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Another Welder Question


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Hi guys, A friend has offered me a Murex Tradesmig Challenger 186c in good condition for a good price.

Does anyone know the value of this new and secondhand?

I just wondered how good a welder it was compared to a similar miller or migatronic, all of which I would be buying secondhand.

The other option for my £500 budget is a new sealey mightymig 190, would this be a better buy or not?

It will be welding anything from car bodywork to rollcages and winch trays so needs to be fairly powerful but work off singlephase.

Thanks in advance, Harry

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The Murex will be a better machine, repairable if it breaks. Compared to a Sealey machine new at £500.

In terms of price, the 186c is probably selling on ebay for between £200 and £350, depending on condition.

These are my opinions.

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Have you looked at a Portamig? Not in the same league as a Murex really, in terms of 'industrial reputation' but very good machines, and you could buy new for around your budget.

Certainly, the Portamig will be better than a Sealey.

The voltage('power') switch range is a particular benefit on the portamigs, with 12 settings, covering the entire range pretty well. Much more flexible than the 6-setting machines.


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Thanks for all the advice chaps, I shall try and get the murex for a good price but failing that portamig seem to have a very good reputation on the internet as do oxford so they will be the next ports of call.


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