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Member banned.

Les Henson

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His member status had been changed to 'banned' He can still read posts, but not reply, nor can he send or receive pm's or use other facilities provided by being a member. The locked thread on LRO has had the posts between him and me deleted. Good job too as far as I'm concerned. Using another website for this sort of thing is not on.


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I'm not entirely sure that slating a forum of x thousand members will help his buisness. I was considering geting the 90 done by him as he has just moved closer but not a chance now. [Controversial]I would rather have my tounge beaten wafer thin and stapled to a table with a croquet hoop! [/perhaps] :P


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His member status had been changed to 'banned' He can still read posts, but not reply, nor can he send or receive pm's or use other facilities provided by being a member. The locked thread on LRO has had the posts between him and me deleted. Good job too as far as I'm concerned. Using another website for this sort of thing is not on.





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I'm not entirely sure that slating a forum of x thousand members will help his buisness. I was considering geting the 90 done by him as he has just moved closer but not a chance now. [Controversial]I would rather have my tounge beaten wafer thin and stapled to a table with a croquet hoop! [/perhaps] :P


What firm is that then? never had the pleasure of reading any of his posts.


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What firm is that then? never had the pleasure of reading any of his posts.


Really? Have a look around this and other forums and it should eventually all become clear. This really has gone as far enough, if this thread keeps surfacing to the top with general chit chat it's going to get locked.

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Oh......my......God! Not him again. The Clean-Tect thread on ORRP was by far the best reading this century. He was his own whorst enemy.

Getting banned from ORRP would take some doing....but if anyone could...it would be Chrissy Boy.

oooh streaky yo da man- wheres leeds?

have you got the link to that thread- one of the funniest ever produced by ORRP- he just kept coming back and back for more.

hadn't quite realised this was the Orange juice drinking musclebound Dougal himself.

Myself I'm quite dissapointed he got banned as he's usually good sport- although i realise that is totally against the LR4x4 ethos!

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Thanks for that! I missed it! :rolleyes:

Personally, I could not give a toss about the beef between others. I love this forum :wub: , have learnt loads of stuff from its members, made some new friends & will continue to use this forum exclusively (I AM a member of 2 others, but never post there, only use occasionally to look through classifieds.)

I think the way things are currently run here are just fine, and think that the Moderators & Administrators are doing a superb job, and ought to have a "thank you" from us all, for giving up their time so readily & freely.

"THANK YOU" :rolleyes:

Now, can I come to the party too please? I dont like Jelly & would prefer milk chocolate digestives or custard creams with my cuppa.

I'll be round in a bit.....just need to find a nice Flock of Seagulls LP to bring along!! :P


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Well, I guess its a good move to save us the agony ................... IIRC HFH gets on ever so well with the guy :hysterical:

Also it maybe that the Mods are protecting their own corner ............... most some of them are 'two pieces of bread short of a sandwich' and I guess they felt the competition would be too strong..........

Although the Sh!ttect ORRP thread was well funny................... it was not as good as the long running 'engine reconditioning additive' thread on Piston Heads...... sadly that thread has been pulled by Ted, but it ran for a long, long time.



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Spot on and worth quoting.

Those of us who have been around the forums for a few years and who now moderate here and I imagine elsewhere are all a bit weary of the hot air this stuff generates. All you need do is spend some time searching through old threads on some of the other forums to quickly realise that there are people who relish arguing not only till the cows have come home but also long after they have gone to slaughter, made into beefburgers, returned to the soil and then reincarnated as cabbage juice. This has been the is this the room for an argument sketch of many a Land Rover forum for years.

Oh no it has;nt :lol:

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Only because you still haven't glued it's head back on yet :rtfm:


:lol::lol::lol: That was an amusing evening.

Tony - I suggest if this chap tries anything funny about libel use the Private Eye defence (Arkell v. Pressdram if you want the details) :lol: . He should also note that personal abuse is not libel. Also, seriously, I know this chap's history and if he did try to make a claim he'd probably be given comtemptous damages (the smallest coin in the relm) and ordered to pay all the other side's costs.

If cake's on offer you won't be able to keep me away from inspecting the book. I hope the admin trip to the Carribean last year didn't leave too big a hole in the finances :ph34r:

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I was Las Vegas Will and We are off there again for a Month this year after a road trip to France soon :)

All on official business you know

BTW did I mention the coffers are a tad light it seems :)

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So the code for Val's got her purse open for Gigglepin bits was really "Thanks for the donations chaps, it's sitting there doing nothing so I thought I'd make use of it" :P:P:P .

Will pop in for a brew next time I'm passing Tony. Not that it'll be for a month or so. Time enough to get the second set of books sorted ;)

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Although the Sh!ttect ORRP thread was well funny...................

yeah i know 'm going to get this thread locked, but it will be worth it!

this one http://www.orrp.com/smf/index.php?topic=9917.25

and looking at it it really looks like i seem to have started the thread off- oops

it was not as good as the long running 'engine reconditioning additive' thread on Piston Heads...... sadly that thread has been pulled by Ted, but it ran for a long, long time.

I refuse to beleive that such a fine thread has been pulled- i even read all 120 pages of it for the sheer amusement factor.

as Ted's no longer there i wonder if we can get Harmarket to re-instate it?

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