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Newbie with a daft question!

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Please be gentle with me - first time posting!

I have had a couple of Series Landys in the past but bought a Defender at the weekend. The seller told me that it was a 200tdi engine and indeed the engine does look like other images that I have seen since, with the exception of the turbo which is installed high up alongside (and it fact is slightly above) the top of the engine. I have a receipt for a new turbo and the part number seem to suggest that it is a 200tdi turbo, but it is fitted in a different place.

The engine is a retrofit into a G reg and I have a feeling that they are different depending on whether they came out of a Discovery or a Defender. I have some pics, but don't know how to upload. These links should work though!



Any pros or cons with this set up

All advice very gratefully received!



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Weird :blink: I have what looks to be exactly the same set up, but the previous owner told me it had been from an RRC. I guess he wouldn't have seen it taken from the previous vehicle, and may be the garage just told him that? So, the set up from the one above is for sure from a defender, right? May be I should try and post pics of my set up? Cheers

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Discovery & RRC 200Tdi have the turbo mounted low down same as the 300tdi engine.

So, the set up from the one above is for sure from a defender, right?

Correct for a factory built 200Tdi Defender or a retro-fit Defender spec 200Tdi as my 110 has.a overhead view of my engine bay.


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Well the turbo and manifolds at least are the Defender setup yes, there are other differences between the engines such as the design of the front cover/timing chest and auxiliary equipment mountings. The block is basically the same.

This is a standard Defender 200Tdi engine bay:


Edit: Ralph got there first, he wins the 'cleaner 110 engine' competition :P

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