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Scott Williams memorial Challenge 2 12th & 13th July 08

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Opened out the tent in the garage today after Glastonbury few years back and found a 3 foot tear in the outer skin.

Thats £300 of MSR tent in the bin :(

Guess it will be a commute back to Ottery and a nice warm bed :rolleyes:

Go home? arent there penalty points for that Jase?

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Well what a cracking weekend for our perspective. a Huge thank you to Tim and Victor for helping out marshalling with the BWORC crowd - Jase, Shaun, Bill, Jackie - all of who had worked really hard to provide some really good special stages that kept everyone on their toes. these combined with upto 50 punches made for a challenging weekend but with enough time to social around the camp fire in the evening whilst working on Jackie's quiz - shame the marshall team was stitched up!!! Even the weather held all weekend. I think Scott would have been pleased with the effort and team work shown by the competitors who made the atmosphere and the event.

Kris Murphy had a great result with not only 3rd in class but also taking home the 'Spirit of the Event' trophy for his hard work helping out others over the course of the weekend.

Results and few pictures:



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Nice trophy's. I take it that each year you just get your name engraved on it if you win. Looks like a good time was had by all. Will have to make an effort to attend next year.

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Was a really good day Saturday, even the weather held out. I couldnt quite get up on Sunday and then my hayfever was really bad so I didnt make it down.

Was everyone up bright and early on Sunday morning? There was a lot of cider (and Archers for some) doing the rounds when I left on Saturday night.


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The event went extremely well , All weekend everyone was enjoying the atmosphere which was superb .

On behalf of The Williams Familly and the BWORC committe a huge thank you to all for all your efforts , Especialy the Marshals, Tim ,Victor, Pikey ,Stu and wobbley Steve :lol:

And after all the bills were paid the remainder of £ 240 will be going here http://www.clicsargent.org.uk/Home


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Nice trophy's. I take it that each year you just get your name engraved on it if you win. Looks like a good time was had by all. Will have to make an effort to attend next year.

There are two perpetual trophies, One for the Spirit of the event , Which is I think more worthy :P And the other trophy is awarded to the highest scoring member of the Bristol and West Off Road Club , So if you want to get your hands on it youd better sign up as a member ;)

The top three in all three classes all recieve trophies for driver and co-driver and everyone that takes part get a trophy , So nobody goes away empty handed as Kris Murphy found out as he and Cressy struggled to carry away all their awards :lol::lol: But they were stars all weekend .

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That was a really good weekend, we would have done well had we not got stuck or broken down every time before a special stage, but that's off roading.

I learnt that the one punch you don't walk before driving will be the one that gets you stuck, and that a peugeot 306 is not a comfortable place to sleep.

Didn't even break anything, but have picked up a missfire on the V8 I don't know how to solve.

Thanks to all the organisers and marshalls, and everyone that gave us tows!

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Probably the best weekend i have had there, whilst helping out,,

Think the competitors made it,, all got stuck in, help other's out, and entered into the full sprint of things,,

Am sure Scott would have been well please

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