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TD5 Fuel Pump ?


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Hi All,

I'm in need of some help pls,

My Disco's not been used since early Jan but i decided that nows the time (well, 2 weeks ago anyway) i need to have the old girl back on the road to do some towing and general carting around of stuff.

Its been ok in that time altho to be fair its only been used a few times but none the less it was all working ok !

But, i went to use it last night and it started up ok, moved all of about 8 ft (or should that be 2.4m in new money ?) and promptly cut out.

The bloody thing wouldn't start and after a couple of times i noticed what can only be described as a pump running empty or as if pulling in air from the back which i assume to be the fuel pump and altho turning over ok it won't fire up.

Does the fuel pump sound a possibility ?

I'm hoping to have a look at it tomorrow and am going to have a look at and check out the fuel pump and will start by bleeding/purging the system or do you think i'm barking up the wrong tree ?



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On a TD5, problems with starting or cutting out are rarely caused by the fuel pump. I know of several cases where the engine would start fine and could be driven without a fuel pump (either failed pump or blown fuse), power was reduced to 25-50% though.

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Havre you tried the "priming" process? here's what it says in the manual:

Diesel engine vehicles

After running the fuel tank dry, refuel the tank

with at least 1 gallon (4.5 litres) of diesel fuel,

then carry out the following procedure:

1. Turn off the starter switch and wait for 15


2. Turn the starter key to position ‘II’ and wait

for 30 seconds.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 six times.

4. After the final 30 second period, fully

depress the accelerator pedal.

5. Keeping the pedal depressed, start

cranking the engine.

6. Continue cranking the engine and as soon

as the engine is firing smoothly, ease the

accelerator pedal back to approximately

halfway through its travel, and release the

starter key. The engine should now be


7. If the engine fails to start, repeat the


It worked for me last time I had a similar issue.

Other than that, assuming there's fuel in the tank, it sounds like you are getting air in the fuel system (the above process should purge the air).

If the process does not purge the air, uyou have an air leak. Could be anywhere, but likely near the injector area, or the injector seals themselves (as said above)...

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You can start an auto-prime routine which follows what MartinK says above by pressing and releasing the throttle pedal five times in quick succession (full throttle on each stroke, zero on each release) the engine light will start flashing and it will do the pump on/off/on/off cycle automatically :)

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Thanks for all the replies everyone and the priming/purging is the first thing i'm gonna try when i get home this afternoon, so fingers crossed !!

To be continued................


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Also check/replace the fuel filter, it could be clogged after sitting for a long time.

There's a big one at the RHS rear wheel, easy to change, but also a small one between the FPR and the head, which requires removing the FPR (and replacing the gasket and O-ring).

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On a TD5, problems with starting or cutting out are rarely caused by the fuel pump. I know of several cases where the engine would start fine and could be driven without a fuel pump (either failed pump or blown fuse), power was reduced to 25-50% though.

I disagree. I have only known one TD5 that would start with a faulty fuel pump. And that was so amazing that we called everyone to come and check it out. By 'faulty' I mean a pump that was not running at all. Ok, it wouldn't run beyond idle. But it did start.

Tdi's, of course will run quite well without a pump - in fact there was someone on this forum that had removed his altogether and was convinced it ran 100%. I wouldn't go that far, because normally if the pump fails the top speed is about 55-60 mph.

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On mine, the fuel pump died and the fuse blew. I lost a lot of power, but would always start and got me home. While checking it out, I was very amazed to find me holding the blown fuse for the fuel pump with the engine running. Try to restart it a couple of times, and never any trouble.

Last year, a customer with a broken pump also continued to use it for a couple of days until the new pump was in.

During fault finding, a third one also started with the fuse removed, but we didn't try driving it.


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When my TD5 fuel pump failed, the car would limp along, but on very limited power - it was also hard to start.

It did run, but was obviously fuel starved...and of course there was no sound of the pump priming when the ignition was switched on.

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Did you try the prime/purge? Did it work?

The fuel pumps can whine quite a lot when the fuel tank gets low and can then be a pain to start again afterwards unless you do the above prime/purge. I presume you have/had plenty of fuel in the vehicle though...

If that's the case and you are sure the pump is making excessive noise it might be worth taking off a fuel pipe to check you are getting fuel to the head?

Is there a strainer on the bottom of the pump that could be blocked? Thinking winter, cold weather, stood, etc...

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After trying the purge process a couple of times without success on Thurs night i recieved a smug call from my girlfriend on Fri morn to say she'd got it started.

Did i say smug, abit of an understatement really as when i came home i thought her head was gonna fall off backwards she was smiling (laughing) so much.

Anyway, i used it Friday afternoon and it was all ok and ran fine and then sat i used it with my trailer to pick up a couple of ton of sand etc and again it all ran fine.

I'm now trying to shift the sand etc and when i get a chance will look at the filter but i'm not sure if the noisey pump was anything as i now notice it abit and am wondering if it was like that before.

Finally, thanks for all the replies, help and suggestions.


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