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Pick up roof removal

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I am wanting to remove my pickup top and install a full roof and sides.

Everything I read seems like its fairly simple, however.

I was just told by a LR guy that to remove the pickup top I will have to cut it off????

Surely this is not correct, everything I have read says that it all just unbolts.

Please help.

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Purely bolts, cut off my arse, does he know how a 90's built? There should be a row of bolts across the top of the screen, bolts with rubber washers and a row of bolts across the bottom of the rear section. allow at least an hour if its not been off for a while! Make sure you've got new body seals before you start, and stick them in with RTV. I'd get a full new set of fixing bolts for it too. Make sure you've got seatbelt top fixings too.

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'lr guys' eh? don't you just love em...

...OT, but here goes... a mate bought a 300tdi commercial disco from a guy, he thought somthing was amis at the bottom end. €300. result. sounded like the timing was out after his cousin replaced the head to me.

rocker cover off reveals bent push rod and big gaps between valves and rocker arms. strange. maybe he should have put the valve caps back in during reassembly?

called the seller to tell him his cousin needed a kicking. 'oh,' say's he.

he rang back later to confirm that there never were any valve caps, and the 'lr guy' he bought it from, a friend of his no less, had run it for 40,000 miles. with no valve caps with no problem....

now, by my count, that makes, er, oh. 0 'lr guys'. but one happy mate, with a cheap legal disco!

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'lr guys' eh? don't you just love em...

...OT, but here goes... a mate bought a 300tdi commercial disco from a guy, he thought somthing was amis at the bottom end. €300. result. sounded like the timing was out after his cousin replaced the head to me.

rocker cover off reveals bent push rod and big gaps between valves and rocker arms. strange. maybe he should have put the valve caps back in during reassembly?

called the seller to tell him his cousin needed a kicking. 'oh,' say's he.

he rang back later to confirm that there never were any valve caps, and the 'lr guy' he bought it from, a friend of his no less, had run it for 40,000 miles. with no valve caps with no problem....

now, by my count, that makes, er, oh. 0 'lr guys'. but one happy mate, with a cheap legal disco!

Wow, I love to hear about things like this makes me glad I do all of the work to my truck myself

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