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Where's the snow?


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We have not had much in Rugby, approx 1" that vertually melted away and then we had another 1" last night with a good frost to freeze the previous mush. Then this morning as i was driving my work van along a lane that has not seen salt yet at what i considdered a safe 15>20mph because of the ice below the snow i was slowly left behind by the Mitsub****i Shoegun type thing that turned into the lane in front of me, shortly after i was passed by a Disco 3 in a hurry that partially lost the rear end as it passed me, that went up the lane leaving a rooster tail of snow in the air because of his speed, at the next bend he nearly lost it again with the arse swinging about & narrowly missing a car going the other way. Approx 1 mile further along i came to the Mitsub****i Shoegun type thing who had clipped the r/h verge and was resting with the bonnet in the l/h hedge and his front wheels in the ditch at 90* to the road, the Disco had stopped, i stopped and had words with the thwack that was driving the Disco and his response to everything was 'Look after yourself', oh how i wish it had been him in the ditch and seriously hurt. What a knob as his std of driving was reckless and he could not see that he had done anything wrong, too much money and no sense.

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Thoroughly enjoyed pulling a customer's VW Touareg out of our car park (14" of snow) this morning. Especially after he initially refused to be 'towed out by a bloody Land Rover, this puppy will go anywhere'. Yes I imagine it's fab in the rough, what with it's 18" alloys, low-profile tyres and minimal ground clearance.

Suffice to say he was extracted and sent on his way after swallowing his pride :P

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Thoroughly enjoyed pulling a customer's VW Touareg out of our car park (14" of snow) this morning. Especially after he initially refused to be 'towed out by a bloody Land Rover, this puppy will go anywhere'. Yes I imagine it's fab in the rough, what with it's 18" alloys, low-profile tyres and minimal ground clearance.

Suffice to say he was extracted and sent on his way after swallowing his pride :P

I had one like that, I left the chap with "if it's that good, you won't need me then..." and drove off to work, 10hrs later it was abandoned :lol:

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