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Everything posted by zim

  1. Evening, We use motorola gp340's, which i've been trying to program the vox into. Using a peltor helmet for the mic + headset. Now i can get it to work with "VOX Feedback" disabled. But as soon as i enable it, when we activate vox and start talking we get an ear piercing beep. I bought them from abroad, so can't go to my dealer And yes, i realise licenses are needed for them Anybody on here played with them before ? Cheers Gordon
  2. Our latest little addition Added a vertical tube in as well to stop us crushing the cage. G
  3. The p38's have a different style thermostat to the earlier. Quite a clever system. It's a little plastic "bowl" that sits in the lower hose as it exits the radiator. It has a few pipes coming into it (i.e. return from heater matrix, top hose bypass etc. This might be faulty ????? There are 2 slightly different plumbing combinations, depending on year : Hope this helps Gordon
  4. It's a bit like "don't wear trousers in your boots when cutting with oxy acet", i developed my own form of break dancing when a blob of slag dropped into my shoe ! G
  5. I think you'll end up spending too much time, effort and money in doing that for a 6 month period. I'd rent a yank tank ! v8's galore ! G
  6. Thanks for the good day The site is huge !!! Gordon
  7. We use Landranger (stockport) a fair bit for parts and have always been happy Only used their diag a couple times, but no problems. G
  8. Cheers... Yes, it's the small one i currently have. The big ones are awkward / heavy to fit. G
  9. Could you post some pictures please
  10. How did you get the top outer casing off ? is it just a push fit ?
  11. Cheers for the replies. It turns out my helmets have 4 pole plugs, but the intercom system i'm grafting them to (peltor lite com) have a 5th wire which buggers things up a bit So no need for these plugs unfortunately We're going to modify the ear pieces inside the helmets instead. G
  12. Morning, I'm looking for a couple female nexus plugs. I'm pretty sure this is the male version http://www.canford.co.uk/Products/43-306_NEXUS-TP120-Jack-plug It's to plug my helmets (peltors) into. I don't want a flange mount just a "barrel" type. Does anybody have any ideas where to buy them from ? Cheers Gordon
  13. Morning, I'm getting spares ready for a challenge this weekend and wondering if a p38 starter motor will fit onto the older style v8 ? (4.2 with a dizzy) They look awfully similar, but i don't fancy stripping my p38 just to find out Cheers Gordon
  14. I guess how you undo it depends on your equipment available. Torque multipliers seem to be more effective than big windy guns for us at work. After them, we get the welder involved ! G
  15. I tried once to strip a LR jack and didn't get too far I'd like to do so, to add a pressure gauge into them to be used for corner weights. G
  16. Thanks "She" thought she was getting out of camping for a minute !
  17. Neil, Is there camping space available for Sat night ? Are spectators allowed if they travel with us (i.e. same car + camp) ? Is there space outside the car park for other spectators to park ? Cheers Gordon
  18. Why not just weld a pad eye ? By weld, i mean someone who is capable to do so and knows the correct technique ! We get them welded (and inspected) all the time at work. G
  19. Cheers Dave - i have a 3 stage pump, so doing away with the standard dizzy driven type. Like used by tvr (i think). I've just come back from work, so will have a play with some ideas... just looking for others G
  20. Afternoon, I'm busy getting some bits together for my dry sump system on my rover v8 4.2. I am planning on making my own sump pan, but looking for some ideas. I guess most of the dry sump systems are made for racing cars and the likes, and not for us that plant our vehicles at stupid angles ! What you generally see is a really shallow flat sump with suction at front and back. Space below my engine isn't a massive problem, as the gearbox bellhousing drops down a fair bit anyway. I guess it'll have to have a channel down the middle. My pump has 2 scavengers. So i need 2 suctions which will obviously have to be front and back. So if you had a blank piece of paper, how would you design one ? Or better still photos Cheers Gordon
  21. Use a set of Gwyns shock mounts instead of your -2's. G
  22. Yes, i come back from work on Thursday. Still sorting out helmets though
  23. On the High - Low lever, can you push it across to engage difflock ? i.e. have you got an LT230 and not a viscous coupling. I'm not sure what models they came on ? G
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