, except for the fuel tank cradle which can  go, but this seems variable.

    Can have problems with the drive system, but this is mainly caused by using odd tyres. Whatever  you use, they MUST me the same size and make, and ideally all be replaced at the same time. If you change a pair, they MUST be the same make as the others.

    MPG about 30 to 34 for Auto and about 35 for Manual, but depends how you drive it. They are NOT economical.

    It just so happens that my 55 plate Auto needs a new home, as I don't use it enough to justify keeping it. 

  3. On 4/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Chicken Drumstick said:

    Can't help I'm afraid. Interested in what mods you are doing though :)

    What I am doing, very slowly, due to there always seems to be something ELSE to do, is a Lexus UZ engine conversion. I want to couple it to a hybrid ZF 4HP22/24 or maybe just a 4HP24 all electronic box. Don't know yet. I could adapt the Lexus Aisin unit to somehow fit the LT230, but the gearbox sump flange will interfere with the transfer box unless it  is "clocked" severely, and I do know know if the gearbox would be happy with its sump at an 35 to 45 degree angle. Obviously the oil pick up would need modifying though. I have seen lengthy adaptors made to mate it to the LT230, but I don't want to do this for the reasons below 

     I want the whole ensemble as short as possible, I want to avoid using the standard ZF bellhousing plus an adaptor plate, as this will push the inconveniently mounted alternator into the steering box. I COULD change it for a P38 setup, but do not really want to if possible. The other thing I have seen done, is to raise the front of the engine up, but I don't like this either, as it only gives about 10mm clearance which I feel is not enough, and also it alters the propshaft angles a bit, which again I don't like, and most importantly, it looks carp !

    The engine doesn't really lend itself to repositioning the alternator and re routing the serpentine belt easily, so all in all, its easier in many ways to keep the engine /gearbox short, and give the footwells a haircut instead. 

    Anyway, re the torque converter. The Lexus one obviously does not fit the ZF gearbox, and the usual RR type ZF converter will not fit the Lexus flexplate, as the Lexus unit has six mounting points, and the ZF unit having four, plus the pilot is the wrong size to fit the Lexus crankshaft. However, I have found a converter from a Jaguar which has the correct size pilot, but the mounting pads are wrong, SO what I wanted, was TC with the mounting pads changed, or possibly a bespoke unit made (I have not even touched on the operating characteristics yet) but as any enquiries in this country seem to have drawn a blank, I have decided to make my own. Sort of.

    I have cut off the existing mounts and am in the process of making some more, and my plan is to get the thing physically fitted up to "prove" it can be done, then see if someone will cut open, clean out, rebuild and balance the one I have altered. ATM if seems to contain some dubious looking grey coloured oil, so as much as I would like to, I could not afford to run it as is, and risk ruining a perfectly good gearbox.

    If the was a way I could satisfactorily clean it out myself, then I would. After which I could then have someone alter the stall speed or whatever needs doing.




    One off




    All off


  4. Also, you need less brakes on the rear in any case. You have two cylinders on each wheel at the front, to create the twin leading shoe effect, which in theory gives more braking effort at the front.

  5. Does anyone know of a company who supply speciality, modified or bespoke torque converters in the UK ?

    I can find plenty who will remanufacture or recondition them, but any enquiry about modifying or making a bespoke unit gets a blank response. In fact it would seem that no one here knows that much about them.

    Plenty in the USA, with an entirely different attitude, but I thought it would be nice to give the work to someone here (and save the transport and import charges)

  6. SWMBOs son works for a Local Authority legal dept, and spends much of his time dealing with GDPR requests, and ATM the requests are acknowledged but not dealt with, because most of the team, plus archives are not available as the staff are furloughed.

    So I am sure they will get round to it. Eventually.


  7. Wes' engine is petrol, and I think they suffer more than diesels. The engines burn much hotter, so the exhaust valves and deposits are more prone to rusting and seizure, plus the cylinder walls are "drier" for the same reasons IMO.

    Also, diesel fuel lasts for years in the pump and injectors, whereas petrol degrades in the tank and system and can cause problems with injectors etc.

    Having said that, I rescued a six cylinder Rover P5 saloon (more or less same engine as 2.6 LR series) from a garage that not been run for 17 years. Was not seized. Squirted some oil down the bores, changed the oil, drained the fuel tank. Had to give the SU electric pump a clout to wake it up, and once the new petrol had pumped through, started second time !

