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Seven Sisters Part 4a


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To whom it may concern:

I'm picking up the organisers passes and the keys at about 9am tomorrow, just outside Bristol so with a following wind, the spinnaker up and so long as I don't have a "Challis" , I should be at the main car park at about midday.

Hopefully I'll see you all around that time, but were under strict orders to ensure that the gate is secured and that we have to display our passes, otherwise site security are under orders to phone the plod, if you don't have a pass, and the gate is locked you'll have to wait - I'll pop back at suitable intervals, dependant on how many "Challis's" Mr Challis has suffered.

If you've been waiting in the cold, rain, sleet for longer than you feel reasonable, try phoning my mobile ( welsh open cast mine? reception? ) or try me on UK Ch 16 (ditto), doubt I'll respond but there are no prizes for not trying .

That is all

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but were under strict orders to ensure that the gate is secured and that we have to display our passes, otherwise site security are under orders to phone the plod

I take it that the site security consosted of the old guy, Brian, in the red 110? I did not see him on the Sunday at all but the site was chokka with locals riding everything from quads to moto-crossers and mountain bikes to driving round in SJ410s and blinged-up Corsas. I was dissapointed to see this going on and thinking at the same time about how much I had paid to be there. I appreciate that it was not the fault of the organisers but it would have been nice to have seen some sign that Walters were making some effort to keep the locals out as they apparently keep promising. Perhaps the police were there patrolling but I did not see any evidence of them.



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They've a helluva task trying to keep the site secure - they can't block Sarn Helen (legally, that is - they've already done it tho) but to 'causeway' the ROW with boulders is more work and time than justifies the cost.

It is annoying to see people taking for free what we've paid for though. I chased a Transit off-site but I've no idea what they were doing.

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I reckon they were trying to steal themselves a christmas tree. Unfortunately, there seems to be 2500acres of dead fur trees there. Any ideas what that is all about? They have all grown to 20ft or so, then died.

YEP they have all died fot the winter being larch trees.

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Walters have blocked the main access into the site (along Sarn Hellen) with some large boulders. But there are so many entrances into that site it would be impossible to seal it off completely

Lots of places manage it though, just try sneaking into Porton Down, Heathrow airport etc. OK, I know there is probably not the money available but surely calling the police is cheap enough... isn't trespass with a vehicle a criminal offence? Either way, very dissapointed, especially since they have been promising better security for years that I know of.


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