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Radio 2 Poll


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I'm getting really fed up of being beaten up for being driving a 'gas guzzler'.

This makes my blood boil.

Perhaps its time to send a message to the likes of the BBC:


can you all (who wish) please cut & paste in the following:

Which vehicle do you want voted off the road?

Answer: Whatever Jeremey Vine drives.

Why have you nominated this particular vehicle?

Answer:Because yet again a once unbiased journalist has climbed aboard the tabloid bandwagon and chosen to wrongly target 4x4 vehicles by adding the adjective "polluting" to their listing. Why aren't bicycles described as "hard-to-see" and caravans described as "obstructive"?

Please pass this on - to other clubs & club members........with enough identical votes they may end up with a different debate from the one they want to 'manufacture'!

Being mostly metal - my Landrover ia almost 100% recyclable - is a Prius?

I have started a new thread to see if we can get a unified response and send a message to the Bias BBC..........

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Further to my previous post, had a think......

Anything not manufactured/ assembled in the UK.

Thats landies safe then!

And my Honda Civic, assembled in Swindon

And my Lotus 7 replica, assembled in my back garden!

And the most popular selling medium size car out then......... BMW 3 Series!!!

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Beat me to it :rolleyes:

Nominated 'hybrids and electrics' (both environmentally unfriendly).

Also sent stinking letter to Mr Vine about the explicit bias in the programme and website and explained that the poll results (whatever they are) will be massively flawed due to the biased statements in the 'invitation to vote'. I asked him to state that fact when he presented the results ... some hope I feel!


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I have also made an official complaint to the BBC about the way they describe 4x4 vehicles.

Tomorrow I will drive something the same length as a Mondeo estate, but slightly narrower.

It will last 4 times longer.

It carries twice as many people.

It is easier to recycle.

It runs on chip fat.

Yes I drive a "polluting 4x4" 110 county

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a touch off topic but made me smile

crakcing moment on the M40 last night when the merc in front of me decided to undertake the car in the outside lane. just as he pulled level it flicked on the blue lights :D . do not pass, hand over £60, etc

Previous boss of mine did pretty much the same thing. Came flying up behind car in the outside lane. Flashed headlights...car pulls in and he floors it...car pulls out again, blue lights come one.... Doh!

Did you know you're allowed to undertake if you're keeping up with traffic - EG if the other lanes are moving slow and yours is moving fast. If someone (even a copper) is sat in the middle lane you can undertake if the fast lane is full, however diving under someone just for the hell of it will still land you in trouble. Personally I undertake lane-hogging idiots all the time as I figure if a copper is watching they will be more interested in the numpty sat at 50 in the middle of the road than me trying to keep moving at 70.

IIRC the Highway Code says that you can pass on the inside if you are in queuing traffic? I don't think it specifies any particular speed, just that it's nose to tail.

In which case undertaking a single lane hog would still be illegal - the offense both drivers are committing is something like 'Driving without due consideration for other road users'.

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I was once sitting in an empty inside lane of the M25 doing the same speed as the other two lanes, about 40 MPH with a traffic car next to me in the middle lane.

As I was thinking "better not overtake on the inside" the passenger in the police car waved for me to pass on the inside, so I did.

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