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Everything posted by zim

  1. Most of our ratchets at work are 3/4. But i refuse to use a scaff bar on the end of them. Instead break the bolt / nut with a strong arm and then use the ratchet. We have various makes facom, gedore etc...Most of the ratchets eventually break, but you can get service kits for them and rebuild. The fun starts with big windy guns I don't think we've actually got a 1/2" gun at work maybe 1 x 3/4" the rest are 1" / 1 1/2" G
  2. The good old thermostat arguement At the moment it overcools, thats why i don't think there is one fitted. When I went through a rain storm, the temp gauge was nearly at the bottom That was only noticed after i spent a few minutes figuring out how to work the old style wipers If i put a radiator switch in it, i'll also know an exact temperature and be able to remember this on the gauge as it's currently got a series dash. I have no intention of putting any extra gauges in. G
  3. See above posts It drove home To be fair the water level didn't drop either and it cools impressively - although i don't think there is a thermostat in it. So i'll machine up a boss later to fit a radiator fan switch (currently on / off switch) and check the thermostat at the same time.
  4. Well, went up to Perth this morning on the train...and drove this back to manchester ! No problems (that would stop the trip). Used about a tank of fuel, so not that bad compared to what i'm used to (RR 4.6 and 6.0 TD). 270 miles in 5 1/2 hours, with bad traffic. Got back to find that a couple of the U bolts holding the axles on were a bit loose - it'll explain the reason it wandered on the road when you let off the accelerator ! As well as an oil leak from the gearbox or transfer box ? Maybe he should have changed the diffs as well, theres loads of play in them ! Will strip the axles down and remove the backlash. What is the rough speed limit for an overdrive ? It was quite comfortable at 60mph. Put a timing light on it this evening and it's way out so might have a tinker tomorrow. Fealt good to drive a good ol series again ! G
  5. Lol.... Nige - i tried to call you about a week ago when i was on my way out here (work).... i'll give you a ring tomorrow. my main ecu is kaput
  6. Alan - i replied on FB if you need any help
  7. Pop along to screwfix and get a box of each. Have you got an air rivet gun, they're a good investment G
  8. and if you really really really like spanners, then get the carb. I've had (got) both and will choose EFI every time. G
  9. Thanks to everyone involved this weekend We enjoyed it. Oops at the 2 wheel stint. But watching the video i'm putting it down (/ guessing) to having just broken the front o/s stub shaft coming over the logs. I seem to drop onto the ground, accelerate and it turned me right (thus onto it's side). Watching the next video i think it's come out of centre diff lock as i lost drive and ended up on my side. My mistake with my engine breathers and sucking oil into the intake. 8 new plugs would have been better, but i was rushing. Gordon
  10. Hi, No it's not that. I've had a diode in there since day one. Running the exact same map (i think ) on the spare ecu it switches off instantly. G
  11. Chris, i'm trying really hard not to chuckle Small favour please - could you bring your spare ecu ? Mine freaked out last night. So i'm running my spare, but i've never used it for longer than 20mins. G
  12. Ok. I'll know by Wednesday what i'm doing. I'm either on a course in Abdn from 1st May, but depends if I fly offshore this coming Thursday from Gt Y to do an extra week for someone. I don't have a sankey hitch on my RR, my ford is knackered so couldn't use that and it'd look a bit stupid behind a vw golf ! So i'd have to put it on a trailer. If it's only 5ft wide, i could actually bring it on my smaller transporter trailer. G
  13. How much of a rush are you in ? Do you know the width of it - would it fit on a 7ft wide trailer ? I am possibly coming up to perth next week.... But then again, there's a 50/50 chance i'll be back in Gt Yarmouth instead. (Both work related). G
  14. Evening, For the last few months i've had a slight delay (1 second ish) for my engine to switch off after i turn the key off. God knows why ? But seeing as though it still worked perfect i didn't investigate. Today the engine ran fine. This evening, starting the truck up to go and put the winch ropes on for the weekend it refused to start. Plugged the spare ecu in and it worked fine. Plugged the primary ecu in and computer onto it and it didn't read it (i.e. didn't know it was connected to an ecu). Some time ago, maybe 18months or so, i had a similar problem. Sent the ecu to a kind member on here who looked at it but couldn't find a fault - returned it and it's worked since........... So.....???? Answers on a post card ? What could cause the ecu to give me a delay in switching off ? Cheers Gordon
  15. The AA theory has been mentioned today....in amongst my work mates taking the mick out of me for buying another "piece of scrap" put politely ! I am due up in Aberdeen in two weeks, so i think i'll go up to perth by train carry on up to Abdn in a Mitsi Evo with a work mate then drive (well attempt) this back after my course ? G
  16. Well, pretty much as per title.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300693676674 1964 Series II A with overdrive and carb'd v8.... So i guess when i get it back the v8 will be coming out and an efi will be going in What are the odd's of being able to drive it back from Perth to Manchester - 260miles ? Or would i better taking the trailer to collect......... G
  17. Cheers Chris. Indeed, i'm at work.... i don't do 4am starts when home Did you get my facebook message about a week or two ago about vinyls ? I need to reinstall an injector on my tow truck and mot it on Friday when i fly home Take care G
  18. Powerstroke items ? If so, i'll give them a call next week when i'm back.
  19. Thanks for the offer, but i think i'll just buy a new one from the states - easier than messing around here to be honest. I have an international power stroke 6.0 from 2004. It runs an HEUI system which i assume isn't all that common. I did buy a complete new one form the usa which has arrived but wanted to keep it as a spare. Guess i'll have to use it now. G
  20. So i sent in my injector 3 weeks ago and heard nothing back, despite sending 2 emails. Called them yesterday, and the answer was "yes it's broken, but we can't fix your injector. i didn't realise you had the newer style". So my initial impression of them was wrong Hopefully i'll still be able to use my injector as a core swap when i buy a new one. I've asked them to rebuild it and return ! G
  21. For our needs, pcl are what you want It depends what you mean by best. We use what we term "crows feet connectors" here at work. Forgotten the proper name. These allow a lot of air flow compared to smaller items. (A valve is needed though) No good in a garage.
  22. I think the flow rate changes depending on who is paying for it
  23. There is only supposed to have one input, the camera is normally live all the time. Si - any chance of a little diagram please Thanks Gordon
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