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Help identifying the year of vehicle this diff came from.


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I need some help identifying the year of vehicle the front diff came from.

I know it was a 110 defender and it’s the front diff but I can’t find any information about the year of vehicle it fit.

The markings on the casing read

HRC 1124 


11 03


And the markings on the bearing caps read 

HRC 2669

Lee SG42

18 A 08

I can upload pics if needed.

Thank you 



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Just like axle casings the vast majority of the numbers mean very little, they are either makers numbers (there are to my knowledge 7 different companies who made  casings for LR and the main number is just a part number.

The casings themselves can vary therefore even from front to rear on the same LR if when it was built different casing Manufactuers units were grabbed.


What you have there is one of the last units, it might be a collected unit but can't tell as there is no picture of the "flat" part of the casing.....

If the entire flat is flat its non colletted, and if there is a big "V" groove its a later still and colletted.- but weak

Crown wheel bolts are FTC5150 HD Flange head so dates 98 / 99 onwards

all of these are Long Nose units, 3.54 24 spline.

The carrier caps with the hollow roll pin are also one of the worst made, these pins are known to fall out bend or snap off, and in some cases even shear off the cast part holding the pin, this was a cost cutting idea from LR and one of their worst, and even more bonkers is on 110 / 130s - a genuine 3.5 Tonne towing machine ALL short nose diffs have this roll pin !. We get at least 1 - 3 a month of these in for repair / failures.

As a diff its one of the weakest LR made for Long Nose units, the "Puma" flange being round is an improvment, but the casing material is lighter, and the cost cutting makes it one of the least desirable !


We do use these but we back engineer the issues to make them stronger - and more like they should have been when made !

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