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Bristol & West Land Rover Show 2012


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Well I will be there all weekend doing the passenger rides around the off road course for those who don't want to take their own vehicles round. Come and say hi and tell me what I'm doing wrong!

Anyone who is bringing their family along for the weekend might be interested to know that the Circus is also on site that weekend if your in to that sort of thing.


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Not long to go now! Van is packed (almost) and I've just got back from Tescos buying beer & burgers for the weekend!

Nick & I are going to set off around 4 to get there for 7pm hopefully, traffic willing.

I'm really looking forward to the show. X-Eng will have examples of all the new securtty products for 'show & tell' if not actually for sale if you want to come for a look - and hopefully a stock of the X-Trouser for sale if the parts arrive on a courier tomorrow (fingers crossed!) over 200 of them have been ordered in advance - but the first ones will go to the show!

If any of you want to come for a chat (and beer) in the evening while it's quiet - we are camping on site (mental note to remember to bring tent this time!) and you will be very welcome.

It makes a nice change for the entry price not to be a rip-off and the prices for traders to be reasonable. Hopefully this will translate into a better chance of discounts for customers. I'm always up for haggling! For me as both a customer and trader it's the whole point of shows!


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Unfortunately I couldn't go and had to head to london this weekend. However, on my way back to the West Country coming down the A30/303 I did get to play spot the LR4x4 members coming the other way!

I'm pretty sure that I saw Jason and his shiny trailer, couldnt wave at the time though as I was boxed in my two prats who were determined I would go into the back of the van in front of me.

Didn't immediately recognise anyone else? (I was in a red 90 with a Howling Moon roof tent). Saw a nice blue 100 inch with a matching trailer as well, anyone on here?

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Yup that was me, I did see you and wave but wasn't sure who it was.

It was a great weekend, the weather was not to bad although the rain came down last by Chris's (GBMUD) rain gauge on the front of his Defender we had about 20mm of rain and the wind got up but we just chucked more wood on the stove.

The show was not that busy and was a little thin on the ground with traders, but I got a few bits well stuff I needed and had the chance to fit my X-Trouser (video to follow!!)

The ground was saturated and got muddy but not too muddy as most people stuck to the paths, the thing that surprised me again was the cleanness of the toilets/showers a credit to the organisers.

The show is a great price at £35 for 3 adults weekend camping, and I hope that it happens again next year and more people (traders & Visitors) support it as it's a great addition to the calender.


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Went both days (close enough to be able to travel from home) and enjoyed looking at the vehicles on show, monster trucks were great bits of engineering. Spent money on a winch (ouch), and a pair of X-Trouser fittings and went on the 4x4 course as a passenger absolutely loved it and can't wait to have a go myself.

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Unfortunately I couldn't make it either due to family commitments...I did also spot a few trailers heading down the M4 on sat AM loaded with challenge vehicles, but maybe on their way to another event?

By the way, you lot do realise that, locally, 'Shepton Mallet' is pronounced to rhyme with 'Ballet'? ;)

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I had a great weekend. It was different to most of the magazine organised shows as I think it attracted a slightly different mix of people and was as much a social gathering as a shopping expedition for most people. I got to talk to lots of people - including being introduced to Neal from Red Winches, who I got on with immediately! He is a great chap, very clever as an engineer and best of all, it s fan of Solidworks CAD! I hope we will be able to colaborate on something or other in the future!

Thanks to Mo, Paul, Chris & Nick for helping X-Eng for the weekend. I hope you had as good a time as me. We camped with Jason G4110 - who extended his hospitality - and awning to keep us dry. I enjoyed talking to him and appreciated some honest product feedback.

I bought a set of the Defender Demisters which hopefully I'll fit tomorrow and post my feedback on them. I like the design of them and if they do what it says on the tin - should be great! I enjoyed chatting to the chap who designed and makes them - another clever chap with a different skill set to me! We spent half an hour throwing ideas at one another and hopefully one or two of them might turn into some cool products for him!

100% I'll sign up for next year!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought a set of the Defender Demisters which hopefully I'll fit tomorrow and post my feedback on them. I like the design of them and if they do what it says on the tin - should be great! I enjoyed chatting to the chap who designed and makes them - another clever chap with a different skill set to me! We spent half an hour throwing ideas at one another and hopefully one or two of them might turn into some cool products for him!


Si, How did you get on with the Demisters?


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I'm pretty impressed - and demisted!

They definitely work. They don't blow a gale on the side windows, but there is enough air flow that the windows demist and stay clear. The most impressive thing is actually the improved air distribution on the windscreen.

Previously the demisters only really cleared the bottom of the screen - and eventually once the cab was warm, the top. Now they clear a slightly narrower strip, but top to bottom fairly evenly.

Being fairly tall, I tend to look through the top of the screen so this is a big plus for me!

Although £85 seems a lot of money - I'm pleased I bought them and think they represent pretty good value. They are nicely made and knowing the tooling costs for injection moulding - they are going to have to sell quite a lot even at that to make their money back.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy them for future Defenders.


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I had a great weekend. It was different to most of the magazine organised shows as I think it attracted a slightly different mix of people and was as much a social gathering as a shopping expedition for most people. I got to talk to lots of people - including being introduced to Neal from Red Winches, who I got on with immediately! He is a great chap, very clever as an engineer and best of all, it s fan of Solidworks CAD! I hope we will be able to colaborate on something or other in the future!

When we were talking about him at Piccadilly Wood I knew you two would get on :-)

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