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Anyone know the ways of the DVLA?


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Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I was wondering if anybody on here is clued up on the workings of the wonderful DVLA?

I recently sent in my defenders V5 to notify them of three things:

1) Change of address

2) Change in seating capacity (from three to two)

3) change of engine & fuel type.

V5 was returned today with points 1 & 2 changed as requested but engine details remain the same. No accompanying letter, just still says it's a diesel dog.

Of course I've tried to call them but it was 17:02 so no bugger was there.

Anybody know why they wouldn't change the engine details but not explain why?

Can I MOT the 110 with the incorrect engine details? (I think I read a post on here that said I could but I can't find it now).

Bit miffed,


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Take it for the MOT - they will alter the the online details for your new engine. This won't alter the log book, but it might get the DVLA to contact you with reference to the new engine. While you're at the MOT station - get them to give you a headed reciept with the new engine number on. That way - if the DVLA contact you - you can send the reciept off with your V5 and it should all go smoothly.


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What Les said - 1st MOT after rebuild the MOT tester changed colour & engine capacity for me but never got an updated V5 and it doesn't seem to have stuck on their computer from what subsequent MOT testers have told me. Ho hum, when I get bored I'll engage in the battle of trying to make it all correct.

Been stopped by the cops several times, both UK & abroad, and no-one seemed to complain about it / notice.

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They did the same thing to menwhen I sent off to notify them of the change in capacity for my Series. Why they don't put a letter in with it is beyond me. You need to send them proof of the new engine, either a receipt for the engine or a letter from the garage that fitted it on headed paper. If you don't have either any friendly garage should be able to do you a letter confirming the new details. Once I had found that lot out it was an easy process.

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I had to postpone my trans-Africa trip by a month because of similar problems with the DVLA - had to update my change of engine from V8 to diesel on the logbook so details matched the carnet.

After weeks of waiting and getting to the point I could wait no longer, I went to the DVLA local office to see if they could help. My original request had still not surfaced in their system (after 2 months), but after giving one of the staff the new engine details, she tapped away on the keyboard, and -

surprise number one, said a new V5 would be with me in the next post!

Surprise number two, it arrived two days later!

Surprise number three - they had put the wrong engine number in! :angry2:

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First thing to accept is that the people working in the DVLA are box tickers and not mechanics. They have to go through a process to update your V5 with a new engine. All you need to do is provide written evidence to back up your actions which allow them to tick the boxes. Some hints

1. Use headed paper (they like that as it gives credibility to your request)

2. Make sure you give the engine number and the correct capacity for that engine as used on the V5C of the vehicle it was originally in. It is no use saying you fitted engine A123456 with a capacity of 2.5 litres if the original V5c of engine A123456 says it is 2499cc. This confuses them greatly....

3. If the engine you have fitted does not come from a vehicle you already have registered in your name thn make sure you include an invoice or copy (including engine number) from wherever you got the engine.

4. If you fitted the engine yourself then say so. But be sure to say it was fitted in a professionally equipped workshop by a competent mechanic to industry standards. If you are not happy to write this and stand by it then perhaps you should get someone else to fit the engine anyway!

If you simply send in the V5c and request a change for petrol 3.5 litres to diesel 2.5 litres and leave it at that, don't be surprised to get it back with requests for all sorts of extra info.

Colour change and seating capacity is quite simple in comparison.

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