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Everything posted by zim

  1. Nige, Stubs - yes, i've run various batches all seem to be the same. But i'm learning, the last challenge we didn't break any . 99% of the time, it'll be when i'm nose down i.e. weight on them. Not neccessarily turning. Tyres - measure 35", i compete in the LRS series so this shows they're <36". Right foot - getting better, but still got a habit of going LOUD. Like steve said, a bit ruff. Stubs - yes, the long type and yes the uncut type. CV's - as far as i know they are shimmed up fine. Not too loose, and not too tight. I've double checked the orientation of the pyramid shaped bush (not sure the fancy name!) Rear shaft - yes, a 953. The marks you can see are from the adjuster nut. When the shaft broke it was at the correct length to jam up / twist off the nut and get stuck around the shaft - hence the marks. I changed the carrier bearings as a result as well. Have a look at the picture, you can see the locking tab has been bent as everything has got mangled. You'll also see they're pegged and i run capheads on both the carrier bearing bolts and crownwheel bolts. Nige, i assume your bench looks like this as well : G
  2. Pics Left is a rear shaft, right hand pic is front.
  3. Nige, I'm not complaining about the aerospace shafts, i've seen ashcroft stuff break as well. The front stub shafts, these we can break pretty easily but i suppose at least they're not the cv's / shafts which are a pain to change. My whinging is about the customer service not really the product. G G
  4. Honestly, forget Kam. I run their shafts front and back. Yes i don't have light right foot but i break a couple stub shafts each outing. I've broken 2 aerospace shafts in the last year and each time, after 17 phone call attempts and 5 emails...you might get an answer.... Then in another 3 weeks you might be lucky to get a replacement - to which they phone you and ask for payment details, then you have to remind them that it's a warrenty claim. Go ashcroft ! I've only had good dealings with them G
  5. Just a heads up for oil that i found in asda yesterday. Castrol GTX 15w40 and 10w40 @ £10 / 4l I battled to find much 15w40 but they had a fair few 10w40's in stock G
  6. Have i read this right, you're wishing to sell the above design ? If i were you, i'd perfect it first. Yes it looks nice, but as stated above it definately needs some bracing. I'd also look at strong bolts /method holding it to the vehicle. I'd also weld the joins up completely, you seem to have a fair few gaps. Don't take this the wrong way, more like constructive criticism. I personally wouldn't look at selling "the design", due to the fact that if someone was going to this length to make it i'm sure they can use a tape measure, grinder and welder. In one of the LR magazines, Devon 4x4 recently did a write up with photos showing how to do this to a new disco, it was pretty impressive Just my 2p Gordon
  7. Cheers, i'm looking for the bigger size from waeco if i go for them.
  8. That what the voice at the back of my head was telling me...
  9. So i wonder what the difference in quality is between the waeco vs hong kong ? They're basically double the price.... G
  10. Thanks for the suggestions of the ones which go on top of the seats but i'd prefer something hidden. G
  11. i didn't say Ford...if you came and take a look outside our workshop you'd see 2 x RRC, 2 x S III, 1 x P38, 1 x 90 and 2 x Offroaders
  12. I've had a number of rolls / backflips in my CDS cage (dan and boothy - keep quiet here !) and it's not deformed. I do have the odd "dink" in places where i've landed on a rock or tree, not sure how a blue band cage would look now - but i'll be staying with CDS on my next one - regardless of price. G
  13. Afternoon, I am looking at fitting heated seat pads to my vehicle..... Searching ebay there are a number that come up i.e. hong kong specials ! Has anybody fitted a set and if so what were your thoughts ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180767500403?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648 I've stripped seats before and have hog rings / pliers, so not worried about that part. I've got them in my RR and like them on a cold winters day Cheers Gordon
  14. Well I was asking about them a couple weeks ago.... I've gone and got one 2004 6.0 F250,Harley Davidson edition. 34,000 miles. 325bhp 570 ftlb torque ! Pulls like a train and the drive back from london last not got 19.9mpg on the computer (if you can believe that ?), thats US gallons so more like 24 in UK terms. From reading the net they have problems with the egr cooler so I'll block that up asap. Not sure what else i'll do to it ? Maybe retro fit heated seat pads to the seats. It's huge, dwarfs my P38. Haven't been into town with it yet, but it doesn't fit in a single car parking space....nor down the driveway to our block of flats, so I guess the mrs will be getting her way and us buying a new house A dirty picture from the autotrader advert : G
  15. Is that cos you've already booked number 11 dan ?
  16. Bahave yourself Dan But it is a valid question for someone wishing to compete with a LC or Pajero etc. G
  17. I won a whitworth socket on ebay which measures 52mm. A lot cheaper as nobody wants whit stuff 3/4" drive. G
  18. I was always lead to believe, that the motion of the cam kept it pushing backwards - hence staying in place. It's not the oil pump that keeps it it running true. G (i fitted the retainer plate to mine just to be on the safe side)
  19. Morning, To me looking at your first 2 pictures above, i would say that in both cases high is engaged. I would have at a guess, that you're missing a washer that slides onto the drive shaft prior to putting the shaft through the drum and into the planetry gears. This stops it going through too far which is what it sounds like is happening. G I think this is the part you need : FFHYDWH11-049 I can't get the picture to open to cofirm that is the right one, but it looks like it. http://www.firstfour...ilemarker-parts
  20. License & insurance though sir....Talk mr G into buying it
  21. Froget the truck...i wanna wake board behind that ship ! Cheers for the replies A 4x4 crew cab, with 6.75 bed has a nett mass of 6,538lb = 2965kg. Leaving a 635kg payload.
  22. Chris, we will be attending April and September. I'm away for the others G
  23. Cheers for the reply, i'll be honest - the above is what scared me. Yes, i could go out and get my Class C license (may as well get c and c1 at the same time + trailer). But then my insurance would be no good. I have trade insurance which is up to 3.5t, thus i'd need to take a new policy out. I can't cancel my trade policy as i use it a fair bit (for exporting vehicles). Thus.....i've found an F250 which has apparently been plated at 3.5t. Meaning my normal car license and insurance would be ok Granted, i'll only have a "small" payload. Dan - cheers for the reply, i'll have a think. Hmmmm......i always swore i wouldn't go back to diesel, but now i'm contemplating it G
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