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Posts posted by smallfry

  1. That would have caused an interesting misfire. I would say its definitely faulty, or could it be for the Buick V6 ? Have never seen one so no idea.

    A tin gasket will fit no problem but the composite is supposed to provide a better seal, and some noise suppression. 

    Having said that, the composite has a small semi-circular cutout at the top of the inlet port for the fuel injector (no problem with a carb engine) I cannot remember if the tin one has this ?

  2. I would try mudguards from a HGV spares supplier. Lotsa different sizes and not expensive I wouldn't think.

    HDPE is the material of choice I would say. Virtually indestructible.

    Or...…..What about those 200litre or bigger blue plastic oil/chemical/water drums ? They are HDPE and you could cut and unroll them ? Might be difficult to manage though.

    I have seen them in black too. Cheap and nearly, or actually free .

    Polypropylene (PP) is not great, as it doesn't age well, and cracks when its cold. Plastic builders buckets and washing up bowls used to  made from HDPE and MDPE, and used to last for years. Modern ones are PP and don't last at all :(

    • Like 1
  3. In the 1950s and 60s, it was almost universal that engine oil was used in gearboxes and EP90 in rear axles.

    These days, if you check out classic car recommendations, a GL4 spec oil will be the one, to whatever viscosity. Do not under any circumstances use a GL5 unless it is specifically for the application. I understand that a lot of modern gearboxes have steel baulk rings and no bronze type bushes or components at all.

    I use a millers synthetic in all my manual boxes including the LT85, and a better shift is noticeable !

    If you really want to splash out, then Redline MTL 

  4. Perhaps a bit of panic would not be a bad thing. If it keeps the irresponsible idiots at home this weekend, instead of flocking to the seaside or wherever.

    No doubt later the news will be full of it, thus rendering this whole lockdown and economic damage pointless.

    If it isn't, I will be surprised ………. and pleased. We shall see.

  5. My pump hums, obviously the electric bit, but you can also hear fluid shifting, but this makes a variable sound. If there is an air leak, it would be between the tank pickup and the pump, but the electric pump will take up any slack, as ts independent of the engine speed.

    II have found that mine takes slightly longer to start if it has been standing, because the battery is slightly discharged by systems at idle. So it does not turn over as fast.

  6. To me though, if Coronavirus has hastened a death, even by a few months, then it has killed them. So should be counted as such.

    I have to wonder if other countries which have a lot of cases, but not many deaths (yet) are measuring using different parameters.

    If you are going to SORN your vehicle, best to fill with diesel while its cheap, it also helps stop condensation in the tank.

  7. I remember one of the injectors had a sliding part. The others didn't, so I assumed that the sliding part was stuck on the others. Having had a good look, I could not see how it would affect the fitting, so didn't worry too much about it.

    As for the washers, again I didn't take much notice, I just used what I had. I cannot see how it would matter anyway.

    At the time of this I had had enough of it, and wanted to torch the thing.

    No diesel engine I have had puff like these things, I wondered if the piston rings were not up to the job ! Keeping the oil inside the engine seems to be a real problem. The high crankcase pressure causes oil leaks .

  8. I have had both manual and auto, and the current one is auto and I fitted 030 injectors to it as they were free ! Got some spare too.

    When I compared they looked physically the same, and mine definitely have O rings. I reused the copper washers after heating with a blowlamp and allowing to cool.

    Runs fine, but sometimes takes a few turns more to start. Cant say I have noticed any neck snapping improvement in acceleration though, or any noticeable difference in fuel consumption.

    My old Renault Master van does about 8 MPG more ! 

    Tell me though, when it is idling, if you take the oil filler cap off, do you get a fair bit of puffing, if you put your hand over it ? 

  9. 10 minutes ago, gadget said:

    I've taken the nozzle, needle, spring, seat and puck out of the injectors. Three of them have cleaned up nicely. One still has blocked nozzle jets. It's having another round.

    I can take the crank sensor from our working freelander to test if cleaning the injectors has no effect.

    There is a little ball in there too. Hope you haven't lost it !

    Getting at the crank sensor makes me feel tired. The area is usually full of crud and rust and its easy to get some inside the engine if not careful, not to mention all the stuff you have to take off to get at it :(

  10. 1 minute ago, Red90 said:

    It has no similarities to TB.

    That isn't what I meant.

    What I meant was, that in the view of many TB has "gone away" in this country. It hasn't, though not as common as it once was.

