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Difflock Evo oils?


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Used the recommended difflock oil in my LT95 and the change from first to second became a lot lot easier especially when cold. Generally improved the feel of the box when warm too- didn't feel so much like stirring a box of nails.

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it is very good,

the synchro had completely gone on 2nd gear in our old discovery, so much so i had to double D clutch going up the gears and 2nd was impossible going down the gears - so i stuck some of this in and the synchro reappeared!

ok, it was still crunchy - but i could at least get it in gear without too much drama.

lasted about 5k miles before i finally found the time to swap the box out.

as others have said, wont fix a knackered box - but it will put off having to replace it.

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My LT 77 in my 1985 has always been a bit notchy in 1st and second (Baulks often going into 1st) using original spec ATF.

First I tried MTF as recommended by Land Rover (and purchased from them) for the R380 - Made the gearchange worse.

Second I tried ATF together with an additive supplied by Ashcrofts - Much better than MTF.

Third, I am on Difflocks evo oil now, and it is no better than on ATF.



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MTL is what you would want if you've got an R380.

I haven't tried MTL in the 90 yet myself, but I'm using MT90 in my Triumph gearboxes and it's bloody good.

I've used MTL and a brew of MTL/MT90 (2/3MTL-1/3MT90, straight MTL thinned out too much in our summers, the gearchange went to hell ) as well as a few other brews, and the change wasn't as nice as Castrol Syntrans (and it gets too thin on +35*C days too)

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