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ok so it wasnt what i thought it was!

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Right so after thinking that the rhythmic noise when i free wheeled was a worn universal joint on the rear prop shaft i have today taken that to bits and installed the one i bought this morning. I took the car on a test drive and yep you guessed it.....no flipping change...still a rhythmic bumping noise when free wheeling.....

So after a bit of hanging out of windows and driving along with others in the front we now thingk it is from the front drive train. Ive checked the operation of he brakes and also driven round in circles incase it is a hub bearing to no avail.

Any guidance would be appreciated......

on the same note is it right that wnen i jack up one front wheel i can turn the raised wheel for full revolutions ...should the diff not stop this happening?

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on the same note is it right that wnen i jack up one front wheel i can turn the raised wheel for full revolutions ...should the diff not stop this happening?

The diff ALLOWS this to happen - that's what it's for. But put the gearbox into 3rd and turning the road wheel will turn the engine over. The wheel on the ground will not move.

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One thing I got told many years ago-by someone with a damn site more experience than me with Land Rovers, was to chock the wheels and take the handbrake off as this will free up your rear prop so that you can see if theres anything amiss when trying to check the props: ie movement on the UJ's or the sliding joints etc



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If your uj's have grease nipples I would be inclined to pack them both along with the nipple on the prop and see if it makes any difference at all. It's a cheap 5 minute test that could save you replacing the uj's and if they are the issue you will be able to drive and the noise will go for a while but it will return.

This is not a cure, just a highlight or elimination process that has worked for me in the past.

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right so i still think the next move is to cut my losses and replace the front prop uj's and see if that helps yer?

Take the prop off and check. There may be nothing wrong with it...Why buy a prop if the one you have is fine ?

Are you running drum handbrake ? Have you checked thew drum is nice and free with the H/ B off ?

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I have a couple of simple suggestions - before buying anything else, 1) make sure each hub turns nice and freely, ie a disc isn't catching as it turns, either on pads or shield, especially if you think it's once per wheel revolution. While jacked up before removing the wheel grab each wheel top and bottom and rock - there should barely perceptible movement 2) If you think it's from the front, take out the centre floor section under the cubby box and listen again (don't get near anything whizzing around) - you might get a better handle on its origin if the floor isn't in the way. Does it only happen on the overrun or does it happen all the time? Does it change or go when you apply the brakes? Nigel

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right ive been on my back again tonight with the hand brake off and out of gear, there is a slight play on the front prop shaft so im going to repalce the Universal joints.

Ive already had each wheel jacked up and checked for movement on the hubs, and checked all the disks are running freely / brakes pads not catching. The hand brake disk is also nice and free when off. The noise slows with the brakes but that i assumed is linked to the slowing of the wheels, but the sound doesnt go with application of the brakes. Others think that the sound is faster than one wheel revolution so it does point to the prop shafts again....

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Ah see what you mean, the prop shafts were fine initially and have been marked to make sure that they remain in the same alignment. i've done the universal joints on the front prop shaft tonight and did finds some wear on the old UJ's, but in time honoured traditioni when everything was back together the noise was still there....so its Durham 4x4 for me on saturday i think...

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