  8. If it IS a 110 and on coils, it is NOT a stage 1. It should have a 5 speed gearbox. 

    The diff lock is an aftermarket accessory

    The Discovery V8 parts will be a straight swap, and it does not need another column.

    The steering box drop arm is different to the Defender type, but a lot of people do this as an "upgrade"

  9. Back in the early 90s, I converted my 2.5 petrol 90 to 200 Tdi. The engines were not easily and cheaply available then, but I did get a Defender spec engine for it.

    It had the petrol LT77 with 0.831 ratio 5th gear, 1.410 transfer box, and standard diffs, but did have 235/85/16 tyres. I found it to be OK but noisy at speed, but would do 80 mph no problem.

    It could NOT pull heavy (2 ton plus) trailers happily though. I did try a 1.222 transfer box for a time, and was OK for cruising, but it was hopeless at towing as it was overgeared. I borrowed some 750/16 BFG Trac edge shod wheels, and this was much better.

    Ultimately though, I went back to the 1.410 transfer and 235/85/16s

    It does not take much to completely hobble the vehicle.

  10. Needs more than a few choice words.

    Police keep saying that action and fines are a last resort, well its about time they did act.

    And for those who say "I aint paying that" should have some jail time.

    Too many in this country seem to think that it all applies to everyone else but not them.

    • Like 3
  11. 8 hours ago, Cynic-al said:

    It's also why I never enter into any sort of road rage when I'm there as you dont know what the crazy fool is packing. Someone cut me up once nearly causing an accident, i had to really react to avoid his accident, he looked like snoop dog so I apologised 🤣

    As I have a very short fuse and lack of patience (with people) I used to get into incidents all the time. I eventually fell into the fact that all you are doing is [b]swear filter is there for a reason[/b] yourself off over other peoples stupidity.  So now I just let it all go.

    I have not been anywhere for nearly three weeks now, except once to shopping. We are fairly isolated here, so except for the odd cyclist and walkers with fixed grins in their new walking boots, it all seems surreal and far distant from us, seeming like just something on the TV happening elsewhere. 

    I cannot work from home as we make and sell furniture, so ATM I am not sure if I am going to have a job to go back to. I do like the gift of time though.

    • Like 1
  12. 31 minutes ago, paime said:

    Did you see the bit on the BBC the other night about the militia that are ready to take action should the government impinge too much on their freedoms? It was insane! The even crazier thing is that the militia weren't even new as a result of coronavirus, they've existed for a while as a 'just in case' measure. They're a bunch of military wannabees and were dressed in desert cammo with their wee name tags on their chests and everything. Sadly they also had access to a lot of guns and ammunition. 

    There are quite a few of these type of people here in the UK too. Maybe not in an organised militia type thing, but dress like this, go to paintball and airsoft type things.

    I have never been able to understand why they don't just join the Army and have done with it.

  13. Also, you will find the new bits you put on make the other stuff look carp, and you end up unsatisfied.

    It will definitely take you longer than you imagine, so a runaround is  must

    The danger here is that you might find you grow to like the runaround better. 😲 Its what happened to me in the 90s. Bought a Peugeot 205 diesel. Quiet, comfortable, 60 mpg ……... 

    • Haha 1
  14. 18 hours ago, Ed Poore said:

    Once stuff settles down and I have some workshops / garage that is usable I might be tempted to grab a cheap L322 and start working on a standalone ECU in the background.

    All vapour builds at the moment :rolleyes:

    Not sure that you will like the LD28T. Good reliable engine, but had to be revved as I recall.

    The M57 in the L322 is much torquier. Very easy to make standalone, for a gentleman with your skills !  

  15. 13 hours ago, Eightpot said:

    Unfortunately the new found gratitude will probably stick till the crisis is over then we'll all go back to criticising the poor ambulance response, overpaid middle management, foreign doctors and slow GP appointments.   Remember the recent terrorist attacks and the praise in the press for the Police?  Well now on top of terrorism,the daily drudgery of dealing with unwashed petty burglars/car thieves, death in all its forms, drug addled domestic abuse, being spat at/stabbed/punched, sorting out car crashes and picking up parts after suicidal train spotters, they have to deal with the fallout and protestations of the worst kind of customer of all - white middle class ramblers in uproar after being spoken to in the wrong tone of voice. 🙄

    I think you have got that absolutely right Eightpot. 

    We went to supermarket this morning for another pallet of toilet rolls, had to queue for about an hour, but overheard a woman moaning on the phone about how it wasn't fair, and that she didn't have time for this ! Was white middle class as you have said.

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