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number plate

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hi does anyone know where i can get a proper decal number plate to put on the nose of my 90 im up in glasgow and cant find anyone who does this . if i fit the standard number plate it just looks daft so i need one that takes the contours of the bonnet

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From memory, under the current number-plate regs it's no longer permissible to supply the old "stick on" self-adhesive plates that fit to curved surfaces - unless the vehicle was first registered in the last millennium, that is.

New plates have to have the supplier's name and post-code on them.

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You may find someone on fleabay doing them for show only, nearly bought some with LR logo in background till saw warning. If your truck looks suitably original you may get away with show versions without the logo etc.

The number of plates i see with misshapen numbers irregular spacings etc i dont see our boys in blue treat this as a major concern just yet

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There are loads on Ebay I searched 'adhesive number plates' ones like these came up Linky which didn't seem a bad deal.

However as far as the law is concerned that's a different matter with the increased use of ANPR the police are cracking down on number plates that don't comply to the law.

I understand that this not only covers spacing, type face and images on the plates but where they are positioned and ultimately how easily they are read. I know some people get around this by carrying the correct plate in their car, and use the "It has just fallen off" however what should be remembered is these stops are logged and you will not get away with it twice, despite what others say the police are not stupid, and will only give you the benefit of the doubt once.


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I know plenty of people with stickies, the police only really care if they need to get the figures up or they think they have you for something else but can't prove it. more chance of getting caught speeding than for this.

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Yes technically stickies are illegal after a certain age, but if you get nicked on it the chances are you've upset plod and they were looking for a reason. Best bet is stick the sticky on and keep the plastic one in the vehicle - if you removed the plastic one so as not to break it and then forgot to re-attach it then you have the chance to do so if pulled over ;)

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