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Getting argoshield bottles refilled

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FWIW, there's now plenty of rent-free schemes available. I'm stopping my contract when the current cylinder is empty.

The rent-free cylinders are smaller, but cheaper until I get to the level of using 80 litres (@200 bar) a year, which is unlikely to happen!

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Or, go and set up an account, and rent the equivilant bottle. After a week or so, take your empty one back and cancel the contract, and keep the new one, without paying rent on it.

Of course, that would be a naughty thing to do....

I am pretty sure they write down the number of the bottle to stop you doing that.

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I have a suplier near to me that will exchange full size argon light bottles for a full one for 20quid. No questions asked. ;)

I went there first time with no exchange so they 'didn't' sell me one for 25quid. ;) & so I got a full bottle for 45 with no contract.

Reckless... you must pass near them judging by your profile, pm me & I will pass on the info.

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