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It's that time again

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You have me down I hope!

Going to need to borrow a jerry can and get a mortgage to get there but that's ok by me.

What type of event is it? In other words Insas or ATs? I'm going to try bloody hard to get my MTs, don't like the idea of going up on the Insas..

I've been all the way from Kent on Insa Special Tracks - twice!! It's not too bad. In the Range Rover I had a loud stereo - this time, I'm relying on the 200TDi to drown out the tyre noise!!

All signed and paid up. Just got to get to the bottom of my oil disposal problems!! And waterproof the tent - it is Wales after all!!

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That would work out well, I could see what the machos are like, but are you sure you can tolerate the racket they make? I am definetly up for that though. I am also trying to avoid wearing out the STs as I'm trying to sell them, I don't know how much they wear on road though.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Right all packed up and ready to for the off to get up there and help setup this afternoon - i see rain is forecast for the weekend - typical Welsh weather really!

Sam - you still coming up with HH and Matt?

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i see rain is forecast for the weekend

There were certainly right about that :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Another cracking event, even if it was a tad on the damp side, never mind, it made the tracks more interesting to drive.

Was good to see the regulars, and a few new faces, not many major issues over the weekend, a few broken Jeeps and a certain 100".

Not many pics from me as i hardly saw anyone all weekend :unsure:













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Failed drop arm ball joint. The steady limp home lasted about 10 miles then a flat back taxi to Matt's at WSM for a fix, then on home.

The weather surpassed itself, almost constant rain form Friday night to 07.00 this morning - then after a rest it started raining again!

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Under the direction of Mr Trembath I expect. :rolleyes: The plan was to park the trailer close to the bank and then just drive over the bank as my other 1/2 isn't to keen to get involved with loading the truck on :( . Didn't go to plan as the handbrake on the tow truck wasn't on as tight as it could be :o . So ended up doing a conventional load in the end with another veh crew. But thank you for pointing this out ;) .

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Had a great weekend, a huge Thank you must go to all the Marshalls for helping out with setting and clearing the course, and the support for the two days in recovery and fixing vehicles; very much appreciated by myself, Angela and Mike.

An excellent event laid on by Mike and Angela from J33P - well done guys, its certainly worth the effort and greatly appreciated.

It was good to catch up with everyone and the venue and general atmosphere of the event certainly make it a superb social weekend. A big up for Jum Pugh for not only supply the Steaks for the Bar B Q but cooking them as well - cheers Mate. Chris and Tim - thank you for helping with all the logistics on fri and late Sun, greatly appreciated.

Sam - hope you enjoyed your trundle around with us on Sun.

A few pictures to start.








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Another great weekend- even taking the rain into account- and by hell did it rain! Good choice on bringing the camper Tim- made life bearable knowing you could get warm if you needed. Thanks to Angela et al for all the time organising. Really Really enjoyed the punches- they were just right for me, andi even managed to avoid getting too much panel damage. Car performed very well i thought - showing Mahoosive traction at times.

Cheers to Tim, Nick and James for spotting as and when necessary- made the day much more enjoyable- highlight of weekend for me was doing 80% of the maxitrial without winching and drama- just wish i could have climbed that last slope at the top.

Lowlight was on sunday morning when i got far too close to rolling the truck over into a pond jsut whn i had a passenger for the first time- got my line in wrong and just starting slipping sideways- serious brown trouser moment whicn can be seen in pictures below looking like there was nothing wrong!

the rain had transformed the site turning th place into very very slippery clay in places (very very unexpectedly for 7S in my experience)- did one last climb of the day which would have been fine even under normal wet conditions and before i knew it even with the car in reverse i was slipping sideways off the hill- absolutely zero traction!

Tim can you stop taking photos of me please- i always look dreadful!

Some photos i took (and sorry for the cruiser content- i didn't seem to have many other photos!) in reverse order which are clickable for full size:




















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