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Everything posted by zim

  1. Am i correct in saying that with Gary Andrews, the tyre goes on the outside of the rim, then the ring sandwiches it to the rim ? G
  2. Carl, I've machined a new plunger which is slightly different to how it came from factory. I've tapped it to bolt onto the ram, and then got a half nut to act as a lock nut to stop it coming off. What i still need to do is drill a couple holes (so i can use circlip pliers sorta thing) on the inside of the plunger so that i can hold it to tighten it up onto the ram. The end of the ram i've slotted so i can hold that still. With regards to price - erm... If you don't wish to have to fanny about machining etc, then get 2 x saley rams 2 x pilot / spring 5/2 valves - i got lucky and got a few quite cheap, not 100% sure on price - £30+ ? 1 x toggle 5/3 lever/lever/lever valve - £60+ An assortment of fittings, mine are all 1/8th bsp except for the pilot ports which are M4. Depending where you go, fittings are 50p - £2 each. 4mm pipe isn't much I've now got a 4mm manifold with 8 ports on it, so i can run both winches and both my arb's using toggle switches Gordon
  3. A few small changes made since the video to keep it all together n.b. the high gear ram, is something i've come up with and you need parts machined to get it to work etc.
  4. I've been reading this topic from the start, but have nothing to add with respect to hydro steering... But rather in reply to the comments about "the big boys scare off the new people"..... i agree with this a little bit, but rather in the opposite sense it gives you something to work towards. I'm yet to enter a HW challenge, but i've spectated at a fair few and seeing trucks like mitsimog, saleys, chris abels etc make you go WOW...i want to be able to drive over that like them So come back to my workshop and modify mine to hopefully make it better from the ideas i've got watching. IF the competitions ONLY had standard(ish) vehicles it definately wouldn't be as interesting and the sport wouldn't progress like it needs to. My 2p Gordon
  5. Cheers for the replies...i forgot about the t-max version which i do recall having had some threads on here. simon - do you know what pressure they switch on and off at ? i will add a little tank to mine as well. then more thank likely a little regulator for my arb's, freespool etc. Gordon
  6. this is also a landrover which we designed a stereo for inside http://www.vibeaudio.co.uk/cars/vibecars/dredd.php
  7. Morning ! I'm after a compressor for my air supply. I've currently got a little ARB one, but A) they're stupidly expensive to replace B) they're not very big ! I'm using air to run my lockers, freespool to 2 winches (and soon my centre winch when i can work out how to !) and the normal pumping up tyres. So what am i best off getting ? I see britpart do two different compressors for not a lot of money. (Which is a sign to me i guess lol !) http://www.britpart.com/AccessoryCategory.asp?PageRef=4&AccessoryCategoryRef=256 What do other people run / advise ? Is it Viair that i have seen on a lot of challenge motors ? Cheers Gordon
  8. Pm Saley on here, as that's where the rams are from The valves i can advise, but maybe jon can supply all the bits you need to make life simple
  9. Well Mr Saley has just dropped off some air rams Thank you Just a quick test in the workshop, to see how they would work without having to use 2 lever valves per winch (i.e. one for high & one for low) Here is a video, using a pair of johns air rams. The 2 in the video are for switching the Low gear, a different one, but very similar is needed for the High gear (but the way they work is the same), i need to get some . I've made it so that you can use just one lever valve to operate all 3 functions - High Gear / Free / Low gear. And this is my dog clutch air ram : .......now all i need to do is swap the milemarkers for some of his winches Gordon
  10. Morning ! Ok, this isn't really landrover specific, but at work i fit a lot of seals. And everyone seems to have a different idea of which ones you put light oil, grease, nothing on etc... I'm referring to rubber seals, which are either round (i.e. like O'rings), 'squared' round (i.e. an O'ring but which the rubber is a square), or like a 1/2" 'strap' wrapped round in a circle. They are all used between metal & metal or metal & ceramic. All the fluid i'm dealing with is mainly a water based liquid...But we have just done a couple weeks where we were drilling with an oily liquid. (Pumping c. 1,000 gallons / minute at c. 4,000psi). So how do you fit your seals ???? G
  11. I just got a reply from them : APPROXIMATE SHIPPING CHARGES (via FedEx) Fed-Ex Priority (Gross weight 0-150 LBS): $ 113.50 (In U.S. dollars) Fed-Ex Economy (Gross weight 0-150 LBS): $ 100.62 (In U.S. dollars) Any order that has a gross weight of 150 pounds or more, the customer will need to locate a freight forwarder and call the order desk to place your order. DELIVERY TIME: 10-14 working days (Includes processing time) Anyone else want something ? I might order a ram for my tipping trailer meaning there is space available for other bits to make it up to 150lbs....hmmmm
  12. Does anyone know where to get the bars from ? I could do with another, but can only find expensive ones G
  13. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo................ i wonder if one of these will work on my brian james tilt bed trailer ????
  14. sorry, at a glance i thought the expensive one was stronger.... nevertheless, get the 2nd hand one and save some pennies G
  15. Get the stronger one for less money is what i'd say But both will work for what you want to use it for. G
  16. not I, but a friend who am yet to ask tig's for a living
  17. Hi, I've got an ally radiator that has not been used yet, so still clean / dry What i was wondering is, can i cut the old pipe off and tig it back on at another angle ? This is due to it being tight for space I'm a little concerned that i damage something else (warps / breaks with the heat). Cheers Gordon
  18. those plier kits look pretty good you are right though, the hard part is breaking the bead. G
  19. use / make a manual tyre machine. something similar to one of these : but to make life a little easier, weld / bolt a hub in the middle so you can bolt landrover rims on meaning they can't slip / turn. then just walk around. once you've got the hang of them, they're easy. G Edit : Here's how they work
  20. As per title really... I've been reading on yank forums about their axles and they keep on going on about these dana's. What's the difference between 44 and 60 ? What did they come on ? I'm not after new axles, just curious really. Gordon
  21. Chris, This is from the pirate4x4.com technical section....so if you've got a spare day to sit and read it all might point you in the right direction : http://www.pirate4x4.com/tech/billavista/PR-Hydro_Steering/index2.html The interesting part : There is a load of pics and information after this on that link... As you know i don't run hydro, but found this and thought it might possibly help Regards Gordon
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