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Allisport rads


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Hi All...

What with Billing happenin this weekend, all the traders will be offering their best discounts (hopefully :lol: ).

Well, the Rad on the 110 is starting to show signs of carp-ness, i.e, bits are falling off and it ain't doing too good a job at keeping the temp down. So was thinkin about visiting Mr Allisport and getting some prices. But... is a nice shiney, blingy ally rad actually any better than the normal ones? Do they offer much better cooling for more extreme environments?


Dan :D

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Hi All...

What with Billing happenin this weekend, all the traders will be offering their best discounts (hopefully :lol: ).

Well, the Rad on the 110 is starting to show signs of carp-ness, i.e, bits are falling off and it ain't doing too good a job at keeping the temp down. So was thinkin about visiting Mr Allisport and getting some prices. But... is a nice shiney, blingy ally rad actually any better than the normal ones? Do they offer much better cooling for more extreme environments?


Dan :D

Dan, I've got one in the 90. The first issue you'll have is its hard to retain the in rad oil cooler with the alloy rad so you'll probably need to go for an external one. That's no bad thing as the standard setup isn't great. The other thing is that they make the radiators to spec so you can have it any size / shape you want.

As far as actual perfomace goes, mine great. It just looses heat sooooo much faster than a traditional rad. When mine gets hot you can actually see the gauge coming down again when you let the vehicle idle. As it hapens I still have cooling issues but this is down to poor arflow at speed rather than the radiator; virtually no air seems to flow under the bonnet.

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The first issue you'll have is its hard to retain the in rad oil cooler with the alloy rad so you'll probably need to go for an external one. That's no bad thing as the standard setup isn't great.

:huh: And there was me just thinkin I could do a straight swap.. bugger!

I'm kinda hoping to keep it as standard as possible so that I can replace bits easily if need be.

The other thing is that they make the radiators to spec so you can have it any size / shape you want.

So they may actually do a standard one with integrated oil cooly bits? That'd be the best option for me.

yummy - not bling -ok the bling is an added bonus

K... seems like you rate them.. time to dust off the credit card!! :D:blink:

D :D

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Guest diesel_jim
:huh: And there was me just thinkin I could do a straight swap.. bugger!

I'm kinda hoping to keep it as standard as possible so that I can replace bits easily if need be.

So they may actually do a standard one with integrated oil cooly bits? That'd be the best option for me.

I've got one on order from Andy for my 300. same physical size as a standard, and mine is having the internal oil cooler.

All it is (on the gen-you-whine) LR ones, is a pipe that connects the two fittings together inside the rad. nothing more!

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The oil cooler in a genuine Tdi rad is a concentric tube (about 30-40 mm dia) which the oil goes in (between the 2 walls of the tube)and the water goes through the middle of the tube...Surface area to water is actually quite large..

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Guest diesel_jim

I stand corrected! :blink:

I just read that in a magazine where they mentioned "it was just a pipe".

So with the concentric pipe, i wonder if thats how they manage to charge the rates for a genuine rad! :D

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I can confirm Dan was spotted at the Alisport stand around lunchtime waving a credit card, I believe the quote from Jen was "I'll just have to do some more overtime then" :ph34r: looks like Bling times ahead for the Camel.

Yup - indeed he was! Very large intercooler and larger radiator will be collected at Malvern! B) Which gives me 4 weeks to do as much o/t as possible! :blink: lol! ...and you wonder why my series never gets worked on ;):lol:

Must say, they did look pretty excellent though.

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Also you will struggle to find a nicer bloke to deal with than Andy.

Just like to re-iterate this... although I've never actually been a customer!

I was having cooling problems with the V8 series one... so I rang them asking for a quote for an ally rad. I believe I spoke with Andy (it was a few years ago) and he asked what vehicle it was to go in, I described it and he told me that a good properly reconditioned standard radiator should be more than sufficient for my cooling needs and one of his ally rads would be overkill!

Inspires a hell of a lot of trust when a company tell you to keep your money and you don't need their product. :)

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I am a happy (but now very skint) customer :D

Went for the 65mm wider rad with integrated oil cooler, which will be able to cope with any hot places we decide to visit in the coming years.... and an impressively large intercooler... P O W E R!!!!! :D

Andy is a very nice chappy who was more that willing to take my money, but was also honest and full of good advise.

Praise the lord for Credit Cards!

D :-)

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Andy is a super chap. Very helpful and lovely workmanship.

I also had a long chat with Andy Chaplin (the other Andy on the stand) about tweeking 2.8s (his was the blue 90 that went to the RFC). All I can say is be very, very afraid Mr Barker. :D

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