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New Group Formed

Paul Humphreys

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Statement from the Chairman Countryside Recreational Access Group

All at CRAG would like to thank those who have expressed an interest in the organisation. We would also like to thank those who have pledged membership, your support and commitment is priceless.

As the NERC bill reaches a critical stage, changes can still be made and the more our voices are raised in unity, the more we will as a Countryside Access Community, influence the decisions which are made on our behalf.

You already know who the founding members are and the general locations which we serve.

On the 26th of November, our website will go live, the web address is www.crag-uk.org and we look forward to your visiting our site and welcoming you as members in what will become an effective community of those seeking to preserve and enjoy unfettered access to our countryside.

At this stage of CRAG's development there are many questions, not least those concerning our Aims and Objectives, our Mission Statement, and our Constitution. These will all be placed on our website where the details will be available for everyone to see.

Until then, the founding members would prefer to respond only to membership enquiries. This will cut down the amount of time spent answering questions and allow CRAG's various team members to spend a little more time with their families. It is a very busy time for all right now in setting up this new organisation and your patience would be greatly appreciated.

To those who would accuse us of causing a rift within the laning community, we would answer that we are here to support, not tear down, existing organisations and we welcome the opportunity to help where we can in whatever ways we are able. We want to offer a positive response and input to local, regional and national government and can only do this with the support of the countryside access community.

As the Chairman of CRAG, I would like to thank each and every founding member for their energy, courage and conviction. Choosing this path has not been easy, I feel however, that it is the best way forward and one which offers an open and inclusive dialogue with all who enjoy access to the countryside.

It now falls to us to do what we say we will do, thank you for your patience.

Please feel free to join, membership packs are available via email.


Dave Rogers

Chairman, Countryside Recreational Access Group

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As the NERC bill reaches a critical stage, the more our voices are raised in unity, the more we will influence the decisions which are made on our behalf. To those who would accuse us of causing a rift within the laning community, we would answer that we are here to support, not tear down, existing organisations.

Dave, my comments relate only to the NERC Bill, and I do not challenge your motivations on other issues, as they do not concern me, whereas the Bill does - if you are able to work contructively and coherently with all the other pressure groups, particularly GLASS, then you might indeed add force to the arguments in favour of green laning. It is a fact of political life that Government typically weighs up submissions on the basis of a simple head count of organisations lobbying for and against a variation in legislation, and another in favour will most definitely help.

Organisations new to lobbying will often focus on too many issues, and believe that Government is interested in subtle points of detail, which they are not - stick to three or four main points, make sure your supporting arguments are robust and repeat them endlessly. Four organisations getting precisely the same messages out to the media, to Ministers, to back benchers and to organisations charged with protecting the countryside is undoubtedly better than three from a lobbying standpoint.

You should take comfort that Government knows and cares nothing about the politics or background of breakaways.

If, on the other hand, your input or public statements are at variance with the other groups on any significant issue, then Senior Policy Advisers will alert Ministers, as will the countryside agencies, and they will exploit those differences mercilessly. This is what is termed a lobbying own goal.

Always bear in mind too that Government is not actively encouraging opposition to their draft legislation, only support, and nothing looks worse than a rabble of confused voices scrabbling to win position, not the argument.

This message applies equally to GLASS and TRF, as well as to CRAG, and relates to fundamental principles of lobbying. Your first steps - however hard this might be for any of the parties - should be to make your peace with GLASS and TRF and to begin working constructively with and alongside them. I wish you well in achieving these aims.


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I take it through all this political waffle, that the guys who have formed CRAG feel that direct "action" is needed and were frustrated with GLASS being too insular?

As a Press Officer Paul, I think you're doing a wonderful job, everyone's talking about CRAG and is interested in what alternative you have to offer. Unfortunately you've left everyone guessing - you may find that gossip could overwhelm your intentions, I hope all publicity is good publicity.

I can't comment on whether I agree with a split from GLASS, I'm a member, I follow the code of conduct but I don't have time, inclination or the knowledge to get involved with the technicalities.

I wish you small mistakes and big results.

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I take it through all this political waffle, that the guys who have formed CRAG feel that direct "action" is needed and were frustrated with GLASS being too insular?

As a Press Officer Paul, I think you're doing a wonderful job, everyone's talking about CRAG and is interested in what alternative you have to offer. Unfortunately you've left everyone guessing - you may find that gossip could overwhelm your intentions, I hope all publicity is good publicity.

I can't comment on whether I agree with a split from GLASS, I'm a member, I follow the code of conduct but I don't have time, inclination or the knowledge to get involved with the technicalities.

I wish you small mistakes and big results.

Thanks for the kind words. As Press Officer, I carnt spell, I am hopeless at grammer, but untill someone better comes along then I will do the best I can.

All we ask is to be given the chance. If we turn out to be useless then I am sure everyone will say so, but if we do well, will everyone say that as well??


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I have already put my initial response 'on the other side' (yet another example of divide and conquer to paraphrase).

In slightly more depth.

Once again a pointless waste of time space and effort by a group of well meaning people. The RA is a well organised, well manipulated 'team' that uses it's skills base to awesome effect.

Apart from the TRF (who have some major issues to deal with internally) the 4x4 groups (including GLASS for whom I am a rep) have less clout than a broken fly swat. Constant division and the creation of yet more inefectual commitees simply weakens 'our' side again and again.

Despite a recent run in with GLASS, I have agreed to stick with the post of rep ( a ****ty, thankless task only rewarded by the monthly social) for the time being. I have no intention of being yet another back stabbing rebel who will only succeed in bringing us all closer to the loss of a hobby we love.

Maybe it's time you thought about the real situation in the real world rather than giving yourselves titles and roles in your new found independant society.

Oh and no you won't get my money - I would sooner ( and most probably will) re-join the TRF

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