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Well, as living in an area that supplies a lot of water out to local areas I think there's gonna be a hose pipe ban soon <_< so out came the OS map and a quick trip out to some local one's, found three on the map so a good starting point.

Went down to the first, but the roads are so small to it and out, as well as overhanging branches and a lack of water so went on to the next.

The next is known a lot of by the local classic bike and car people as it's used as a backdrop for photo shoots at the right angle, so in went the truck and out came the wellies, at which point I found I had a leak in one :lol:


Good 8" of water all around and 8" in one boot after walking all the way around


Anyhoo, bit shallow once the summer comes along so onto the next, had a walk around again before driving in and this one was a good 12" deep in places so perfect for washing the truck down :)


After going through, back up the road and along the Ol' Marlborough Road and decided to do a green lane that is outside Amesbury. A lot of houses are sprouting up around here so they've started to build what looks like a road on the green lane, shame but will happen:


Went further until came to the Lychett's on the edge of Amesbury and took this photo of the church and abbey with the water medows:


Went another 200 yards and heard someone shout "HELLO!!!", looked around and then to the right to see Rogue Trooper hanging over his fence and waving :D so after a quick chat, completing the lane and then dashing around his for a cup of tea and Landie chat just got home :rolleyes: sort the brakes on Sunday/Monday and then have to plan something else to do

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Good 8" of water all around and 8" in one boot after walking all the way around and washing the wheel arches with a brush that I had brought with me, dunno what the people thought who were out walking :ph34r:

You might find that there are byelaws stopping you from washing your vehicle. The environment agency will be interested in how much oil, remember it IS a Land Rover, and crud you are depositing into a possible source of drinking water not to mention the fish gagging on EP90! I guess like lanes you can travel but must not stop and wait.

I guess someone else with more knowledge will be along soon and put us all to rights.................

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I kinda thought that washing a vehicle in the river was a bit naughty even disregarding any possible oil contamination.

Something to do with the flora and fauna of the rivers ecosystem?

Loveley pictures in any case.


Thought you'd given up all that moderating stuff....... ;)

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You guys beat me to it! Rob you are a naughty boy!

and dont go saying that me and Mark drive through fords! cause thats just what we do.... drive through!!

we dont take a bucket and SPONGE with us!!!

the underneath of your truck was not that dirty and you said yourself that you had jet washed it and cleaned it with a SPONGE after our little outting last Sunday.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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Guest diesel_jim

They are good fords arn't they minivin.... i've done those plenty of times.

hey, that byway in Amesbury.... i emailed the council the other day (although only found out teh day after that Denise Chandler has left, and hence have had no reply).... is it still a legal RoW for vehicles? the start is strange, driving up the footpath, but last time i drove it (about 2 weeks ago) i had to play dodgems around the bloody building site.... what's that all about?

i expect it'll be downgraded to "bobblehat only" soon.... :angry::angry:

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You might find that there are byelaws stopping you from washing your vehicle. The environment agency will be interested in how much oil, remember it IS a Land Rover, and crud you are depositing into a possible source of drinking water not to mention the fish gagging on EP90! I guess like lanes you can travel but must not stop and wait.

I guess someone else with more knowledge will be along soon and put us all to rights.................

Any hints and guiders on what the laws are would be great :)

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They are good fords arn't they minivin.... i've done those plenty of times.

hey, that byway in Amesbury.... i emailed the council the other day (although only found out teh day after that Denise Chandler has left, and hence have had no reply).... is it still a legal RoW for vehicles? the start is strange, driving up the footpath, but last time i drove it (about 2 weeks ago) i had to play dodgems around the bloody building site.... what's that all about?

i expect it'll be downgraded to "bobblehat only" soon.... :angry::angry:

When I started the track there wasn't any sign for it being a by-way, which there used to be, and then when I got to the end there was a council notice saying that the by-way was temporarily closed till the construction company had finished from February onwards for 2 months (6 months max). So that's that one out of bounds for the next few months :(

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I kinda thought that washing a vehicle in the river was a bit naughty even disregarding any possible oil contamination.

Something to do with the flora and fauna of the rivers ecosystem?

Loveley pictures in any case.


not bad for a little Fuji 4mega pixel camera, it does have it's moments though in low light as it won't focus, oh and forget anything with motion in it as it takes too long to take the photo :)

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Theres a 2foot deep one a couple of miles from me - driving through it 3 or 4 times gets the majority of the mud off! Have to admit to sometimes going backawards and forwards through it, but technically I'm still driving through it.......


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