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Stolen RPi P38 Range Rover

RPi Engineering

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STOP PRESS - 4th September 2008

Our much loved Range Rover demonstrator has been Stolen!

Overnight on the 3rd / 4th September 2008 professional thieves broke in to our yard, attacked our Dog and left with our Range Rover, which may subsequently have been used in a Robbery.

If you have any information on the wherabouts of our Range Rover please contact us on 01603 891 209 or email info@v8engines.com, or call the Norfolk Police on 01603 768 769.


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thats ridiculous! why would you steel such an individual rangerover?

altho... it does make an awesome get away vehicle.

sorry for your loss, i will keep my eye out for it!

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Shame your first post on our forum is the bearer of such bad news.

I hope the dog is ok and vehicle is recovered soon.

Indeed, on both points.

However as they have taken the trouble to sign up I'm sure they'll stick around to share their wealth of knowledge :)

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A mate of mine was drinking in a pub in Derbyshire with me, with his 110 crew cab outside in the car park. He kept chainsaws and various paraphernalia in the back all the time. Someone came into the pub and asked whose the 110 was - a local scrote had put his arm under the canvas to feel inside for anything valuable, and had found his border collie asleep in the back. The collie had claimed the arm as her own using her teeth, and she didn't want to give it back.

His reaction was priceless. He picked up his pint, smiled and said "I'll be out in a bit".

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