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visiting Wales


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Went to Wales over Easter with a few friends and went on a guided trip with Mountainland Rovers. Chap running it is called Tony, and he can guide you round some lovely lanes in the mountains, including tracks which he has permission to use but which you won't otherwise be able to drive. Saves you doing the research for legal lanes, esepcially with NERC now in place. Great scenic views, but also some good lanes, wading, rock sections etc. but he can take you on some good, non-damaging trips for road-going shinies too. He had a Disco 3 on the trip when we were there, so tell him what sort of trip you want.

He also he has a pay and play site, so we had a day of laning followed by a day in an old quarry. Quite a good site, with a surface which is loose gravelly stuff, so a bit different from the normal mud or rock, and good for those with less aggresive tyres, as the muds dig down a lot (as I found!). There is also a rocky section, and some water for those who must go swimming.

If you like birds, ask him to show you the red kites; lovely majestic birds of prey, they are fed every day at a site near his quarry. Definitely worth a little diversion.

So if you are thinking of a weekend there, it might be worth giving them a go. Tony is on 01974 821416, or Simon on 07899 861841 or have a look at www.mountainland-rovers.com.

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That's a cynical attitude to take :huh: . But as you say a lot of detail. Didn't mention how much he paid for this weekend jaunt.

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Just what i was going to ask ?

Cant see anything about the play site on the website

I've been wanting to go on one of these tours up in Mid Wales for a while now, just can't find the time :angry:

I can do most of that for FREE, If anyone wants to come laning just let me know. I am sure I can find a Pay and Play site as well if you want to pay.


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I can do most of that for FREE, If anyone wants to come laning just let me know. I am sure I can find a Pay and Play site as well if you want to pay.


Paul - did you see the 'Black Tuesday' thread and Chris's, GBMUD, comments on RUPP's from Wiltshire CC??

What's your view on this do you have a definitive answer and with te Brecon NP, have they voiced an opinion on their Rupps like the GAP road etc?



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Paul - did you see the 'Black Tuesday' thread and Chris's, GBMUD, comments on RUPP's from Wiltshire CC??

What's your view on this do you have a definitive answer and with te Brecon NP, have they voiced an opinion on their Rupps like the GAP road etc?



The RUPPs are lost in England and Wales.. But The Gap and Sarn Helen should be ok as they will come under the 5 year rule. This rule states that if the main use over the last 5 years was MPV use then it will carry the rights to drive/ride it. But this might have to be proved on a case by case study. BBNP have said they WILL keep them open as long as they the idots dont trash them, if they do they will look at them again.

Another point to note CROW/NERC can not change the rights on a UCR, but Dual routes are lost. But if its a foot path over a UCR then its a Dual and all right are lost(for MPVs) but as said it can not change a UCR. This is only going to be decided in court.

On another note I had a very good meeting with Northhamptonshire ROW the other day. Got another in a few weeks. So there could be some good news down there soon.


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Were a cynical lot aren't we?

Up until last september I had never been greenlaning but while looking through welsh tourist info on the web I came across Mountain Land Rovers and called the number on the website. It turns out that Tony runs his buisness from his home which is only 1.5 miles from where my parents live and 7 miles from where I lived as a kid.

4 of us all greenlane virgins travelled to meet Tony and have one of his days out. We left my parents cottage where he picked us up from @ 10am, and did'nt return until 4:30pm so we had a full day.

Among the routes we went was the Strada Florida and the day was brilliant. So good infact that we later rebooked and went from Aberystwyth over Plynlimon for our second day out. Again it was really enjoyable.

Proof of how much I enjoyed it is the fact that I came home and started looking immediately for a Landrover Discovery for myself and family.

Since buying one ive become a fully fledged member of the 4x4 appreciation society.

So its easy to knock these people on the basis of what they make a living from you will do for free, but for me it was a cracking introduction to the Land Rover world.

I havent tried his quarry site although he told us about it on our last excursion with him, if the quarry brings as much enjoyment and fun as his day excursions it deserves to be very successful.


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Interesting reading that, as there are NO vehicular rights of way over Plynlimon!

must be one of the routes hes negotiated with land owners as mentioned in the first post then?

either a paid for tour like described here or just an experienced laner to lead the group is what most poeple would like/need in order to try laning. I can see why such a company would be popular, i know i probably wouldnt have got into laning if a mate hadnt been doing it for years & showed me the pitfalls etc. plus the fact on an organised trip you get an ETA to return that shouldnt be far off correct, anyone with kids/familes would find that atrractive i bet. im not bothered as the most responsabilty ive ever had is a dog who always went with me. Im sure ive heard of a company that does a similar thing in the lake district, got a feeling it starts with 'k' & runs G4 edition LRs. so its certianly not a one off.

Glad you enjoyed your day Nathan, its always nice to hear of new converts when goverment seems to be trying to kill our hobby.

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Interesting reading that, as there are NO vehicular rights of way over Plynlimon!

I dont know the technicalities of it, what i do know is that while we were out there eating our dinner a group of about 5 0r 6 vehicles pulled up for a chat. The leading vehicle was a Disco3 and the person driving was a LRO international magazine writer and he was leading these other vehicles on one of their paid for 'wild wales weekend' (i think thats what they call the tours anyway).

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must be one of the routes hes negotiated with land owners as mentioned in the first post then?

either a paid for tour like described here or just an experienced laner to lead the group is what most poeple would like/need in order to try laning. I can see why such a company would be popular, i know i probably wouldnt have got into laning if a mate hadnt been doing it for years & showed me the pitfalls etc. plus the fact on an organised trip you get an ETA to return that shouldnt be far off correct, anyone with kids/familes would find that atrractive i bet. im not bothered as the most responsabilty ive ever had is a dog who always went with me. Im sure ive heard of a company that does a similar thing in the lake district, got a feeling it starts with 'k' & runs G4 edition LRs. so its certianly not a one off.

Glad you enjoyed your day Nathan, its always nice to hear of new converts when goverment seems to be trying to kill our hobby.

I think i've got into the hobby a bit late really as new legislation comes in but im sure that with some guidance i will enjoy going where its still legal to do so.

Heres some pics of my first Landy ive just bought




Thanks, Nathan

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Ref my first post, yes it has detail in. The intention is to make it a useful and informative post. Without the detail it would be neither informative nor interesting, ergo pointless.

As for the rights of way, I re-iterate what I said in the first post, i.e. he has access to routes that you cannot legally drive other than with them. Apparently they are supported by the Welsh tourist board too, and lets face it, it makes a change for anyone in government, local or otherwise, to be in support of our hobby.

And as you chaps have a cynical edge, I live way down in Kent so no I am not a local (to them) trying to plug something. I heard about them through a friend in Hampshire.

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hmm i remember my disco looking a bit like that when i got it. less doors & mine was white, but kind of like that - i.e. sensible.

guess what, it doesnt now & the panels aint that straight either. if i could be bothered to host the pics anywhere i'd put one up for no good reason but to show off the silly colour i painted it.

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hmm i remember my disco looking a bit like that when i got it. less doors & mine was white, but kind of like that - i.e. sensible.

guess what, it doesnt now & the panels aint that straight either. if i could be bothered to host the pics anywhere i'd put one up for no good reason but to show off the silly colour i painted it.

Yep... a couple of years ago I had a pretty tidy range rover :huh:

It's all Fi's fault, if she hadn't invited me on that green laning weekend... :rolleyes:

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Yep... a couple of years ago I had a pretty tidy range rover :huh:

It's all Fi's fault, if she hadn't invited me on that green laning weekend... :rolleyes:

im blaming a mate called chris whos now sold his LR for a VW van! traitor!

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