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Everything posted by landrover598

  1. Normal gloss from the builders murchants, £3 or 4 a ltr, sticks to anything, available in black or white My roof is Brilliant White gloss
  2. Good job it hasn't seen these then look very nice but £845
  3. That applies to everything on a landy doesn't it
  4. yeh, £417 for a few bits of pipe is a bit OTT The Matt Lee turrets are £70 a pair for single shocks
  5. Surely you can make those (to your exact spec), they look so easy to make even i could make them only a few bits of bent tube / bar and a bit of plate
  6. Matt Lee turrets do look nice Twin top Eye type Link
  7. $crapiron sell build your own kits, perfect for tweaking
  8. £417 for a few bits of pipe welded together and 3 joints Something that is nice a easy to build in the garage
  9. Well, what happened then, it wasn't on ITV Wales or ITV London which are the only ones i could find
  10. My series 3 just after i painted it a couple of months ago And my hybrid (still under construction) as it was a few days ago
  11. Tis mine and a mates, he pays for stuff, i do the work, we both get to play with it, seems fair Still undecided about colour, it's all in grey primer at the moment I'll put the tyres on my hybrid once it done in a couple of months and i'll give you guys a report on how the tyres perform
  12. It's had about 5" removed off the front and currently looks like this
  13. I say sorted for good, I have faith in you Les
  14. Ah right, 15 psi low enough, good job we put tubes in them then
  15. Actually they are speed reated to 56mph I've got a set on the Rangy but it isn't finished yet so i havn't been able to give them a go in the mud yet, but by the looks on them they should be pretty good
  16. I'm sure you'd get a loverly tan in Wales in November
  17. Sounds good, the hybrid will definately be ready for action by then (I hope !!)
  18. The problem with a truck cab is that all my stuff will get wet / niked or lost. I prefer a hard top so i can keep my stuff dry and safe
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