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aWhich pads should I really have

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This is just something thats eating at me, so I'd appreciate your input.

I removed front pads from my 1987 Ninety which were the type which has holes in the backplate and solid pins.

From I don't know where I had a set of the type without the holes and with a tab in the middle of where the holes would be and split pin retaining pins.

The tab version box states they are for a 90 and fitted nicely and if anything better than what I'd taken out.

I put the difference down to LR changes and thought nothing of it until a guy at Paddock was taking to someone else about different pads for different axles. I got into the conversation and was told the tab version would be dangerous on my truck, so I bought new pads with holes/solid pins and replaced them.

But how do I know for certain which type really should be in my calipers?

Cheers gents.


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If the calipers are original then it will be early 90 pre-rationalised brakes. So either one of the following:

RTC3163 - non-hole type like this:


Or RTC5756, with the holes, like this:


Which one depends on axle number. The only difference is retention method, one has the metal spring plates under the pins, the other has springs that sit along the pins. Do your calipers have any part numbers on by any chance? The calipers for the first type (no holes) are RTC3380 RH and RTC3381 LH, and for the second type (holes and springs) they are RTC4998 and RTC4999. If you can find out what calipers are fitted (perhaps Google those part numbers and match with yours) that will tell you what your car should have fitted.

Or if you can find your axle number we can check against the parts book.

After rationalisation (1991) the pads got bigger as the calipers became the same as the 110 ones.

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Comparing caliper photos it seems I have RTC4998/9 as my bleed valve is next to the body clamp bolts and the piston bodies dont have the shape that looks like it follows the pistons.

So the pads I have in (with holes) are correct but I need a new pad retaining set as the springs are missing.

Would this explain why I sometimes get a 'clack' when I brake?

I've just discovered one rotor has bits missing out of the braking face, so I'll order a pad retaining set with the new rotors.

cheers guys.

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hmmm... well That will find out what I have on there now, but not 100% sure what I had on there before :P

Well I guess that's a start :) ..... maybe try the check Ian did further up this thread to work out what should be on there? Would be a shame if the paddocks bloke was right and you were about to die... what holds the non holey pads in anyway?

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