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frozen plasma winch line


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Quick question now the weather is starting to turn...

what are the affects of using a plasma line which has been in muddy water, a hard frost over night and then used the next morning (ie still frosty).

Is this a bad thing to do?

or would there be no ill effects..

I know prob some thing as simple as putting a towel over the drum would stop it frosting up..... But

thanks for your input...

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If the rope's slack and drenched through, ice crystals will form and expand, then melt in the morning and all will be well. I guess if you try to use it while there's still ice within the fibres then they could form sharp edges and abrade the rope internally - although I don't know if that'd be significant compared to dragging it over a log or through mud.

I guess a greater issue could be if you had the rope wet and under tension, and then it froze, the ice could have more chance to bite into the fibres without they having chance to move away - but if it's under tension, I reckon the water would squeeze out and resolve the problem before it occurred.

This doesn't include any consideration of the change in chemical strength at different temperatures (ie the rope itself could be more brittle at low temperatures, regardless of any frozen moisture content) and none of this is proven by any more science than my finger stuck in the air, but it seems sensible to me and provokes debate.

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That assumes that you are going home, Ralph.

When, for example, you are at a 2 day event (like JST's this weekend) it becomes a bit more of an issue, though...

True, not much can be done to dry it out on long weekend events. suspect it would be ok, as the trawlers go out in really icy conditions & the nearly all use these type of fibre ropes for the fishing gear.

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If its under tension it will be near dry anyway - but as Ralph says the original use of such ropes is for boats and if the rigging all snapped the first time it went out in wintery conditions it would be a bit of a design flaw :)

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