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Shires Driving day 29th June, Slab Common


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A great day today with the good weather, but it was a bit dusty. Only time for a couple of pictures before I collapse for the night...unfortunately they are both of me (thanks to Jen) in a position I am not normally seen - stuck and covered in sh cra mud (actually very sandy smelly mud).



This would be a result of forgetting rule one of off-roading (could be rule two, I forget - rule one might be about not doing what Dan or Will tells you) - "When attempting to negotiate something wet and muddy, wind the window up!" :lol:

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It was worth it though Ryan - that's an awesome second picture! B) :lol:

Excellent day, great to see everyone and meet some new faces (nice to meet you Daan :) ). I had a good day driving around in the Camel taking pics/the mick out of stuck people, it's just made me more enthusastic to finish my Landy now! :)

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I had a good day out yesterday, good to meet some people from the forum

took this picture:


I met will warne, and he told me there were some muddy patches, as used in the AWDC challenge. So we checked it out.

The rest is a bit of a blur in my mind.....

But I somehow found this picture in my camera:


I reckon the SLRC is great fun! :P

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I met will warne, and he told me there were some muddy patches, as used in the AWDC challenge. So we checked it out.

The rest is a bit of a blur in my mind.....

But I somehow found this picture in my camera:

Blummin' hell Daan, what did you do? :blink: You should know better than to listen to Will, surely? :ph34r:

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Wow Daan I didn't realise it was that bent! :blink: You'd obviously straightened it up lots before I saw it back at the car park... Lovely truck, I was glad to see it 'real life' :)

Rule number 1 at Shire events is: 'Don't listen to Will Warne' :lol:

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Okay, I've had some sleep and have spent most of the day finding sand in awkward places (some of them in the Defender :ph34r:). Here are some more iconographs of our day at Slab.

A couple of the challenge boys having a play:


pope-on-a-rope needing a self recovery (same spot in which a little later I would get a "bit" muddy):


Cue childish war noises:


A stuck Camel (and it's not Dan's!):


Which did this to Richard's (D-Lander) brand new plasma:


Will "My Work Here Is Done" Warne stood next to Daan's slightly modified truck:


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If you'll believe it going in there was Daan's idea. After he had to winch himself in there I asked "Do you want to go forward?" Answer "Always forwards!!!!" B) The wing damage was all done when the vehicle sank (the mud on the top of the wing and front of the cage was the level) and we tried to winch through.

Good to meet you Daan - I had fun. Great truck, really impressive winch setup!

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Great pics guys!

I managed to get stuck in the middle of the lake before the event even started and spent the rest of the day with wet feet!

I lost count of how many times I got stuck...........but it was lots........I even managed to do it in front of everyone and got the tiddle taken out of me for it to boot!


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