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Newbie with a couple of questions.


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Hey all,

I picked up my first LR yesterday, its a 1995 Discovery 300tdi in black. Its got a 2" suspension lift, rock sliders, snorkle, steering and diff guards already but I'm already looking to see what else I want to fit.

I'm really happy with it having covered 400 miles already and have big plans for it but have a couple of questions if anyone can help answer them I would appreciate it.

1, There seems to be rather a large panel gap either side of the bonnet, almost 3/8 to 1/2 inch, yet the position of the wings seems to be normal so I'm wondering if there was ever a slightly narrower bonnet fitted to other models or years, if not do I have a problem.

2, The rear door\boot seems to catch on the bumper, is this a common fault?

3, Should it have central locking? I would assume it should.

4, Both rear electric windows do not work, are there any common problems with them? The motors do not seem to run.

Thanks in advance.


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Welcome :)

1. its a Land Rover - not unusual :)

2. can be one or more of rear door hinges, the door having been let go in the wind, or broken rear body mounts. Hopefully the first one...

3. Probably but not necessarily - not all did

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Thanks for the advice so far everyone and sorry but I've got more questions.

After reading your replies and spending a little time investigating tonight I think the rear bumper may have been pushed up slightly while offroading, time to call my friends round for a beer I think.

Where can I find the window ECU? Both rear windows do not work from the front or rear switches, the isolate switch is off.

I've found the interior lights do not work when doors are opened or by switch, but when they are supposed to be on the clock goes blank, the clock also resets to 1:00 when the ignition has been switched off. The radio keeps losing its memory, which usually I would put down to the permenant and switched lives being mxed up, this might be the case still but I've not had time to investigate but considering the problems with the lights and the clock I thought these might be linked.

Wherre can I get wiring diagrams from?

Thanks everyone.


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Sounds like the sort of odd behaviour that can be caused by an earth fault somewhere.

The wiring diagrams are easiest to get on the RAVE CD collection this has wiring diagrams, workshop manuals etc on a handful of CD-ROM's, originally dealer material only but, ahem, now widely available ;) I think you can probably download them from somewhere if you have a look around. The wiring diagrams are carp (made before they thought of using colour...) but are the best available.

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Thanks again for your replies.

Tony I've now added where I'm from to my profile, sunny Southend-on-Sea in Essex. I do enjoy tinkering with cars, I also have an MGB GT which is ready for spraying which I'm hoping to do this weekend and a Marcos 1600GT that I've stripped and partly rebuilt, the Land Rover will be another project aswell as my everyday transport.

Hopefully this weekend I willl be inverstigating the electrical problems and starting to prep the vehicle for spraying, soting out the bodywork issues. Can anyone tell me where the window ECU is?


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Window ECU on a 300 D1 is located behind the glovebox. Open up the glovebox and release the hinge springs to allow the box to fully open. The ECU is fix to a mounting bracket by three nuts the bracket is fixed to the bulkhead by two nuts.

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  • 1 month later...

OK time for a quick update.

5 weeks and over 2500 miles later all is still well, but I've deciede to replace my Disco for a newer one in better condition once I return from Spain so the bodywork has been left as it is. It's under 2 weeks until I take the LR touring Spain for a month and I cant wait.

Thankyou everyone for all your help, I've managed to correct most of the problems and have made a few modifications to the LR to get it ready for the trip.

The rear windows now work, it was a couple of dry joints on the ECU.

The rear door\boot hinges seem to be the problem, the door opens so I've decided to leave this for now.

I've managed to establish that it should have central locking but its not working, again I've decided this isn't a big problem so will be leaving this too.

The interior lights, clock and stereo have had new wiring put in so they now work perfectly, I was horrified when I saw the bodged wiring behind the stereo and interior lights.

I've added an A-bar, relocated the spots to it, added light guards, changed the steering guard and tinted the windows with a film that blocks 80% of the heat and 99% of UV rays while only blocking a lov percentage of the light.

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Sorry to jump on another person's thread. but what is a "dry joint"?

Its basically an electrical connection on a circuit board that has no solder on it.The connection is therefore broken and no electricity passes through. It can happen with age or if the joint gets warm and solder disintegrates.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm now back from Spain with some sad news regarding my Disco.

While at a service station doing a few checks we discovered it was a little low on oil so my friend topped it up while I was doing a few other bits. Well I'm sure I don't need to tell most of you what happened but here goes, I started her up, drove about 150yds when lots of smoke started pouring out the exhaust, I pulled over switched off the ignition and removed the key, the engine didn't stop it just run out of control revving way past the red-line, trying to stall it was useless and I think destroyed the clutch. The result was a "runaway" diesel engine revving away in a cloud of smoke for about 3 minutes until it finally gave up. This was a terrifying experiance.

After I got over the shock I found out my frined had "topped up" the engine with a full 5 litres.

A sad end to my Disco and only half way through my holiday!

I'm now left with a steering guard and a pair of new G4 challange spotlights (with wiring harness) to sell and when I have enough posts will be advertising them on this forum so keep an eye on the for sale section.

Hopefully in the new year I will be replacing the Disco with another.

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