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Random Land Rover injuries


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Aerial through my hand, that hurt, the nurse said I should have goine in earlier, but I thought it might have healed in the first three weeks.

Bonnet to back of head, jesus that hurt, brought a tear to my eye, managed to fall at the same time and introduced my knee to my winch bumper.

Trapped finger between spring and spring mount on a disco, no one believed me, so after ten minutes decided to release it myself.

Numerous weld burns, the worst one being when it rolled down my back and rested between my cheeks, welding then together, that really hurt..

Obvious head meets diff when working underneath.

Ankle trapped under lowered axle - winced.

Dropped diff on my chest, it was heavier than I expected in the given space.

Hammer and thumb have met too many times.

Letting a mate trap my finger between and engine and a gearbox when i explicitly asked him not to.

And much much more.

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OK, here's one....

We were driving on a site in Sussex (Plastow) and in the process of trying to extract myself from a ditch, managed to tear my steering box off the chassis.

I asked someone to give me a tug backwards - and they over-did it a bit and pulled me backwards in to an oak tree - which re-modeled the back of my 110 some.

I got out saw the back of the 110 and in frustration - booted it as hard as I could. Mid boot - I realised I was wearing my wellies (rather than more usual heavy boots). The resulting impact fractured one of the bones in my foot. It was sore for a couple of days until I was hobbling to the pub - when it broke properly! Much more sore for a long time. Crutches, plaster & everything!


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Mine seems to be facial. Done the steering wheel removal into the face, made me wince, and steering stop (though my memory of this one is hazzy) pulling two handed on the spanner when it slipped resulting in a very impressive nose bleed.

Not strickly LR but my first garage 'accident' that I recall was being fascinated by the shiny bits inside a broken plug. Stretched up, I was a little younger at the time, and managed to get a finger on one of the shiney bits. Bit more stretch, more fingers, and .... bang I'm thrown back.

Can't recall which hurt most, the electrocution or being thrown down the 4ft pit behind me. Ah, fond childhood memories :rolleyes:

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1. Angle-ground my hand through leather rigger glove... although healed well!

2. Set fire to stomach area of fleece while angle-grinding as I'd forgotten to zip up overalls... bending over, thinking "b**dy hell, that's getting warm down there (looks down) - Oh S**t"

3. Whilst walking past rear axle which was in garden on axle stands last summer I tripped over it, it fell off the axle stand onto my foot (was wearing open-toed sandals) I screamed "F**K!!!!" whilst jumping backwards, bashed head/shoulder into car so hard it threw me forwards, again tripping over the axle cart-wheeling though mid air to face-plant hard on concrete.

Just for good measure this incident also completely ripped the very large road-rash scab off my elbow that had been healing for the previous 2 weeks that I got when I crashed my bike!

I took a break from anything LR-related for 6 weeks after that. Man, was I peed off!

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Not Land Rover related, but I was working on a piece of kit at work that pumped CO2 up to 30,000psi. Very nasty if it lets go, so has lots and lots of safety screens around it. I absolutely had to put my hand inside to adjust a pressure meter, and was rather nervous about it.

About 3 weeks earlier, one of the salesmen had gassed up an instrument using rubber pipe (very quick and easy but slapdash way to do it). It had had 50psi of oxygen going through it for 3 weeks, but chose that exact moment to rupture.

This resulted in me shooting off backward across the lab and crashing into the pile of safety screens that I had safely stored out of the way - knocking myself over. I had managed to rip out all of the control electronics for the high pressure machine, without touching any of the pressured pipes. How I did it, I will never know.

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After laughing till I cried at some of these post, I feel I should share my own, not LR related incidents.

The first when I was about 13, playing with an axe dad had bought home from work, he called me mid swing, I looked and managed to hit a finger. Luckily I just lost the nail, but bringing that axe back up I fully expected to see the fingertip on the other side.

The next 2 happened when I was a welder. The first was more funny that anything. we had been heating a piece of metal using the gas axe kit, and had layed it down into a bin when bending the metal, having thought we had turned the gas off. About 5 or six minutes later, I go to weld something, the first crack of the mig sends a spark into the bin, which had filled with acetalyne. We blew a hole in the workshop roof and took the paint off the walls., my ears rang for a week.

The second was a little less amusing when my sleeve cuff on my jumper got caught in the bansaw. hand hit the guard twice then offer the side of my wrist to the blade, which made an 1" long hole and hurt alot.

Needless to say now being a student the most i have to worry about is my p***head housemates falling down the stairs onto me!

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having thought we had turned the gas off. About 5 or six minutes later, I go to weld something, the first crack of the mig sends a spark into the bin, which had filled with acetalyne. We blew a hole in the workshop roof and took the paint off the walls., my ears rang for a week.

That just reminded me of something I will never forget it was funny at the time.

Going back to my YTS days, head mechanic used to play a lot of pranks on me and my mate so to get our own back we waited till he was welding a car. Then we blown up small balloon with mixture of above gas using a masking tape as a fuse. We lit it, as our luck had it went off just at the same time as he struck a spark. Big BOOM later. The poor bloke dropped the welding torch and ran out of the workshop not knowing what happened. He never made another prank for long time after that. We did get a bit of a telling off after wards but luckily for us he did see a funny side and why we did it. I wouldn't do it now tough as it was too dangerous and stupid. Greg

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Lying on the floor in the kangaroo rain at Minstead a couple of years ago, trying to fix HFH's rear ARB locker (pipe had split). So there I am lying on my back, feet sticking out the side of his truck.

Matey who's been chatting to him wanders off, hops back into his rangie and promptly drives straight over my feet!!!!! Loud squeel of pain eminated from me, shortly follwed by a dull thud as I tried to sit up (impulse reaction) and my head met the chassis rail!

So Nige says "what's up?"

"He's just run over my F***ing feet!"

Oooh errrr are you alright........

No I'm not F***ing alright, as I'm limping around trying to stand up......

Matey in the rangie comes back all appologetic..........

Worst bit was this was 9.30 in the moring......I had to limp about all day and drive 1.5 hours home barely able to push the clutch down casue it hurt too much!

Thats the last time I get under his truck to try and fix it!


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Stringer gave himself a heart attack when he left it in gear (read no handbrake) by the side of a mountain lake then started the engine from OUTSIDE the truck........... rec he beat Rodger Bannister s record as he ran after it before it nosed dived into the lake!

Did we laugh much? did we take photos? ......oh YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here I've done that!!!

Put a wacking great dent in the back of my car and demolished half of nextdoors hedge before it finally came to halt!!!

Completley forgot it was in gear.........


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