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Painting hinges

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I've just bought some new hinges as I've eventually got fed up with the amount of play in the old ones. I've got the later chunky ones with washers between the halves which seem a bit stiff at the moment but will ease off I'm sure, only problem is painting them. They look like they have some sort of coating that makes them look "bronze" and it is fairly rough in texture. What's the best way of painting them? I don't really want to file/sand them smooth as this would take the coating off (or am I supposed to). Do I use a thin coat of body filler to smooth them out, or lots of primer? As they don't come apart, how do you paint in the join between the 2 halves?

The old hinge screws have been getting regular doses of plusgas over a few weeks and I can actually start them turning plus I have new bolts and J nuts so OK there, I just want to get a good finish on these new ones - suggestions?


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the coating is probably cadmium plating, DO NOT sand it off, at work we have been told not to de-corrode any steeel cad plated bolts/screws because the dust created can cause health problems see below ---

Health Warnings

Cadmium and Cadmium electroplated products are safe to deposit, use and handle normally, however under certain conditions Cadmium can present a health hazard. Effective respiratory equipment and exhaust ventilation must be arranged when welding or otherwise heating Cadmium electroplated products over 250 oC, as the Cadmium oxide fumes produced are highly toxic. Adequate exhaust ventilation must also be arranged when handling Cadmium metal in the form of powders or dusts. Routine precautions taken under the UK COSHH regulations will ensure risks are properly controlled.

Is it Harmful?

No. Cadmium can be handled just like any other metal. It will only prove to have harmful effects if absorbed into the bloodstream though, for example smoking (there is significant cadmium in tobacco). Welding Cadmium or Cadmium electroplated products, gives off a highly toxic Cadmium Oxide fume, which if breathed in can enter the bloodstream where it is readily absorbed and in severe cases will cause kidney problems, failure and death. Breathing apparatus must always be worn should such welding be necessary, or when handling Cadmium in a fine powder form.

copied from http://www.poeton.co.uk/w1/cadmium.htm

I would suggest a good degreaser to remove any unwanted dirt, then primer/paint to the required colour/finish

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I thought it was just electro plated zinc.

Cadmium, I doubt it.

Anyway, whatever it is I've recently painted some of these later style hinges for my 110. Make sure they're not greasy from the wax paper wrapping then use an acid etch primer first and paint with normal primer, paint and laquer.

Halfords now sell as etch primer in areosol cans, I know you can get it cheaper but dead handy for little parts such as these.

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Yeah it would be zinc, if you want a smoother finish you need to do an etch primer followed by a filler primer, likely quit a few coats follows by sanding until the surface is smooth. I would try to find at least 2 colours so you can see when you get closer to the zinc.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I tried modifying some ***itpart hinges but not completely successful so it's the genuine article this time. I initially looked to see if you could take these apart for painting but I get the feeling if I can get them apart I won't be able to get them back together again! Thanks for the reply that Halfrauds do etch primer, that was going to be my next question. At least I'll be practised when I come to do the rear door!



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