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Help! Me Bonnet Release Cable has broken & I need to get in&#3

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No it's not rocker science.

Are you one of those people that leave stuff on peoples front door steps advertising the house is empty.

Yes I think you are and you have as I say let everybody know hw to enter the engine bay of a Defender.

A very sensable idea NOT

I'm NOT your mate. I have a name. Of coures that's rocket science for you to use that.

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Steady Mike, you need take it easy at your age! :P

Scube, you must surely see that Mike has a point? The OP has an answer and no potential thief has had a new target - things other than the whole Landrover are taken too.


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Thanks for the advice and I did not want to start any arguements. I am toldf that a lot of TD5 Defenders have been stolen, by accessing in the nearside headlamp. A local Bobby told me the best thing to do is to put a set of headlamps guards on secured with nylock nuts - of course this was in the days when I owned a TD5 and not a rusting 200Tdi with a bonnet that won't open! That said I beleieve the best form of defence is the locks that fit around the pedals as they are dead simple and incredibly hard to defeat in a covert way i.e. try to nick your Landy.

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Well done. Now evry scrote that didn't know how knows how.

Why do you think I sent a PM ?

In all fairness there is the other thread on here where we all were discussing vulnerable areas of defenders, we didn't actually mention the bonnet on that thread. I for one think it's a shame that the bonnet lock is no longer available, it might not be a great lock but certainly would take longer to get around than the standard release.

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