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Men & Motors tonight


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8 pm, something 4x4 based. Apparently its got some footage of the AWDC challenges and some racing. Jules Read just gave me a call and asked me to post it as he's watching it at the moment (he's working nights so isn't near a computer) and its re-run later.

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I taped it last night. It's the same footage as the Duke video that came out late last year. AWDC safari at Sweet lamb, AWDC challenge and some hot air about Bowlers.

And some footage of NAJW proving that the step from the printed word to television is not a small one :ph34r:

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AWDC challenge and some hot air about Bowlers.

easy tiger I nearly bought Huge Haynes one.

there's nout wrong with a Bowler.

there was more Bowlers in the top 20 of the Dakar than any other car.

Yes there is far faster off road racers out there but for the money ou a international level there not that bad.

There are plenty of home made racers that can and do beat them,

Men and Motors tonight at 8pm channel 131 I think

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For international events I would agree they are the vehicle to go for. As good as anything for a Hill Rallies but there are only two or three a year.

For Comp safaris, over rated in my opinion. Expensive on body parts if your on a tight course and not particularly competitive, with the exception of Hugh but he would be competitive in anything.

The media like them as they are recognisable to your average punter as a sooped up Land Rover type vehicle. I like them because I can beat them in a vehicle costing a fraction of a Bowler, but I want to do safaris, not the Dakar.

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For international events I would agree they are the vehicle to go for. As good as anything for a Hill Rallies but there are only two or three a year.

For Comp safaris, over rated in my opinion. Expensive on body parts if your on a tight course and not particularly competitive, with the exception of Hugh but he would be competitive in anything.

The media like them as they are recognisable to your average punter as a sooped up Land Rover type vehicle. I like them because I can beat them in a vehicle costing a fraction of a Bowler, but I want to do safaris, not the Dakar.

You are completely right

They do draw the media which is a good thing for the sport.

Pete Barratt in his 4.6 special that he built for a few grand beat a two 5lt bowlers at one of the BORC rounds last year.

and not one car that beat him cost less than 25k (apart from Ryan's)

The Tomcats and Bowlers (this is very controversial) can and only in a few cases not all as some of the best drivers the uk has to offer drive them.

The size of ones wallet does not improve ones ability to drive.

there I have said it. :ph34r:

But humble little me can't afford either to be competitive which is why I raced the freelanders in the production classes and had shed loads of fun doing so.

As you can be competitive for under 10k in the BORC in the production classes.

over the next few years I will be back racing a special but not shore what yet.

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Glad I didn't upset you, I went mowing after posting and kept thinking I may have been a little over the top :unsure:

Nev, I'm not anti Bowlers with Chevs so you are soon to be socially acceptable in Hook Norton :D

Media appeal is not really my bag, to be honest if the WRC only gets 1 hour of Eurofeed on mainstream TV with bimbo voice over, what hope do we have? As it's not head to head racing, none is my opinion.

And if Marches did get their way and get more promotion then bigger wallets would be needed to race. I know it can help with sponsorship but look at how much it costs to race circuit cars and at all the bods chasing limited sponsors.

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Pete is fast in anything when it comes to racing!

I guess a Bowler/Tomcat is just a posh range rover at the end of the day. However, i do believe that even for the ordinary man a Tomcat, not Wildcat, gives a good reasonable entry in to competetive safaring.

And remember how long it took Pete to get that machine of his how wanted it - we went out at Seven Sisters on the Southern Welsh just after he aquired it from the clown that built it first and it was hilarious in the way it drove and pulled. Everything that could be wrong was!

If you have special will you go independant or stay with us Luddites on beam axles??????


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Andy - you wanted MotorsTV (413?) not Men & Motors :ph34r:

My 2p: Camera work sucks, seems to be shot from a long way away and most of the time there was no sound other than the noise of wind on microphone, such a shame when there's big V8's thundering about on the screen :( Also they did seem to spend 90% of the time looking at 10% of the competitors.

At least it's a bit different to the procession that is F1, and I hope they get enough viewers to invest in a directional microphone for next event.

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At least it does not use BMW bits :P

Guilty as charged. But the diffs haven't broken and I picked up a spare LSD with casing for £40.

To get even further off topic there is quite an interesting post on Pistonheads. Make your own Mclaren F1 engine using an assortment of BMW bits. That would be nice but a bit beyond my agricultural skills.

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Guilty as charged. But the diffs haven't broken and I picked up a spare LSD with casing for £40.

To get even further off topic there is quite an interesting post on Pistonheads. Make your own Mclaren F1 engine using an assortment of BMW bits. That would be nice but a bit beyond my agricultural skills.

I would love to go independent as that is what I have been racing for the last three years.

but I wouldn't know were to start on the build

I would love a Milner pro-truck for all there short falls I still like them but unless I get given one it is unlikely

The press do help your racing every time the freelander with all its Beamach stickers are seen on tv or in a mag.

my parts bill gets a little smaller.

I have been talking to Pete about making me something as his is pretty untouchable at the mo.

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I heard Matt Lee is making some more frames, probably the best of the bunch for safaris.

At least they have a proven record, Championship wins with BORC and the AWDC.

What he is remaking the Amaratis...

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