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Interest in another Interclub challenge


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Ok things are moving forwards date:

in Aug 2 day 2 site

5 cars per team 6 teams max of thirty cars for the event so if team 6 doesn't materialise then 6 cars per team

Teams to include one standard car as per the description of Standard in the adventure4x4* rules, one team per club.



2-Dirty Diesel Reserved subject to date/vehicle

3-Roguevogue Reserved subject to date


5-steve G































*Adventure4x4 are not responsible for this in any I am just using the rules they use.

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6 cars per team

1 to be standard class

one team per club

these are the working guide lines Tim, if we can't get six teams then it can run with 5

As no one is running it as yet I'm trying to get it pulled together as a package to try to get intreset a party to run the event

Also, i see you have now changed it to 5 cars per team :o but above you say 6 :unsure:

Am sure we can get 6 teams,, already 4 listed :unsure:

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These are now the set out rules for entering Tim

To get an organiser and the relevant insurance there is a max of 30 cars.

you can quote any of the above but I said they were working guidelines

now we have an organiser things are being set out.

Date and entrant numbers and one team per club are the criteria for for entering

I'd like to have 10 teams with 15 cars but organising it isn't so easy.

I'm going to contact CSW and Bristol boys to see if they are interested and some others

ps there are only 3 listed as team agrovate were a 2nd team from Innovate

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OK,, you posted as i was one finger typing :lol:

6 Teams of 5 vehicles

Bank Holiday weekend (29/30th August)

Camping ??

Organiser ??

Venue(s) ??

This is what we have:

30 cars max whatever way it divides

1 team per club/forum or whatever a group wish to be known as

2 day event

Aug 22-23rd

Venues I have been asked not to announce but Southwest

Camping yes


5 cars per team 6 teams max of thirty cars for the event so if team 6 doesn't materialise then 6 cars per team

Teams to include one standard car as per the description of Standard in the adventure4x4* rules, one team per club.



2-Dirty Diesel Reserved subject to date/vehicle

3-Roguevogue Reserved subject to date


5-steve G































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Ok things are moving forwards date:

last weekend in Aug 2 day 2 site

5 cars per team 6 teams max of thirty cars for the event so if team 6 doesn't materialise then 6 cars per team

Teams to include one standard car as per the description of Standard in the adventure4x4* rules, one team per club.

When will we know if it's 5 or 6 cars, 6 or 5 teams?

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Its a shame the goal posts have been moved again , I was hoping for a 6 vehicle team (3 sub teams of two) ,

The last Interclub worked well with 6 per team ,But saying that our team was down to 3 by 10.30 :(

So is there any of your rules Tony that specify an individual starting a team ,or do they have to be a recognised and established club/forum ?

You know what im angling at , Innovate have many requests from members who want to join , But first come first served , If the group of the non starters /reserves decided to amalgamate and form thir own team would this be permited ?

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Jase no goal posts have been moved or were set in stone

I was hoping to emulate the old interclub challenge, but this won't happen, unless we drop to five teams.

the outline posts above were a guideline to get the ball rolling

There is now a limit (insurance wise) on vehicles entering

30 cars max

so hence the above.

I can't run the entire thing alone Luckily James has stepped up.

Established clubs only other wise we'll have 3 teams from Innovate alone

I'm sure LR4x4 could also field as many

this was meant to be like the last one with clubs from all over joining in.

Innovate will have to decide on team members themselves

I'm hoping CSW, will enter then there was a team from Essex last time also SLRC may want to put a team in.

There has to be a limit unfortunatley.

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Any chance we could have some details of how it works with it being teams competing. Is it everyman for himself then add the five team members scores at the end of the day. Just a general overview.

That sounds just about how the last one worked , then its up to the team if they want to go solo or help each other .

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As Jase has said all cars scores totted up at the end

Shaunus Sure will do

Bob you entering a team?

Two day event total scores for both days added together then all five cars scores added to give an overall total and the highest wins.

Unless James can suggest something else?

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As Jase has said all cars scores totted up at the end

Shaunus Sure will do

Bob you entering a team?

Two day event total scores for both days added together then all five cars scores added to give an overall total and the highest wins.

Unless James can suggest something else?

Yes Tony, just waiting on the finer details, will know in a couple of days.

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I have asked Tim (TJ101) if he would like to pick up the reigns

as it appears there are people who want to enter from the same forum/club

rather than end up in a disjointed effort of what was meant to be another fun event (as the last one was)

it may be simpler for someone else to deal with the arrangements.

then teams can be entered from the same club/forum etc.

The bottom line was 30 cars total so 5x6 or 6x5 was the only way I could meet the criteria.

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That's a shame Tony as you were the one that raised the concept in the first place.

Personally I would stick to my guns, surely the whole point of an Interclub is teams representing different organisations rather than Forum A, Forum B etc.

Why not take the Forum element out of it completely. Teams of genuinely accredited members from different genuine clubs.

As an aside I am amazed that after emailing all of the AWDC Challenge drivers, only 2 have contacted me about taking part.

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I have asked Tim (TJ101) if he would like to pick up the reigns

as it appears there are people who want to enter from the same forum/club

rather than end up in a disjointed effort of what was meant to be another fun event (as the last one was)

it may be simpler for someone else to deal with the arrangements.

then teams can be entered from the same club/forum etc.

The bottom line was 30 cars total so 5x6 or 6x5 was the only way I could meet the criteria.

Evening Tony,, been out most of the day, and just replied to your mail

Regret the planned weekend clashed for me with the Royal Torbay Regatta, which is a great shame,, but will be racing instead

I am sure is will not be a "disjointed" effort, as 4x4 Adventures will undoubtedly put one another superb fun event

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