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three Amigos

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Help............Just been quoted£1864 for the ABS modulator for my 2003 110 td5 hardtop. :ph34r:

I knew it was going to be expensive when the guy at landrover was talking out loud as he trawled through his screen then shut up and said WOW. he did add that that was including VAT

My Nanocom says Fault 17.04 pump failure 2 (pump not running when actuated) intermit 255 times

I can reset the lights and take it down the road, hit the brakes and the ABS kicks in no problem. I get home switch it off, come back out and switch it back on only to be met by the grinning three amigos.

Tonight I reset the lights at work drove 3 miles home then hit the brakes at the bottom of the road ABS kicked in momentarilly then my three friends appeared.

Can anyone tell me what else I can check. My nanocom lets me reset the lights, which is all very good, however my MOT is due and short of removing the bulbs or masking over the lights, which might be just a little obvious I am stumped.

Santa is never gonna get it because I havn't been very good this year. Some wit at work suggested matches........Not an option


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Can you blow the bulb by removing the dash and fiddleing with the connects or even black out panel between the bulb and the fascia?

Not condoning it but I would :P

If you take the bulb out, then as Pat said above, the tester will still fail it because the light should come on and then go out after a self test.

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Put a timer on it.

I don't know if the defneder ABS system has the same self test as the classic Rangies but if it is, the light should stay on until you travel at over 5 mph. So if you sit there stationary the light will stay on indefinately. A timer will obviously not work in that scenario.

Also, if you are thinking that the MOT tester won't know the intricacies of the self test procedure then unfortunately you will learn (as I did :( ) that the new computerised system prints out a crib sheet for the tester with all the details on it.

Of course, if the defender system's self test has a light that comes on for a short while and then goes off then a timer would work, but I would ask, why would you want to drive around with a dodgy braking system? Particularly as the fault is related to the pump.

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i would be inclined to getting the fuses and relays checked first. i had a similar problem on a car once, ABS lamp would extinguish after the POST had finished, then would randomly go on and off when operating the brakes.

Was a right PITA to find the fault, eventually turned out to be a hairline crack in a fuse, and as the current was flowing it was causing odd happenings.

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Thanks for the replys guys

I spent another hour with my Nanocom and found that it reports between 0.6 and 3.4 voltage at the pump relay and zero volts at the pump monitor. There is a facility on the Nanocom to activate the pump relay, done that and eventually tracked the clicking noise to the ABS ECU under the drivers seat. I am wondering if somehow the ABS ECU could be at fault

I don't want to be driving around with defective brakes, equally I spent so long watching the 3 amigos watching me that I have left myself with very little options. Definently won't be spending £1864 to find out that it wasn't the bleedin modulator/pump all along.

As an aside when I was under the drivers seat I found 2 black relays with pretty heavy wire runing from them. One of the wires was hanging out the bottom of the connector, my heart fairly leapt when I thought I had found the problem. No such luck although I have no idea what this relay done as I though everything else was working.

Too dark now to keep working on it. I'll try sleeping on it then have another think in the morning.

Thanks again

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