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all new midlands novice challenge


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well at last a new event, i've been talking to Vince of late about a novice challenge in our area, a real novice challenge, for folks like myself, no real comp expieriance, a usable truck thats not all singing and dancing mega bucks build ,not sure whether its going to be a one or two day event yet, the outline is very simple so far, restrict tyre size to 35's max, winches allowed, not sure on lockers, make it simple but emphasise on a fun entry level comp, chatted to a few of the local lads i see every week at the play days we hold and they are up for it,

i know other folk hold these events but for some of us traveling long miles is out of the question, other comitments prevent us from doing so, i have 6 confirmed trucks so far, probably do the first event in february and see how we go from there,

your thoughts please gent's i'l know more once we have santa's out of the way, i'm open to idea's that i can lay on the table when we do sit down to discuss the inns and outs, i've been trying to get this for a couple of years, only we can make it happen, there are a few folks i want to chat to to see how they do thier events, but i want this to work, even if its just so i get to have a go, i love marshalling, but i built my truck to compete, not pull other folk about all day,

i leave it in your hands for your thoughts and ideas..

all the best,


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Yes please!

Where were you thinking of holding it? My truck should have a useable winch by then, failing that i'll come and help you marshall if you like (i've been setting out and marshalling at northern&clubman series this year).

Oh and my vote would be for 1 day 1 vehicle, though i could probably drum up a team mate.


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hi Nick, probably the same sites we use for santa's/ ultimate, so Rutland,Corby,Peterborough, I'm hoping for 1 day events,single teams, on one site, but will have to see what Vince has in mind, I'm passionate about this, it will happen I'll keep you informed :)


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Cracking idea bow, i think the main limitation to the vehicle should be the winch, ie only 1 motor and no super fast hydraulics, it is the winches nowadays that seem to dictate how well a car can do a challenge, by keeping a limit on winch power dictates the the evercreasing cost of the game, hence keeps it novice and keeps it all on a levelish playing field,

would a expererienced team be allowed to compete in a standard vehicle or is it novice only, if not providing the dates are ok i wouldn't mind marshalling if you need any help, all the best with it, chris

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hi Chris, want to keep this one a novice only one, good idea on the winches, would make it more about the team rather than how much money you can spend on your winch, i've seen yours in action, its your fault i've gone with the 35's max, after watching you cross my rock crawl in a minute was a bit gutting, took me over half an hour, would be greatful for your help as always mate, more details to follow.

:) BOW..

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not sure on the price as yet, still need to have a proper meeting with Vince, they are his sites, will know more once we get santa's over and done with,

type of trucks i was aiming for are along the lines of what i run, my 90 sits on a 2" lift, 34" ET tyres, longer dampers, XD9000 winch up front, looks like most other lifted 90's, yes i have a cage fitted, but thats more for the safety of my son who marshalls with me, he's 12 years old and my life, :rolleyes: my disco was as good as my 90 and as capable, so your every day play toy, thats what i hoping to attract, no mega bucks units,

i want to make it good clean fun at entry level, a lot of beginers avoid comps because they feel intimidated, if thats you i would hope you woud enter, a lot of expert teams have offered help, even as coaches to help and assist us lot who have not competed before,we all have to start somewhere, i hope this turns into a nice event, and bring some more teams into the mainstream events, i'm a complete novice, never competed, but i want to go to the next level, sounds like i'm not on my own,

keep your idea's and thoughts coming, the more i can lay on the table so to speak the better,

all the best,


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What you mean "all the gear but no idea" :):):)

sorry to say yes

but how would he go on if i was to co-drive for him?

the driver learns alot from the co driver in my eyes

would he be allowed to enter with me as a co driver due to competing alot ?



p.s he has no confidence in his motor what so ever snd i guide him when ever he is out

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Really hope this happens and hope I've finished rebuilding my truck in time to partake

I initally started my build with winch challenges in mind but then the more I read about the gear needed

and the expense to buy most of it along with me not really wanting to get in the way of the " big boys "

I went off the idea so this to me as someone totally new to this event sounds fantastic !


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Hello all, thought Id have my pennies worth!! I think this sounds like a fantastic idea, there are plenty of us who have a "standard" truck who would love to come and compete on a level playing field, like for like!

Im sure you guys are far better at organising events than I am, but imo any front winch should be allowed, is a bowmotored, gigglepinned mainshaft 8274 too modded? I would really like to see standard sillouette?? only. I know traybacks are great but there are plenty of events that cater for these, novice as well and it would be great to see people competing with a bias towards driving skill rather than the truck!! With this in mind, no rear winch, no lockers and a 35" max tyre size would really make the event appeal to pepes who cant justify a big build.

Nearly there, :blink: I think driving to the event should be encouraged, even awarded, or penalise for trailering? Yes I have a trailer and the means to tow a truck but many people dont and it would make people think when competing, so as to conserve the truck.

Hope this dosnt offend, but would love to see an event or series run along the lines you guys are thinking. :D


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I would really like to see standard sillouette?? only. I know traybacks are great but there are plenty of events that cater for these,

i agree but

there a quite a few people now buying ready built trucks, but have never competed before

so what events cater for these as there aint really any novice events out there ?

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team up!

Sure, why not? I'm up for it if you are :P

Or drive accordingly and have a well prepared/maintained truck, simple spares (bulbs, lens, track rod end?)

Fair point, I've always been able to drive home so far, even after a slight roll....so *touch wood* with correct preparations I guess it's doable. Makes it a long day though.

My 90 is veeeery standard by most people's specs. I at least hope to have a winch by then though :lol:

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hi folks,righ, a few tasty bits that Vince has confirmed,


2 separate events in one weekend

date, Saturday 27th February,

price £75 per team, a team consists of truck, driver, and co driver,

restrictions, 35" tyres max, single motor winches, novice driver.

14 places available at the mo, but pushing for a few more,

competition will be spread over two sites,all competitors will be split into two groups , one group going to one site for their start, the other going to the other site, trailering between sites will be allowed, once you have done all you can on your start site you can move onto the other site,

trophies will be presented to the top 2 placed teams,

on Sunday 28th there will be a second challenge, an open event, any one can enter, no restrictions, expert or novice, same price, same format, but no limits, an open comp, thought it would be nice for everyone to have a laugh, a buffet and presentation evening will be held at the castle inn caldecot for the giving of trophies on the Sunday,

I'll be sorting the entry forms tomorrow and will email them to whoever asks, i hope to emphasize that this is about having fun, and lets some of us complete novices start at the bottom of the ladder so to speak, get people together and have a cracking weekend,

i hope to be able to put some extra novice only events on through the year, i would like to also say a big thank you to Vince, Edd and protrax,for supporting me in this, lets make this good,

as you can tell by the places available, this is not about making money, its about us beginners getting out there and having a go, and hopefully learning something along the way,

please pm me if you want an entry form, they should be ready tomorrow night,

all the best,

Bow :)

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as said on my other topic, please pm me for an entry form for this event, and for the expert comp on the following day, its £75 a day, with limited numbers, depending on how this novice day goes i hope to be able to do a few of them through the year, a mini series if you like, for us novices,

all the best,

Bow.. :)

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