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Posts posted by smallfry

  1. I do wonder, now that tech is/has destroyed so many employment opportunities for so many "manual" workers, and given that the population is rapidly growing, what will become of all those who will not be able to find gameful employment in the future ?

    What are they going to do ? Who is going to pay for them ? As far as I can see, this situation is only going to get worse.

    Are so many going to employed "spying"on others ? Will we, one day, be in danger of being arrested for something we have said or done in the comfort and "privacy" of our own homes ?

    I find this all quite a scary prospect.

  2. Lucky you can get an appointment at all. During the first lockdown I lost a couple of fillings, and was in agony. Knowing they were closed, I have manfully endured the unendurable for several months. A while ago I received an email, stating that they were now accepting limited appointments.

    So I phoned them, and told them what has been going on, only to be told they were doing only "emergency" work. So, still being in agony, I asked what constituted an emergency then ? Receptionist got somewhat shirty.

    A few days later I received warning me that I would be excommunicated if I carried on being "abusive" FFS

    I still have the toothache.  

  3. Every keystroke, every email, every phone call, every text you ever made is recorded somewhere, and will be used somehow. No matter what you consent to, and whatever rules may be breached. You may even be viewed with the camera in your laptop. Your TV and Alexa could be listening in ..............

    Get used to it guys, it is only going to get worse.

    • Like 1
  4. I see no problem at all. Although you might want to fit a high level brake light in the rear window, for no other reason than I think it is a good idea.

    Back in the day, sequential indicators and brake lights were verboten, and as far as I know, still are.(cant be bothered to check) But as a lot of cars (mostly German) seem to have them, and be getting away with it, I cannot imagine you would ever have a problem as long as the chosen units have the correct markings and are set at the correct dimensions.

  5. Purely out of interest, have a look at your tyres to see where they were made. Most manufacturers have plants in various countries, and I suspect that the quality of the rubber varies.

    For example, I have a Fiat van with Michelin (Turkey) tyres on it, and they are really badly perished on the sidewalls and in the sipes at five years old, but the Michelins France) on my other van were made in 2003, and look as good as new, apart from the tread wear.

    I have to say though, that Contis I have had in the past seemed to perish, which is why I will not buy them again.

    Have also seen plenty of perished BFGs, but to be fair, they were all quite old.

    The Goodyear MTRs on my 90 were made in 2004 and are not at all perished. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 10/16/2020 at 7:33 AM, Romahomepete said:

    The skins on new doors is always going to be softer than teh original a"birmabright" is no longer available.



    The original alloy they called "Birmabright" was a grade of alloy used in aircraft production. It will still be available, or something close to it, today.

    It is strong and rigid and hard to work (and more expensive) which will be why pattern parts manufacturers will not use it.

    But they could........ 

  7. What Bowie said............

    Assuming the vehicle was running normally before the fault, and earths have been checked.

    Try a feed direct from the battery to positive side of ignition coil.

    If this doesnt work it is probably the coil or the ignition module.

    If it does work, there is either a bad connection somewhere, faulty ballast resistor/cable or ignition switch

  8. I have never found any replacement (non genuine LR OLD stock) doors to be much good.

    The curved shoulder is always not right for various reasons, the frame itself is generally thinner, and the quality of the alloy skin is poor.

    The skin material is always too soft. If you thump an OLD original door, you will must likely hurt your knuckles (same with all the other body panels) but if you try it with a new replacement, it will dent easily. Also the replacements alloy will rot MUCH quicker than the original.

    Best bet by far is to try and source some good condition old doors or possibly ex military, if you do not have the technology to repair some old ones.

    However, I suspect later MOD stuff is not what it used to be.

  9. On 10/1/2020 at 12:23 PM, Blanco said:

    Sounds interesting .... shame I don't still live in Kent, .. I do have some panels to collect from a mate in Whitfield , Dover when all this eases up, might come and cadge a cuppa 😉

    I have to go near there on Tuesday as it happens.

    Welcome to the cuppa, but you're not having any of me chocolate Hobnobs

  10. 45 minutes ago, FridgeFreezer said:

    Not sure I see the point of a much thicker/stronger aloominum body for a LR... surely the point is the body doesn't need to be strong?

    I would beg to differ on that. Over the years I have seen the result of a couple of LRs tail ended by trucks, with the body just wiped off.

    Can only say I am very pleased that I was not in them !

  11. The only problem with the Jap engines, is bottom end torque. I am doing a 1UZ slowly (only been six years so far) and even that has less bottom end torque than a 4.0 Rover V8 (on paper) depending on which dyno readout you look at. Might turn out to be disappointing, but I like the quality and smoothness of it.

    I had a Datsun 240Z years ago (RIP KBM180N) and the engine was marvellous, high revving, smooth and powerful, but would be unsuitable for a LR IMO if you wanted to tow, or drive "normally" .

    On the other hand the Jag straight sixes seem to have bags of bottom end torque, are hard to break, and would be much better suitedif you want a petrol, and can physically fit it in.

  12. Another vote for Henry (or George) Only thing with NOT using a bag, is that it will just spread fine dust unless you stand it outside.

    With Karcher and Titan the bags are 'kin expensive. Have also got a Titan which was cheap. It sucks up water great and can blow too, which is handy, but I dont use it for dirt now.

    I find the paper bags better for workshop and building tasks, as the filtration on the cloth bags is better, so they block up too quickly for this type of use. Great for househusband duties indoors though ! 

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