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Genuine V8 90

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Other than differing Rad etc, the main changes I can remember

were LT85 Box, 4 Pin diffs, and superb (Missing on all Deep fat Fryers :P ) Soundtrack

Discs front drums rear, engine is far further forward than a V8 converted Lt77

and had a different TBox ratio


... gearbox oil cooler circuit ...

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Thanks people! Well to add some background to my question...

a V8 90 is my perfect land rover!:wub: something i believed out of my reach until recently! ...

Playing with the numbers a V8 on LPG is within a few pence per mile fuel costs for the 206 I currently drive. Maintenance costs will be lower (even though i currently do not pay for the up keep of the 206) especially as I wish to learn as much as possible of it myself. Tax is not that much more than the 206. Finally the insurance - even some of the more expensive quotes are cheaper than the £1200 that is paid for me as the main driver on the 206!

So, yes, Whoop Whoop! saving even harder now!

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Since I bought my 90.. (I was a die-hard land rover series addict) I have longed for a genuine V8 CSW 90, For some reason I have only ever seen white 1985-86 ones?. Would love on on LPG but simply being 18 its going to be an absolute Bugger to insure. Plus I have too many cars as it is!.

Going to stick with my 200tdi County Station Wagon now and "tweek" the engine slightly for a little bit more power :P

I also remember 3-4 years ago when looking for my first landrover there was 1980s V8 genuine 90 CSW's (Again all of them white) going for £500-£900 with tax and test!!!! :blink:

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As a rule, Land Rovers tend to not be the cheapest forms of transport to start with. Maintenance costs of a Land Rover are far greater than small car like the Fiat Punto for one example. I think this is what he's talking about.

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Since I bought my 90.. (I was a die-hard land rover series addict) I have longed for a genuine V8 CSW 90, For some reason I have only ever seen white 1985-86 ones?. Would love on on LPG but simply being 18 its going to be an absolute Bugger to insure. Plus I have too many cars as it is!.

Going to stick with my 200tdi County Station Wagon now and "tweek" the engine slightly for a little bit more power :P

I also remember 3-4 years ago when looking for my first landrover there was 1980s V8 genuine 90 CSW's (Again all of them white) going for £500-£900 with tax and test!!!! :blink:

V8 90's were not introduced until 85 and by 89 the sales were so low that you could only special order them, so you are right that there isn't much choice of years.

Having owned a white 90 CSW in the early 90's, I have two memories:

great fun to drive - 134bhp was quite a lot then

range was shocking, 120 miles per tank mean't that on long journeys I had to stop at almost every service station

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mine was a 4 pin 24 spline till i took it out to fit a locker, not sure about the front though

IS there not just a 4 pin diff in the rear as i have heard of people putting a locker in the rear and putting the 4 pin diff in the front instead ?

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OK, my 1986 factory V8 is a hard top, probably rarer in this form than a CSW. It had a County cloth interior, probably an option, and 'high-spec' cassette radio system. :lol:

Engine although a 3.5 was restricted to 114 bhp, not many realise this, and I expect most will have been de-restricted by now.

Carbs were Strombergs, later ones had SUs.

Brakes, discs front and drums rear.

LT85 and LT230 (ratio 1:1,192). Given that most were built with 205 tyres this gives a good cruising speed.

4-pin diffs in rear only, they're not unbreakable you know, mine's in the garage awaiting repair. It's defo 24 spline BTW, I just looked. Has heavy duty half shafts with it too.

Can't remember splinage on the front diff, not looked in there for a long time.

Yes PAS,

No oil cooler although it may have been an option, I don't know.

As for LPG MPG, I'm lucky to see 10 most days. That's with a 3.9 auto now. When I first got it, 15 years ago, I'm sure it managed somewhere around 15 on petrol. Doesn't make the gas figures look quite so good when you look at this.

I bought this truck when I was just 24, I looked around for insurance prices, found the NFU and realised it wasn't going to cost a lot more than the 2.25 series III I had been running. 'It's a Landrover sir', they were not too worried which engine was in it.

Then I went on the hunt, you had to pay a premium for V8s in those days (mine had had 12 previous owners in 8 years, and just 40k miles!) Now they seem to go for somewhat less than a Tdi, not everyone can afford the petrol.

Ross you have been warned, students are poor anyway, but student + V8 landy - hopefully a lot happier but even more poor.

If you can find the money and insure it then go for it!! :lol:

Edited by mickeyw
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when you say not cheap to run even on LPG, are you meaning maintenance costs and not fuel?

No! I mean fuel. Average consumption (on a "combined" cycle) was 12mpg. That's not cheap even when you are paying 55p a litre. I stopped working it out after a few weeks, not worth the heart ache.

I drove it to Snowdon from Bristol and back. It needed to be filled up three times, 240litres @ 55p = £132 (although I did have nearly a third of a tank left). That's nearly a pound a mile.

Towing or hill work- don't depress yourself.

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Average consumption (on a "combined" cycle) was 12mpg. That's not cheap even when you are paying 55p a litre.

I drove it to Snowdon from Bristol and back. It needed to be filled up three times, 240litres @ 55p = £132 (although I did have nearly a third of a tank left). That's nearly a pound a mile.

£1 per mile :o Errm... :unsure:

My workings for what they are worth, based on my 10 MPG, that's 10 miles/4.54 litres @55p/litre, works out at 25p/mile.

At 12 MPG you should be looking at more like 20p/mile.

My biggest complaint is that I can't carry enough fuel to get a decent range between fillups :angry: I always have half a tank of petrol when out n about in case there's no gas to be had.

But I'm content enough to be able to drive and listen to V8 noises every day :P

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£1 per mile :o Errm... :unsure:

My workings for what they are worth, based on my 10 MPG, that's 10 miles/4.54 litres @55p/litre, works out at 25p/mile.

At 12 MPG you should be looking at more like 20p/mile.

My biggest complaint is that I can't carry enough fuel to get a decent range between fillups :angry: I always have half a tank of petrol when out n about in case there's no gas to be had.

But I'm content enough to be able to drive and listen to V8 noises every day :P

I forgot to calc' for the return trip- Doh!

Either way it's not cheap. I loved the V8 too, but no matter how many theorectical millage/price per litre/tyre choice calculations you do before you buy it will be more expensive than you think.

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