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Mindless vandalism

Les Henson

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Mandy - I never called you a whinging old git, what are you, some sort of whinging old git? ;):ph34r:

geoff - in this place it wouldn't matter if they had a tank and were tearing around, although I'd like to see 'em get it down the footpath from the estate :lol: at least it's a bit of waste ground and not a public park or green lane, which we'd then get blamed for. TBH I think most of the police know the kids and leave them to it as they know they're better off there than loitering round shopping centres in hoodies scaring the old folks :rolleyes:

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Mandy - I never called you a whinging old git, what are you, some sort of whinging old git? ;):ph34r:

geoff - in this place it wouldn't matter if they had a tank and were tearing around, although I'd like to see 'em get it down the footpath from the estate :lol: at least it's a bit of waste ground and not a public park or green lane, which we'd then get blamed for. TBH I think most of the police know the kids and leave them to it as they know they're better off there than loitering round shopping centres in hoodies scaring the old folks :rolleyes:

well you got weird police around your area then, because they go out of their way to catch such like around our area and Dorset, the Dorset plod have been issued with 400cc trials bikes for this purpose, it's considered an anti-social nuisance by the government and has resulted in even local people to lanes putting cheese wire across lanes at neck height and resulting in law-abiding TRF riders being garotted due to scrouts tearing about on un-licensed bikes. The law abiding people suffer and not the law breakers

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Jon you may not have called me that personally but to imply that people who report someone doing something they should not are "winging old gits" is wrong.

The law is the law and too many people think that it does not apply to them this days.!!!!!!

What is the old saying?

"if you cant do the time ... dont do the crime"

DO NOT let DISSCUSSIONS like this turn into a S***** V Mandy slanging match again.!

dispite what some of you friends may think.... i DO NOT have that intention every time i go near my keyboard!!

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Rob - I'm talking about Gosport, it's not really an area of outstanding natural beauty and the waste ground is by the local sewage works so you don't get ramblers, dog walkers or indeed anyone with a sense of smell nearby. Also, as you may imagine, there's not many houses in the immediate vicinity :rolleyes:

Mandy - That was not what I said, what I am getting at is there are SOME people (NOT you) who ARE whinging old gits, and who will phone the police if there is a group of kids doing anything - be it riding a (motor) bike, skateboarding, or even just playing football in the street (there is a green area round here perfect for kids but the old folks complained to the council so now there's a big sign on the fence saying NO BALL GAMES" sheesh, is it really that offensive?

I'm talking about people with the same sort of attitude as the RA have: "Well I don't like it so they should ban it". So the police have to be seen to attend, move the kids along. So, they can't ride their motor bike, can't skateboard, etc etc. which leaves them less to do (stay at home & play playstation) and they end up as little scrotes who commit crime for something to do.

This isn't about you Mandy, I've got no problem with you - as Nige's signature says "If I say something, and there are two ways of taking it, and one upsets or offends you, I meant the other"

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PM sent on the personal side.

In answer to your comments re old people and kids playing football....

They have EVERY right to have a no ball games sign put up.

Where we used to live there was a patch of grass right next to our house HOWEVER there was also a football pitch less then 200yards from our house also.

BUT the kids would bang the ball up against the side of our house from morning to night (school holidays) the noise went right through you and the house.

When asked not to do it we got a mouth of abuse from BOTH kids and parents and the no ball game sign was taken down INFRONT of the council workers who put it up.

Now i understand that kids are kids and some do have harmless fun, but the other people who live in the area have a right to have their peace and quiet too.???

All too often vandalism goes unreported because the older generation are frightened that there will be some come back from BOTH kids and the parents of kids and thus the kids grow up thinking that because they have not be told off for doing something wrong, Its ok to continue doing it.

Re read my post about the little girl who was kicking the cat.... her father thought she was a little angel.


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All too often vandalism goes unreported because the older generation are frightened that there will be some come back from BOTH kids and the parents of kids and thus the kids grow up thinking that because they have not be told off for doing something wrong, Its ok to continue doing it.

Re read my post about the little girl who was kicking the cat.... her father thought she was a little angel.


Also the parents who condone it. Typical of todays culture is an incident which happened to my wife last summer.

Shopping at Asda at brighton marina I had gone into a different shop Lynn came out of Asda walking down the coverwed sidewalk and a kid of about eleven on his bike runs into her shin and draws blood.

Quite naturally ( in my opinion ) she swears and tells the kid to either walk be more careful or ride on the road. I come back just in time to find the lads dad f ing and blinding at Lynn who is still kneeling on the floor in pain. When I tell him to quiten down he wants to know if I want to make something of it while hes grinning toad of a son is finding it hilerous.

Thank goodness for the arrival of security as it was turning into a very unpleasant sitution of somebody who was twice my size and half my age and was looking to right the slight put on to his innocent baby.

Respect starts at home

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Well said Dave! it is all so easy to do what the rest of society does and turn a blind eye, suffer what has become the norm instead of standing up for right or wrong.

I constantly get myself into trouble for saying these things but i cant help it i was brought up that way! and i think i am too old to change now. if i am classed as a busy body then so be it i can sleep with that.!

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I saw this topic this morning and have been thinking about it

Sad really to see all those cared for old cars smashed up like that ................. just for fun and a laugh maybe but they would of had to have been determind or inside knowledge to gen in .................. I expect there's alot more to it there generally is ................. a grudge springs to mind

Be iterested to see what happens and if the police catch whoever done it

As to the other stuff gave up reading after a couple of seconds................ opinions good ar'nt they :blink:


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Rob - I'm talking about Gosport, it's not really an area of outstanding natural beauty and the waste ground is by the local sewage works so you don't get ramblers, dog walkers or indeed anyone with a sense of smell nearby. Also, as you may imagine, there's not many houses in the immediate vicinity :rolleyes:

Waste ground is still private property, that makes it trespassing, use of possibly a vehicle with no tax, insurance and MoT, and if they're yoofs then no license. No where is outside of the law unless it is private property, and even then there are laws to control such stuff happening.

And just thinking that it's waste ground as well, what rubble or wrecked cars must be awaiting poor little Johnny when he looses it and shreds himself on a wall or a half smashed-up car that's been burnt-out, would the parents blame their child when he's sat in hospital or a morg, doubt it very much :huh:

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Can't we ban 'banning things' and try to let common sense be the rule? The phrase "where appropriate" or "as XXX considers" used to be critical in English law, so ripping around the infield of a disused airfield on a kid's go-ped and racing across open-plan gardens in a housing estate could be separated by due representation and sensible dialogue.

Of course, I'd still see the Jaguar defacers strung up, inside job or no.

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Can't we ban 'banning things' and try to let common sense be the rule? The phrase "where appropriate" or "as XXX considers" used to be critical in English law, so ripping around the infield of a disused airfield on a kid's go-ped and racing across open-plan gardens in a housing estate could be separated by due representation and sensible dialogue.

Of course, I'd still see the Jaguar defacers strung up, inside job or no.

What he said. :P

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hail President Blair :unsure:

Min I think you qualify for being the youngest recipient of this award :lol: , I only have it on the back of mine so that the emergency services know what to look for in the event of an accident of course ;)


Seriously, it's comforting to see younger people with a balanced view of life, I wish there were more like you B)

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Min I think you qualify for being the youngest recipient of this award :lol: , I only have it on the back of mine so that the emergency services know what to look for in the event of an accident of course ;)


Seriously, it's comforting to see younger people with a balanced view of life, I wish there were more like you B)


I do try my best


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