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greenlane from hell (wiltshire)


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Hi all ,

i'm just wondering if anyone else on here has been down the lane known as "the lane from hell" its off the A4 [location removed] in wiltshire........ have tried it twice and so far its cost in the region of £1000 in damages between 3 cars allthough i did manage to get all the way down it last time without the winch but its so rough. but it's well worth a look.

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Hi all ,

i'm just wondering if anyone else on here has been down the lane known as "the lane from hell" its off the A4 **** in wiltshire........ have tried it twice and so far its cost in the region of £1000 in damages between 3 cars allthough i did manage to get all the way down it last time without the winch but its so rough. but it's well worth a look.

well to be honest if its a Byway then it should not be drivin if its that bad, so give it a couple of months or so then it will be TRO'D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: thank you :rolleyes:
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Hi all ,

i'm just wondering if anyone else on here has been down the lane known as "the lane from hell" its off the A4 **** in wiltshire........ have tried it twice and so far its cost in the region of £1000 in damages between 3 cars allthough i did manage to get all the way down it last time without the winch but its so rough. but it's well worth a look.

Top tip. It's generally frowned upon (well, it is by me anyway ;) ) not to advertise g/lanes on public forums as very difficult because the wrong sort get the wrong idea and then go and treat it as a challenge.

Personally I wouldn't recommend a route that caused damage to a vehicle because I wouldn't want the repercussions when someone bends their motor.

Sorry to sound negative, you may not have been aware of such erm.. etiq.. etiket :lol: but unless someone mentions it.....

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Guest diesel_jim

Yeah, in know the one very well.

It's off of another byway which (a few years ago) was equally as bad, but has now been levelled and is as flat as a flat thing (BUT... at least it's still open)

how did you cause £1000 work of damage? you must have been driving like a mong. last time i did it, i got stuck, winched forward a bit, and carried on.

Think i got out of the ruts and straddled the deep bits IIRC

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to answer your questian no i wasnt driving like a mong ! , i cant say the same for the other idiots down there though , but i did a front locker in and the others who were with me did a couple of diffs and a prop . not sure if its the same lane though because you got no chance gettin out the ruts its 4 feet deef in places once your in your in u cant even get your doors open .

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Guest diesel_jim
to answer your questian no i wasnt driving like a mong ! , i cant say the same for the other idiots down there though , but i did a front locker in and the others who were with me did a couple of diffs and a prop . not sure if its the same lane though because you got no chance gettin out the ruts its 4 feet deef in places once your in your in u cant even get your doors open .

The one by **** farm? (well, not too far from it).... the one in your other thread with the picture of the "monster from the mud lagoon" (your muddy 90! :lol: )

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Morning guys. Please please please refrain from identifying lanes as it is an open invitation to the type of ill informed, inconsiderate and hard of thinking people who will hasten the loss of all of our green lanes.



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Guest diesel_jim
Morning guys. Please please please refrain from identifying lanes as it is an open invitation to the type of ill informed, inconsiderate and hard of thinking people who will hasten the loss of all of our green lanes.



I kind of agree with you there Chris, but it is a public highway where anyone is allowed isn't it? :rolleyes:

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it is a public highway where anyone is allowed isn't it? :rolleyes:

Yes. I do not see that as a reason to encourage over use of a route which is clearly unsustainable. All that will happen is that the CC will TRO it and then nobody gets to use it.

I know that Wiltshire CC are very accepting of vehicular traffic at the moment but there will come a time when closure of a lane becomes easier then managing it and I do not want to feel that this forum is a part of such a change of direction.

If someone knows about a lane then fine, if they insist on driving it, let them. As you say, they have a legal right to. This forum is not only read by it's contributing members, if a location is posted anyone can see it, including those who would misuse and abuse rights of way which in turn will erode MY rights to use sustainable unsurfaced routes in future.

As I type there are 4 people viewing this thread. Me, a member I have not heard of and 2 guests.


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It doesn't state on here that you can't do it. It's just the unwritten code here that if a lane is in such a bad state that you do so much damage to the lane and your truck you don't publish it's location blatently.

Sometimes I slightly disagree with the way things are done here but this is a case where I fully support the moderating team. If veryone goes to look at and drive the lane then it will get closed and then we have lost it forever, where as it may get left alone for a short while and make some sort of recovery.

