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Who paints their truck yellow? I've seen another nice 90 in yellow but can't think where. Any ideas Jase ;)

Go on then my mind has gone blank , I did hear a complaint from a third party that I copied them , Mmm I think yellow is a good colour , Its been around for a while and its the colour I picked not copied so get over it . :P:P

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I bumped into third party on Sun as I was leaving. He swears you took a paint chip off his truck to get a match :o:o . Yellow is a nice colour for a 90. They should all be painted nice bold colours. Green is so last year along with white :rolleyes:

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I bumped into third party on Sun as I was leaving. He swears you took a paint chip off his truck to get a match :o:o . Yellow is a nice colour for a 90. They should all be painted nice bold colours. Green is so last year along with white :rolleyes:

You must be on about the second party , I heard it from someone else .

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Guest weeble
You know, the worst possible colour that you could paint a 90 is orange ! Why do people do it ?



Whats wrong with orange then :angry::angry:

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Back On topic , I felt there was a lack of visitors from both the trade and the public on the show , What could have been better ,brilliant weather ,nice surroundings ,the CSW guys snoring all night .

Saturday seemed not busy enough and we all thought that most people would be there on the sunday , but by 2 o clock sunday afternoon it was very quiet .

Well at least we got to see a few familar faces , Unfortunatly :ph34r::ph34r:

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Back On topic , I felt there was a lack of visitors from both the trade and the public on the show , What could have been better ,brilliant weather ,nice surroundings ,the CSW guys snoring all night .

Saturday seemed not busy enough and we all thought that most people would be there on the sunday , but by 2 o clock sunday afternoon it was very quiet .

Well at least we got to see a few familar faces , Unfortunatly :ph34r::ph34r:

Were you sober enough to recognise me on Sun morning :P:P

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Nope not undercover. I'm just a very quiet and unnassuming person :P . Subtlety and going unnoticed are some of my traits.

I think I was the only other person wearing an Adventure4x4 series T-shirt along with Mr Ciderman.

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We had a superb weekend as usual with Tango and entourage as house guests..well for food anyway ;)

its the only show I go to, the setting is superb and has a relaxed feel that you don't get at any other show IMHO

Picked up a few bits from the traders as you do :lol:

Be there next year, My boy so wanted to go round the off road route, Nick chickned out, and I was told there was no way I was taking HER Disco round...full stop :blink:

Still the Hybrid might :unsure: be finished by next year

Entourage!! lol excellent weekend , i thoroughly enjoyed my self driving around in your wifes Disco :rolleyes: and the evening entertainment provided by your boy was excellent :) . I just want to thank you for letting a total stranger into your cafe! and making me feel so welcome .

Special thanks to your good lady for putting up with 4 complete idiots!! and still providing an excellent catering service.

cheers Les & co :) Look forward to seeing you at sevensisters. Guy.

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Dear All,

My name is Marian Tudoroiu (Ted) and I am from Romania. Me and my family (5 persons and our Defender 110 TD5) will be in Billing from 16th to 20th of July this year for the LRM Show :rolleyes: . This is for the first time being there. Your info & advices & tips about this show - what we should know about camping conditions, pitches "good and/or bad", how can we benefit as much as possible about our visit there, etc... - will be highly appreciated by us . We would also like after the show to have a visit to Liverpool and York. If you have any advice please let us know ;)

Thank you in advance for your support.

Kind regards

Ted&Family post-4720-1213616966_thumb.jpg

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well finally back in front of my pc after having a week touring scotland after the LRW show at eastnor

had a great weekend on the discovery owners club stand,

made a total prat of myself in the first round of the scrapyard challenge when we couldnt get the disco to fire up ( how embarrasing was that being the discovery owners club)

spent a few pennies on the allisport stand on some nice silicon hoses to replace my rather split hoses on my 300 tdi and afew other bits and bobs

roll on next year

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