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North Yorks TRO Proposals


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U569 Great Moor Lane. SE94709-89431 to SE95324-89091 and

U618 Darncombe Keepers Cottage DarnHolme - Cum - Langdale End

Broxa-Cum-Troutdale. SE90794-87441 to SE91659-90066

U2420 Forest Road, U2422 Cowgate Rigg

U8122 Thorn Howe, Harwood Dale.

The County Council has been asked to implement the following traffic control measure at the above locations.

Proposed Measures

Prohibition of motorised vehicles except for access to premises or land adjacent to the roads.


a/ for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or any other road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising, or

b/ for preventing damage to the road or to any building on or near the road, or

c/ for facilitating the passage on the road or any other road of any class of traffic (including pedestrians), or

d/ for preventing the use of the road by vehicular traffic of a kind which, or its use by vehicular traffic in a manner which, is unsuitable having regard to the existing character of the road or adjoining property, or

e/ (without predudice to the generality of paragragh (d) above) for preserving the character of the road in a case where it is specially suitable for use by persons on horseback or on foot, or

f/ for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which the road runs

The letter continues to state that if there are no significant objections the scheme will be implimented within six months.

Objections should be addressed to:

Mr Les Parker

Highways North Yorkshire

Area 3 - Whitby Office

The Garth

White Leys Estate

Whitby YO21 3PD

Objections to be in by 10th July 2009

Or email: area3.whitby@northyorks.gov.uk

Or Tele: 0845 8727374

No matter how far away you live your objection counts!

Please write as an individual rather than naming a club/organisation as they have a habit of lumping all people from one organisation into just one objection rather than individual.

Even just a copy and paste of the list of roads and a one liner "I object to the proposed TROs to these routes" will do - just a couple of minutes of your time now could mean these are still available for years... well you have to stay optimistic!

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Guest otchie1
U569 Great Moor Lane. SE94709-89431 to SE95324-89091 and

U618 Darncombe Keepers Cottage DarnHolme - Cum - Langdale End

Broxa-Cum-Troutdale. SE90794-87441 to SE91659-90066

U2420 Forest Road, U2422 Cowgate Rigg

U8122 Thorn Howe, Harwood Dale.

The County Council has been asked to implement the following traffic control measure at the above locations.

Proposed Measures

Prohibition of motorised vehicles except for access to premises or land adjacent to the roads.


a/ for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or any other road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising, or

b/ for preventing damage to the road or to any building on or near the road, or

c/ for facilitating the passage on the road or any other road of any class of traffic (including pedestrians), or

d/ for preventing the use of the road by vehicular traffic of a kind which, or its use by vehicular traffic in a manner which, is unsuitable having regard to the existing character of the road or adjoining property, or

e/ (without predudice to the generality of paragragh (d) above) for preserving the character of the road in a case where it is specially suitable for use by persons on horseback or on foot, or

f/ for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which the road runs

The letter continues to state that if there are no significant objections the scheme will be implimented within six months.

Objections should be addressed to:

Mr Les Parker

Highways North Yorkshire

Area 3 - Whitby Office

The Garth

White Leys Estate

Whitby YO21 3PD

Objections to be in by 10th July 2009

Or email: area3.whitby@northyorks.gov.uk

Or Tele: 0845 8727374

No matter how far away you live your objection counts!

Please write as an individual rather than naming a club/organisation as they have a habit of lumping all people from one organisation into just one objection rather than individual.

Even just a copy and paste of the list of roads and a one liner "I object to the proposed TROs to these routes" will do - just a couple of minutes of your time now could mean these are still available for years... well you have to stay optimistic!


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Done. :)

Come on folks get emailing.... ;)

Copy and paste this to make it even easier:

Dear Mr Parker

I am writing to object to the proposed TRO on the following routes:

U569 Great Moor Lane. SE94709-89431 to SE95324-89091 and

U618 Darncombe Keepers Cottage DarnHolme - Cum - Langdale End

Broxa-Cum-Troutdale. SE90794-87441 to SE91659-90066

U2420 Forest Road, U2422 Cowgate Rigg

U8122 Thorn Howe, Harwood Dale.

Best regards

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Can anyone give some pointers about these green lanes. Personally I would like to right more then I object.

So if someone has some knowledge about these lanes maybe they could give some more detailed reasons to objections.

Must admit I 'like' reason a for closing these roads


a/ for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or any other road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising, or

Now surely IF that is a valid reason for closing a road it would be more sensible to close sealed roads which are accdent blackspots. Under that reasoning the M1, A1 etc should be closed as people and traffic are in danger and are injured on those roads.

Wonder how many deaths, or RTC have occured on those green lanes?



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Added a little;

Dear Mr Parker

I am writing to object to the proposed TRO on the following routes:

U569 Great Moor Lane. SE94709-89431 to SE95324-89091 and

U618 Darncombe Keepers Cottage DarnHolme - Cum - Langdale End

Broxa-Cum-Troutdale. SE90794-87441 to SE91659-90066

U2420 Forest Road, U2422 Cowgate Rigg

U8122 Thorn Howe, Harwood Dale.

I use some of these routes to explore some of the beautiful countryside in the area and to escape from the madness on the main highways. I have never seen any accidents on any of these routes and i am sure they are less expensive per mile to maintain than any main highway in the area. Restricting access to these routes takes away some of my desire to visit the area.

Best regards

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Just a quick note.

If you are writing to object to these TROs, and every letter is important, please don't mention that you are a member of any club or organisation. If you do, all letters from members of that club will be treated as one objection, even if they receive 10,000.

To gain maximum effect, write as an individual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got an email today:

Dear Sir/Madam,






Thank you for your response received via email.

Your response is appreciated and any issue(s) you have raised, if applicable, will be considered by the Highway Authority, together with all of the responses received, at the end of the consultation period. It is appreciated that not all respondents have commented on all of the above locations. However, in order to deal with the consultations more efficiently, a combined response is being sent.

No response to comments / objections will be made at this stage, however if it is decided to proceed with the above proposal then you may be contacted to discuss your observations or concerns.

If objections are raised which are not resolved or withdrawn, it will be necessary to report the matter to a meeting of the County Council's Yorkshire Coast & Moors Area Committee who will decide on the course of action to be pursued. Members of the public may attend the Committee meeting and make a statement or ask questions subject to various conditions. The date and venue of the Committee meeting together with conditions regarding public access will be advised if applicable.

Yours sincerely,

L Parker

Improvement Manager

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