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New Motor on the block


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Just seen a very nice 90 T/C with all the right bits put together very well

envious to say the least.

hopefully the owner will post up the specs and some photos

Tdi Auto with plenty of power and some nice engineering.

A credit to JST and his not so glamorous assistant :)

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Have to agree there with you. A very nice truck well put together. A lot of time an effort went into it. But disagree about the assisstant thing :P .

I thought you were there to make the tea!! :ph34r::ph34r:

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I just did the niff naff and trivia jobs. With a bit of brain storming thrown in. James did most of the tech work. I wasn't that good. I took all afternoon to fit a tank guard :( .

I won't say to much, will let the owner do a photo report if he see's fit.

Weeble. Tea??? You must be joking. Felt like he was still doing his old job and I was a new boy. Not even time to get tea or lunch :o

Tony I take it when you went out there he had solved his bird problem :D

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JST will supply pics which unlike the vapour builders actually done what he said he'd do :)

Well, I've never said I was going to sell up Tony - that would be weakness :P:lol: All credit to James he has done a fabulous job getting a build done in a very short space of time. He did, however, have a tight deadline which always focuses the mind.

I've not yet actually failed a time objective although that will change in 16 days time. I think once James starts posting up some of my secrets will be well and truly out of the bag..... :ph34r:

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In my defense. Having got 1/2 the bolts in the other 4 needed drilling out. With the tank guard in place and me sat on the floor between said guard and the axle tube there wasn't a lot of space to work. And I use that word lightly like I always do ;) .

We both had out strengths and weaknesses when it came to certain aspects of the build and we utilised them and the time to very good effect.

Will, break silence and own up to your new build. That way as it's a new build which surely must come with a new deadline :rolleyes: .

Tim Cooling??? Thought he had that covered??

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Which word, Walfy - space, or work - not a lot of either when you are around!!! :P:lol:

Work-Definitely not

Space- Even I was surprised that I fitted in the gap :o . Even with my svelte athletic figure

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well last mon it looked like picture one due to the rust and now its better again, dont have a pic though but it looks the same as before just with

New Bulkhead

new Chassis

new loom

td5 dash

new engine

new gearbox

new air intake.

Couldnt of done it without Marks help with all the tricky bits, thanks you. we had a rolling chassis with engine in by Mon night, tue saw bulkhead on, wed tub was on, thur cage went in, Fri and the rest of this week (finished lunch today) was loose ends, wiring, ARBs, console, air intake, exhaust etc etc. so total 168 man hours for the last bit of dismantling (4hrs) and then the rebuild. Many thanks to Weeble for welding my exhuast (well the good bits on it the other bits were my efforts!) and the cage mounts.








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