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Think also mudman what does not go down too well for me is " have tried it twice and so far its cost in the region of £1000 in damages between 3 cars allthough i did manage to get all the way down it last time without the winch but its so rough" because this is just the things the Anti's love to see and then create a load of rubbish to publish in some local Rag!! which in turn brings attention to said lane and pressure on the local council to then close said lane!!!

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Firstly I'm not into destroying lanes nor do i want them shut !, i'm a member of glass and spend a lot of time repairing them as well as enjoying them........the lane in question has two tracks side by side and the bad one has been like it for several years the farmers that farm the land at either side of the lane use it as well with there tractors ( hence why its so deep ) . as for me giving the location of the lane i wasn't aware that its "against policy" but seems to me its just down to personal preference on here and not common sense , because if you read my comment i said that "its rough but worth a look" at no point have i told anyone to drive the lane .that i left to the individual to decide there are several lanes that lead to the lane in question all of which are all reasonable........i made the comment because when i'm looking for new lanes i tend to visit them by recommendation than just pot luck...and thought some other local users would appreceate some usefull info..

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I can see where your coming from and have never stated you don't respect these lanes but with a comment like i referred to in this thread is damaging when in the wrong hands of the Anti's and i'm sure there are a couple who have a looky on this great club. So please think before posting.

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Im confident that the "anti's" as you call them need more than a comment made in here to get a story printed in the paper or even get a lane closed , they only need spend afew hours with a camera at any of our lanes , but maybe we should all think before posting comments/personal insults about people they don't know !

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Given what you originally posted, anyone can locate the lane to either drive it, or take a photo, post it somewhere, then add "this is the destruction of a once previously pleasant walk - caused by the irresponsible use of environment-damaging 4x4's. We should lobby the govermnent/local council to close it immediately"

Yes it is fun to drive this sort of surface - this is what a lot of us love to do, but you have to look at what damage this sort of post will do to us in the long term - given that not everyone that reads it is in the same mind. If your unchanged post was now copied into the RA website - can you imagine what the response would be in there?

You can pay around £20 to go on a P&P site, do whatever damage that happens, post it on here, and the comments would be so different to those that are in this thread.

I know you don't like it - but given the current sensitive issues surrounding us 'tearing-up the countryside' - caution is always a wise thing.

Sorry if you don't like it, but we are protecting ourselves.


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Its like bangin you head against a wall in here ! , the edit i agree with , that was my mistake , after hearing what others had said i totally agree that i shouldn't have gave the location of the lane other than in a pm or e-mail, what pis*sed me off was insinuations that i was killing our sport ,and that i was being a "mong" . if we are honest driving these lanes no matter what state they are in damages them ! .

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As a newcomer to laning, I have thanked mudmad for an excellent, and quite precise, tip on a lane near me which is in good condition, not the easiest for a standard 90, and really made my day. I might have found it after a time on my own from Wayfinder + Memory-Map (from another thread on here), but that would only have been the map, with no information on what a great drive it is.

I can see an argument for not precisely identifying a lane in such a poor condition that it might be subject to closure under excessive use. I have seen only one or two pics of this Wiltshire lane and have never been there, so can make no judgement myself on whether this lane might be subject to closure or not.

Appealing to common sense is always valuable, but one man's common sense might not conicide with another's or indeed that of the majority.

My suggestion is that the moderators put up a sticky giving guidance on when, and when not, the forum deems it appropriate to identify a lane precisely. Mudmad, in his tip to me, provided one option for drawing the distinguishing line. He noted that the lane he was recommending was a good one for a standard truck. Perhaps the moderator's guidance on identifying a lane, or not, might be:

"A lane may be precisely identified on the forum if the contributor has personal experience of it and believes that it is in good enough condition to be completed by a reasonably experienced driver in standard vehicle without a winch

Any lane which does not comply with the above, ought only to be precisly identified by pm."

Mudmad's precise tip to me complied with this guidance.

The sticky might also include a code of practice, such as the one LRO International always include (probably copyrighted, but they might be happy to see it on the forum if the source were identified).

Thanks again to Mudmad for the Shurdington tip.

It would be good if this debate resulted in a conclusion which improved this forum a little, rather than just petering out.

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