    Its rife in the third world

  11. Sounds like the clutch not fully disengaging then. If there are no leaks, and you are happy there is no air in the system, and not too much wear in the pedal clevis pin, try  watching the level of the fluid in the reservoir while an assistant pushes the pedal down. If the level rises, the master cylinder seals have had it.

  12. Just to be clear, if you start the engine with the clutch pedal down, does it try to drive forward, or can you sit there with the engine running, clutch down and in gear and vehicle stays where it is ?

  13. 12 minutes ago, Daan said:

    I am a bit reluctant to reply, but the 12 weeks lock down time and last night 6 months time seems all completely made up to me: this is over once a vaccine is produced and the entire population has been vaccinated. How long that takes is anyone's guess, but a year seems likely. At the moment it is even not clear whether people that have had the virus are actually immune.

    The uncomfortable truth is that NO ONE knows yet

  14. 6 minutes ago, Eightpot said:

    My friends in Johannesburg and Durban have thier guns loaded,  live in homes surrounded with razor wire and have guards armed with AK47s sat at the end of thier road, (until they decide not to protect rich whitey and disappear).  They won't be getting 80% of thier wages paid, the healthcare service will soon go under, the electricity gets turned off twice a day, thier currency is tanking after a getting a junk rating, no pensions, a decent portion of the population wouldn't mind seeing them turfed out of thier homes, police corruption is rife and to top it all they are banned from buying booze and fags.

    I'll take our distopian state thanks.

    Indeed. There does need to be control over "civil liberties" otherwise where will we be ? I always try to do what is right thing ...…. morally right ……..in any case, as I am sure most of us on here do, but there are those out there who do not, or have a very skewed idea of what is right.

    Without any controls there is anarchy

  15. It will not alter the overall death rate figures (at the time of me writing this) because people are not at work and doing sports etc. So deaths by "other causes" have decreased. No mystery there !


  16. 19 hours ago, miketomcat said:

    Or use starrat  (spelling maybe wrong) hole saws you can get them in nearly every size.


    As Mike says Starrett. IMO the best there is for the money. Thing with hole saws is that they are NOT precision things, even more so with a sloppy pillar drill. So allow for this to avoid disappointment, depending on how accurate it needs to be.

    Get the arbour with locking pins NOT the one without, or it will keep you amused for hours trying to remove the saw from the arbour.

  17. Was it doing this BEFORE the low pressure pump was changed ? Or did you change the pump BECAUSE of it ?

    Does it smoke or smell after idling for a while. Vapour stings the eyes a bit ?

    Can you check the injector correction values with your scanner ?

    Most likely an injector, which will not throw up any code, or the little O ring on the pressure regulator, although this normally will be a no start at all.

    Are you able to do a leak off test ?

  18. 1 hour ago, Cynic-al said:

    A friend of mine used to work for a company which offered training courses on behalf of the job centre, the courses were things like which bills you have to pay and which you can ignore, the way to make sure a bailiff can come into your home and take nothing, reading the paper... I mean looking for a job. The sort of courses that went on under Tony Blair to make the unemployed statistics look good. Anyway, the training places weren't in the most desirable postcodes and one night he was parked looking at his map trying to work out where the hotel was when a girl in a short skirt and fishnets vaulted into the passenger seat of his soft top car. An argument started followed by lots of other girls of various shapes and sizes displaying various amounts of skin crowding around the car also shouting words but failing to say much, a bit like an episode of Jerry Springer but without the beeping or bouncers. In the end he had to pay her to leave for fear of injury from high heel. 

    And his missus believed that ?????

    • Haha 1
  19. 2 hours ago, ThreeSheds said:

    made me cringe until I realised it was on your finger... :D

    Me too 😂 I wonder what they would have made of it at the hospital, had it been what we were thinking 😬

    Years ago I was levering a tyre off a rim, and using a mallet to help get it off. Tyre lever slipped and hit me on the top lip. I didn't even see it coming ! Blood everywhere and I had an instant hare hip right up to me nose. Thought I might have lost teeth, but no. Trip to A&E and four stitches by very nice student nurses.

    While I was waiting, a guy came in after a scaffolding accident. His lower leg was wrapped in a blood soaked towel which was leaking on the floor, he was also in a lot of pain. I was called in to be seen to, but I said that they should sort him out first. Yes, they said. One of the staff went and got a washing up bowl for him to put his foot into ……………..

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